Fitting, Parameter optimization and Error estimation

Fitting data: self.Fit_Global()

One of the main functions of this program is to perform Global analysis of one or multiple datasets. The fitting function is in its current implementation embedded in the TA object and uses the parameter control options of an lmfit parameter object as an essential tool. (my thanks to Matthew Newville and colleagues for creating this phantastic tool) [M. Newville, T. Stensitzki, D. B. Allen, A. Ingargiola, 2014. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.11813.]. To excecute an Optimization/Fit these essential steps have to be followed (assuming that “ta” is your object):


you have to define a model by setting ta.mod=”internal model name” for one of the internal models, of by setting ta.mod=external_function to an external function. For the internal models three standards are implemented: “exponential”, “consecutive” and “full_consecutive”. (see below). The external function will receive a vector named “times” and parameter pandas.DataFrame named “pardf”. It is expected to return a DataFrame with the times as index and in the columns an expression of the relative concentrations. The external function can reload whatever data is desired. The names of the columns are used in all plots and reports. (see below a description of the example functions defined in “” and “”)


For handling of Parameters I am using the lmfit Parameter objects to have a flexible and fast Parameter handling toolset. The general steps are: create a Parameter object (or use an existing parameter object) set starting values and (optional) limits, relative expressions and vary = True (if the parameter is to be optimised) (see below for more details

Trigger the fitting

To trigger the fitting the function ta.Fit_Global() is called. The fitting function will display its results on the screen and write them into the TA object. first it will create an parameter object ta.par_fit that contains the optimum parameter and can be used later, second it writes the result dictionary In this dictionary it adds a number of results and parameters that are useful (see below for further details) A number of error catching routines are build in the fitting software. However it does sometimes (rare) come to crashes. Then please adjust the parameter and or read the error message. Important to notice is that this is a refinement of parameter using an algorithm. Limiting the region where parameter can be and choosing good starting values is essential to obtain reliable results. (see below)

The general Modelling/Fitting process happens with the same approach for internal models as well as for externally provided functions. Other fitting processes like the optimization of the arrival time correction are discussed further down in this document.

  1. First a copy of the Data-Matrix ta.ds is created with the shaping parameters

  2. Then a Matrix is created that represents the fractional population of each species (or process in case of the paral model). This Matrix contains one entry for each timepoint and represents the kinetic model based upon the starting parameter. (see below for a description of the models). This model formation can by done by using a build in or a user supplied function. (handled in the function “pf.build_c”)

  3. Then the process/species associated spectra for each of the species is calculated using the linalg.lstsq algorithm from numpy (

  4. From the convoluted calculated species concentrations and spectra a calculated matrix is formed (handled in the function “pf.fill_int”)

  5. The difference between calculated and measured spectra is calculated, point-wise squared and summed together. (function “err_func”)

  6. This difference is minimized by iterating 2-4 with changing parameters using an optimization algorithm (generally nelder-mead simplex)

  7. Finally in a last run of 2-5 the final spectra are calculated (using the “final” flag) and the optimized parameter, the matrixes (“A”-measured, “AC” - calculated, “AE” - linear error), spectra (always called DAS) the concentrations (called “c”) are written in the dictionary “” together with a few representations and other fit outputs. The optimized parameter are also written into ta.par_fit (as an parameter object) that can be re-used as input into further optimization steps.

The choice to use lmfit parameters allows the flexible handling of constraints and freezing/releasing of parameter. (see below). Additional fitting options include the fitting of the parameter of the arrival time correction, the use of advanced optimization algorithms, and the possibility to fit multiple datasets together.

Description of models

internal kinetic models

The internal kinetic models are created to be highly flexible. The program recognizes all parameter that are “rates” by recognizing the names with “k” followed by one or multiple digits. The program starts at “k0” and then uses “k1”,”k2”,… in an un-interrupted series. If one key is missing the program stops searching for more. However that offers the fast and easy possibility to add additional components to the fit by adding new parameters with an increasing number. All rates are to be given as rates and are assumed to be in the same units as is the measured matrix. So if the measured data is in picoseconds, the rates are in \(ps^-1\). See section Data shaping settings that affect the fits for more information.

A number of extra parameter can be used to change some of the models. to use them add an empty parameter with this name to the fit:

‘background’ if this keyword is present a flat constant background is created (=1 over the whole time) ‘infinite’ if this keyword is present a new non decaying component is formed with the last decay time. ‘explicit_GS’ if this keyword is present thenthe ground state (including the bleach) will be added as a explicit component

ta.mod=”exponential” In this model the data is represented by independent exponential decays. For each component the a symmetric response function is formed (error function) using the the parameter “resolution” as characteristic width (corresponding to 2 x \(\sigma\)) with with “t0” as the point of 50\(\%\) rise from 0. At the time 1 x resolution the signal is 97.8\(\%\). This rise is convoluted with an exponential decay function per given decay constant. The integral signal of the error function is 1, to which all the decays are set (assuming that they do not decay faster than 2x resolution) The extracted Spectra are commonly called decay associated spectra (DAS). Their relative intensity is corresponding with the exponential pre-factors for single exponential fits to the data (for each wavelength). Additional parameter that can be set are “background” (assuming a species that is constantly “1”) and “infinite” a species that is rising with the response function and then constant “1”.

ta.mod=”consecutive” This fit assumes a model of consecutive exponential decays. A response function with “t0” = 50\(\%\) rise is formed that rises symmetric to \(2\sigma \approx 98\%\) (of 1) at 1 x the parameter “resolution” followed by A->B->C consecutive decay. This particular model uses a preudo approach to this fit to speed up the calculations. The parameter are optimised by modelling an “exponential” model (see above) followed by a single step of a “true consecutive” decay (see below). This approach is quite representative unless there are fast components of the order of the response function involved in the process and the different processes are clearly separated (each rate one of magnitude separated). Additional parameter that can be set are “background” (assuming a species that is constantly “1”) and “infinite” a species that is with the last decay constant to a constant “1” and not decaying.

ta.mod=”full_consecutive” This fit assumes a model of consecutive exponential decays. A response function with “t0” = 50\(\%\) rise is formed that rises to \(2\sigma \approx 98\%\) (of 1), at 1x the parameter “resolution” followed by A->B->C consecutive decay. This model is formed by a stepwise integrated differential equation and represents the “true” sequential model. The “rise” is simulated by sampleing a true gaussian function and adding the appropiate fraction to the excited state. Arbitrary pulse/response shapes can be sampled in the advanced functions. Additional parameter that can be set are “background” (assuming a species that is constantly “1”) and “infinite” a species that is with the last decay constant to a constant “1” and not decaying.

external kinetic models as defined in example file “”

External model functions can be written and used to create the matrix of populations. The external function will receive a vector named “times” and a pandas.DataFrame with the columne “value” named “pardf”. It is expected to return a DataFrame with the times as index and in the columns the an expression of the relative concentrations. The parameters have a name and a float value. The external function can however load whatever other data is required. We have for example modelled spectro-electro-chemistry data by reading the current from cyclic voltametry and using the value to extract a number representing the concentration of a certain species. An important feature of external functions are that columns in the DataFrame can be labeled with names. These names will be used in the plots and significantly improve the work with complex models. The parameter that are given to the functions can be name arbitrarily but must match:

[a-z_][a-z 0-9_]*

meaning, it must start with a letter and can only contain (small) letters, numbers and “_”. Important is that in order allow for some of the parameter settings (see section :ref:’Setting of Fit parameter’) if the first letter is a “k” and the second string is a number the parameter will be interpreted as a rate. (recognition is done by:

bool(re.match(re.compile(’[k]'̣), parameter_name[:2])

In the file “” we provide a number of useful example functions that show how to model a variety of different cases. In general there is no restriction to what type of function can be modelled here, but all these examples are based upon transient absorptions spectroscopy. In these examples we model the instrument response by a gaussian pulse. In general, any pulse shape could be loaded from an external file. In these examples we sample the differential change of a concentration by writing the differential for the dynamics. The excitation is then represented by sampling the gaussian pulse and “raising” a certain fraction of the molecules into the excited state. As the gaussian used here is normalized to have the integral of “1”, the total initial concentration is “1” and the numbers in this matrix representative with a “fractional population”. Each step in the code is documented and the code can be adapted easily to a wide variety of problems. The example functions provided are

  • manual_consecutative An example how a stepwise consecutative decay would look like.

  • Square_dependence An example in which the pumping “pulse” is scaled by a parameter and a non linear decay is included (e.g. recombination)

  • gaussian_distribution A model where a substance is excited into a state, followed by a linear decays step into a state that decays with a distribution of rates (here assumed gaussian) into a final, non decaying state. These type of complex decays are often observed in protein folding

In the file “” the user can find 16 of the most used functions. For their useage refer to the pdf: “Standard_function_library_image.pdf” to choose the function. Each function has a unique name of type “P21” and is then used as described below.

Usage of external functions: To use an external function, this function needs to be handed to ta.mod. For an external function this means that it has to be imported, and then handed to ta.mod. In the example below we import an external module (the file “”) as “func” and then use from this external module the function “Square_dependence”. All the models are extensively documented in the function library. These functions can load any external file with additional information. It is highly recommended to use the versatile parameter setting (see below) to adjust models. E.g. can a certain kinetic pathway be disabled by setting its rate to “0” and using the option “vary=False” to lock it. (see below in the parameter section).

It is highly recommended to use the docstring (description) directly below the definition of the model to describe what it does. This string is stored with ta.Save_Project and should be sufficient to identify the model. Also if all the species are labeled (label the columns of the returning DataFrame) These names are used throughout the plotting functions. (please see examples for more explanation)

Remark: Importing an external function happens in python only if it has not already been imported. So if the fitting function is adapted, either the whole notebook/console needs to be restart, or (better) the function should be reloaded. I recommend to use the function “reload” from the “importlib” for this purpose (see the example below) This should happen before the function is handed to ta.mod (as shown in the workflow notebook).

Setting of Fit parameter

The fit parameter are a crucial point for achieving meaningful results from an optimization. In general three different types need to be chosen, first the model (see ) then if the rate parameter (necessarily call k0, k1, k2, ..) will be handed into the fitting function as they are or in log space. (ta.log_fit) and finally the parameter themselves. The log_fit option can be important as it brings widely separated rats into the very similar numerical range, simplifying the function of the simplex optimizer. In this program all rates are limited to be above 0 independent if they are handled linearly or in log. This happens in the begin of the fit function, here all “rates” are identified that have the name “ki” with i =0-99 and then their lower limit is set to zero (unless they have already a lower limit >0).

KiMoPack also uses parameters without values to give specific instructions to the model building and fitting routine. Currently implemented are names like background that adds a new background state to be fitted for all timepoints infinite that lets the final state be different from the original and explicit_GS, which adds the ground state bleach as an explicit component.

The parameter are handled as a lmfit Parameter object. Inside the fitting function this object is converted into a pandas Dataframe that is handed to the function generating the time dependent “concentrations”.

  • initialize The lmfit parameter object needs to be initialized with “ta.par=lmfit.Parameters()”. In the fitting function I convert the parameter object into a DataFrame and back on several places. A function par_to_pardf and pardf_to_par does this conversion. All the parameter set are available through the ta.par object and can thus be given to other fits. After the fit there is a new object calles ta.par_fit that contains the optimized fit results. So if you would like to re-use the old results ta.par=ta.par_fit accomplishes this.

  • add parameter Each parameter must have a name from:


    (starting with a letter and then letters and stars and “_”). In the included models (see :ref:’Description of models’) parameters like “background” and “infinite” trigger the inclusion of e.g. the background or a non decaying component. Other parameters should be initiated with a value that has to be of type float (number). Important to not is that the code automatically recognizes parameter that have the name “ki” with i and element of 0-99 as a rate. These rates are brought in and out of logspace with the switch “log_fit”. All other names can be freely chosen. I highly recommend to do this for the sake of structure. e.g. a “threshold” could be named as such

  • add or set New parameter are “added” to the parameter object. Existing parameter can be “set” to a certain value. If Set is used any of the additional/optional things can be set alone.

  • limits min and max Optional is the settings of limits (min and max). If a limit is set the parameter will stay within the limit, even if a starting value outside the limit is given! Important to note is that after each optimization that included limits the results should be checked if the limits were reached. (the printed output states the limits). Limits are very important for the more advanced optimizers like AMPGO (see section :ref:trigger-the-fit. The parameter tunneling uses these limits as guidelines.

  • Vary=True/False Very useful is the option “vary=True/False”. This switch freezes the parameter, or allows it to be optimized by the algorithm. In the progress of an analysis one often freezes a parameter to develop a stable model and releases this parameter later. Particular the parameter “t0” which is in my models the starting point and “resolution”, which is in my models the instrument response function are parameter that are often frozen in the beginning. Fitting with them enabled significantly extends the duration for finding a stable fit. Often I first plot the function with the starting parameter, temporarily setting all parameter to vary=False with the trick below, to then step by step enable the optimization, while the starting parameter are adapted.

  • expr An advanced option is the setting of expressions. This are relations to other parameter. e.g. expr=’k0’ sets the value of the current parameter always the same as “k0”. The values are always given as string so expr=’1-k0’ sets the value to 1 - the value of “k0”. Please see the documentation of lmfit for further details

Very useful trick to set temporarily set all parameter to vary=False to test e.g. starting conditions and then enable the optimization of a single parameter. As here the “set” is used, the parameter can be initially added with a different value. (see workflow notebook for further examples).

storing of fit results

  • ta.par always contains the initial fit parameter (parameter object)

  • ta.par_fit contains the fit results and can be directly re-used with ta.par=ta.par_fit (parameter object)

  •[’fit_results_rates’] contains the fit results in a neatly formated DataFrame in the form of rates

  •[’fit_results_times’] contains the fit results in a neatly formated DataFrame in the form of decay times (1/rates)

  •[’fit_output’] Is the results oject of the fit routine. It can be called and then shows details like number of iterations, chi\(^2\), fit conditions and a lot more. This object is stored after a fit but is NOT saved by ta.Save_Project!

Trigger the Fit

The Fitting process is triggered by calling the function “Fit_Global”. if the parameter were set as part of the object that contains this Fit (as is usually the case with ta.par), than just calling the function without any other parameters is a good choice. Internally the Fit function is making a copy of the parameter and shapes the data, then it optimized single or multiple datasets. As standard it uses the Nelder Mead Simplex algorithm to minimize the error values defined by the function pf.err_func and pf.err_func_multi. Currently the maximum iterations are hard-coded to be max 10000. I have not needed more than 1000 for any well defined problem. The optimizer can be changes to “Ampgo” that offers an advanced “tunneling” algorithm for checking for global minima. Important for this to work properly all optimizing parameter need “min” and “max” definitions. Parameter can additionally be given via the parameter and module input at this stage, but in general it is better to define them as part of the ta object. The pf.err_func and pf.err_func_multi recognise if an internal or an external fitting model is to be used by checking if “ta.mod” (or the here given “mod”) are strings or something else (in which case it assumes it is an external function). Additional modules from can be easily implemented.

See section external kinetic models as defined in example file “” for examples how to define those. The fitting process is in all cases the same. Advanced options include the use of fit_chirp that runs multiple iterations of chirp fitting and global fitting iterative (to a maximum of fit_chirp_iterations), or the multi_project module (see below). In general the dump_paras can be used to write into the working directory a file with the current fitting parameter and the optimum achieved fitting parameter. This is intended for long and slow optimizations to keep a record of the fits even if the fitting process did not finish.


Fitting multiple measured files at once

To fit multiple projects the fit function needs to get a number of projects. These can of course be opened with a hand written loop. A cleaner way is to either use the Gui function to open a list of files. Opening multiple files As each file needs a chirp correction and these things I recommend to use saved projects (hdf5 files) for this purpose. Please see the function documentation for further details. In general this function is fitting each of the projects separately, but using the same parameter. This means that in general a new (different) DAS is calculated for each of the measurements.:

# Global fitting with multiple files, using a unique parameter (that differs for the models)::

ta.Fit_Global(multi_project = ta_list, unique_parameter = ‘pump_power’) ta.Fit_Global(multi_project = ta_list, unique_parameter = ‘pump_power’, weights = [1/power1,1/power2])

To work with the same DAS for the measured and calculated matrices need to be concatenated before the fitting. This is now implemented and one simply needs to use the switch same_DAS=True:


If you work with the same_DAS=True

In the new version the results of the other datasets are layed into the variable ta.multi_projects (assuming that self=ta) with the current result on position 0 that means: = ta.multi_projects[1]

plots the other second project: = ta.multi_projects[0]

returns the current results into the usual storage

If you work with the same_DAS=False

then you unfortunately have to calculate the DAS new for each of the different fits. But as the ta.par_fit contains the fits results this is not very difficult and can be done with this code snippet. We assume “project_list” is a list of projects and unique_parameter is a list of unique parameters.:

for ta_local in projects_list:
                for key in unique_parameter:
        for key in ta_local.par.keys():

Error Estimation

Estimating errors correctly is based on estimating the validity of the full set of optimized parameter for this we use the F-statistics of the single or combined datasets to define a cutoff value. At the cutoff value the combined Chi^2 is so much larger than the minimum Chi^2 that this can not be explained statistically anymore. Practically this corresponds to making the “Null hypothesis” that all parameters are zero and if the difference of Chi^2 is statistically significant, the coefficients improve the fit

the f-statistics compares the number of

“fitted parameter”=number of species*number of spectral points + number of kinetic parameter “free points”=number of datasets*number of spectral points*number of time points - fitted parameter

within the target quality, meaning, what fraction do my variances need to have, so that I’m 100% * target_quality sure that they are different from zero This is done in the function plot_func.s2_vs_smin2(). In this function we use the scipy function

“f_stat”=scipy.stats.f.ppf(q = target_quality, dfn = fitted_parameter, dfd = Free_points) to calculate a scaling factor:


The minimum chi^2 multiplied with this scaling factor gives the targeted cutoff at the desired confidence level:


For each (varied) parameter a separate optimization is performed, that attempts to find the upper and lower bound at which the total error of the re-optimized globally fitted results reaches the by F-statistics defined confidence bound. Careful, this option might run for very long time. Meaning that it typically takes 50 optimization per variable parameter (hard coded limit 200) The confidence level is to be understood that it defines the e.g. 0.65 * 100% area that the parameter with this set of values is within this bounds.

Iterative Fitting

as the fit results are written into the parameter ta.par_fit the fit can be very conveniently triggered in an iterative fashion. This is particularly useful for refining the chirp. The initially achieved optimal kinetic parameters are used as starting parameter for each global fit after the chirp optimization. e.g. a 5 times iterative improvement can be achieved with:

for i in range(5):['error']
        if not['error'] < start_error:break

Species Spectral Development

A small but often useful function is pf.Species_Spectra() It takes either a TA-Object or a concentration and spectral DataFrame and combines the concentration with the species associated spectrum. This leads to the matrix that is contributed by this specific species. As the concentration and the spectrum are combined, this represents the indeed measured signal. Here the ds-parameter of the Plot_RAW function offers a useful combination. assuming that we fitted: species 0,1,2, (or more) then:

#extract the spectra
#plot the measured spectrum and substract the
#contribution of "1" and "2"

Ending the Fit

From version 7.2 onwards we locally import he keyboard module. This modules catches if you press q (for a while) and interrupts the fit. In this case the parameters that are in the project are still the starting parameter! otherwise the fit ends when one of the following conditions are met:

df < tol or the tolerance value that is handed to the optimizer (absolute) for nelder-mead with the name fatol number_of_function_evaluations < maxfev (default 200 * n variables) number_of_iterations < maxiter (default 200 * n variables)

External Spectra and Guidance Spectra

While the species development can be used to generate a spectra development that is then substracted from the matrix, the option ext_spectra that is available in the Fit_Global can be used to assign a specific spectrum to a species. The ext_spectra needs to be a pandas dataframe with the wavelength (or energy) as index and the name of species that is suppose to be replaced by the provided spectrum as column name. If the parameter set contains a parameter “ext_spectra_shift” this external spectrum will be moved by that parameter. As this is an external parameter, this can be optimized the usual way. Similarly the parameter “ext_spectra_scale” is multiplied to all spectra given. The parameter ‘explicit_GS’ is a keyword that if present adds the ground state (including the bleach) an explicit component. If a parameter with name ext_spectra_guide is present the external spectra will not be used as absolute spectra but as guides. This means that the spectra is substracted. Then during the spectral fitting phase (in the function fill_int) a new spectra is fitted that is then the difference that is “missing” the returned DAC is then the sum of the two spectra and the “real spectrum”. This is very useful as it allows to e.g. provide the ground state spectrum without making it exclusive, meaning not all features need to be present. The inclusion of this feature was inspired by Glotaran, but implemented in my own way. I recommend to check the documentation to e.g. err_func for more details.