Data Export and Project Saving


Save Plots self.Save_Plots()

Convenience function that calls both “Plot_RAW” and if possible “Plot_fit_output” and saves the plots. Effectively this is intented to be used at the end of a quick exploratory work to capture a status. The parameter are indentical to the two plotting functions and are handed through.


Save Plots as Powerpoint self.Save_Powerpoint()

Convenience function that calls both “Plot_RAW” and if possible “Plot_fit_output” and saves the plots as “png”.

Then it creates a power point file with one slide for the RAW plots and one slide for the Fits. Effectively this is intented to be used at the end of the a quick exploratory work to capture a status and create a quick presention slide. The parameter are intentical to the plotting functions and are handed through. The additional switches save_RAW and save_Fit are convenience to allow for faster processing.

If the “savetype” contains ‘png’, ‘svg’, or ‘pdf’ then a summary file is created that looks close to the powerpoint file.

Saving of the project

Save Project as hdf5 self.Save_project()

This software allows the saving of the TA project as a HDF5 file that can be reloaded. The HDF5 file contains all the set parameter as well as the fit results (if applicable) and the raw data. To reduce the space consumption we save ta.ds_ori and the parameter that are used to create ta.ds. If manual changes were made to ta.ds, these have to be stored externally. As only the obvious errors are filtered in ta.Filter_data this is can savely replace the original data File. We are also saving the arrival-time (chirp) correction in the file and restore the chirp corrected data ta.ds during the import. The import function understands the file type and re-creates the object.

The one limitation to this method is the external fit function. If an external ta.mod is used, the save function stores the name and the documentation string of this function as a string. So after reloading of the analysis object the external function will have to be set with ta.mod=imported_function. The parameter of the fit are however stored. Only the filename and the path of the file can be changed during saving of the project. If left empty the path and filename of the original ASCII file is used.

Save ASCII data

Save/export data as ascii/text self.Save_data()

This is a convenient function to export the data for use with other plotting programs, the chirp corrected data, all the slices defined by ta.rel_wave and ta.rel_time for both the fits and a the RAW data. The external options include: save_RAW,save_Fit while there is an automatic that recognizes if for example fit data is present, this switch allows the manual selection which datasets are stored. save_slices selected if the slices defined by ta.rel_wave and ta.rel_time are saved save_binned this switch chooses if the chirp corrected and rebinned dataset (ta.ds with ta.wavelength_nm_bin) is saved. If the ta.wavelength_nm_bin is None, this saves the chirp corrected RAW data. filename sets the basis filename that is used for all the files path this can be a full path or a simple string, defining a folder relative to the folder in ta.path. If the folder does not exist, it will be created, if it exists a file with exactly the same name will be overwritten without confirmation sep defines the separator user to separate different values. Standard is a “TAP”. A good choice would also be a space or a comma, unless you are located in one of the countries that uses commas for decimal points. Decimals will be separated with “dots”.

This function by default also dumps a text file with the fit results