Source code for plot_func

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
version = "7.4.13"
Copyright = '@Jens Uhlig'
if 1: #Hide imports	
	import os
	from os import walk
	import sys
	import pandas
	import numpy as np
	from numpy import power, log10, shape
	import numbers
	import matplotlib
	import matplotlib.colors as colors
	import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
	import as cm
	import matplotlib.image as mpimg
	from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
	from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter
	from matplotlib.colors import BoundaryNorm,Normalize,SymLogNorm
	from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
	from matplotlib.ticker import MaxNLocator,LinearLocator
	from matplotlib.offsetbox import AnchoredText	
	from matplotlib.ticker import AutoMinorLocator
	from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
	from matplotlib import transforms
	import re
	import scipy
	import scipy.constants
	import scipy.interpolate as inp
	from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
	from scipy.signal import decimate
	from scipy.special import erf
	from scipy.optimize import minimize
	from scipy.stats import binned_statistic
	import scipy.stats	
	import pathlib
	from pathlib import Path
	from tkinter import filedialog
	import tkinter
	import time as tm #sorry i use time in my code
	import lmfit
	import h5py
		import keyboard
		print('the keyboard module was not imported. on Windows this allows to stop the fit by pressing q/n you can install it with "pip install keyboard" ')
		import PyQt5
		print('Qt was found consider switching to qt mode with %matplotlib qt (more comfortable)')
			import PyQt4
			print('Qt was found consider switching to qt mode with %matplotlib qt (more comfortable)')
				import qt
				print('Qt was found consider switching to qt mode with %matplotlib qt (more comfortable)')
				print('Qt was not found')
		from pptx import Presentation
		from pptx.util import Inches
		print('We need python-pptx to create a powerpoint file. Not essential. Either use pip or for anaconda: conda install -c conda-forge python-pptx')
		import urllib3
		import shutil
		print('We need the packages urllib3 and shutil to download files from the web') 
	pandas.options.mode.chained_assignment = None  # I use this a lot and think I can ignore it
	FWHM = 2.35482
	shading = 'auto'  # gouraud
	standard_map = cm.jet
print('Plot_func version %s\nwas imported from path:\n %s' % (version, os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))))
print('The current working folder is:\n %s' % os.getcwd())

#use this to trigger a real error for DeprecationWarnings
#np.warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=np.VisibleDeprecationWarning)                  

def download_notebooks():
	'''function loads the workflow notebooks into the active folder'''
	http = urllib3.PoolManager()
	print('Now downloading the workflow tools')
	for f in list_of_tools:
		url = ""%f
		print('Downloading Workflow Tools/%s'%f)
		with open(check_folder(path = 'Workflow_tools', current_path = os.getcwd(), filename = f), 'wb') as out:
			r = http.request('GET', url, preload_content=False)
			shutil.copyfileobj(r, out)
def download_all():
	''' function loads workflow notebooks and example files and tutorials'''
	http = urllib3.PoolManager()
	print('Now downloading the workflow tools and tutorials')
	print('Now downloading the example files')
	for f in list_of_example_data:
		url = ""%f
		print('Downloading Workflow Tools/Data/%s'%f)
		with open(check_folder(path = 'Workflow_tools'+os.sep+'Data', current_path = os.getcwd(), filename = f), 'wb') as out:
			r = http.request('GET', url, preload_content=False)
			shutil.copyfileobj(r, out)
	print('Now downloading zipfile with tutorials')
	url = ""
	with open(check_folder(path = 'Tutorials', current_path = os.getcwd(), filename = ""), 'wb') as out:
		r = http.request('GET', url, preload_content=False)
		shutil.copyfileobj(r, out)

[docs]def changefonts(weight='bold', font='standard', SMALL_SIZE=11, MEDIUM_SIZE=13, LARGE_SIZE=18): ''' Small function that sets the matplotlib font sizes and fonts, written as conveniens to not need to remember all the codes and what is names what. Calling the function will change the matplotlib *rc* settings Parameters ------------ weight : str, optional 'bold' or 'normal' font : str, optional this is a meta switch that changes the family. known are: 'standard'='DejaVu Sans'\n 'arial'='Arial'\n 'helvetica'= 'Helvetica'\n 'garamond'='Garamond'\n 'verdana'='Verdana'\n 'bookman'='Bookman'\n 'times'='Times New Roman' SMALL_SIZE : int, optional (DEFAULT = 11)\n all written text, legend title and face size MEDIUM_SIZE : int, optional (DEFAULT = 13)\n tick size and tick numbers LARGE_SIZE : int, optional (DEFAULT = 18)\n axis titles, figure titles, axis labels ''' font_dict = { 'standard': {'weight': weight, 'size': SMALL_SIZE, 'family': 'DejaVu Sans'}, 'arial': {'weight': weight, 'size': SMALL_SIZE, 'family': 'Arial'}, 'helvetica': {'weight': weight, 'size': SMALL_SIZE, 'family': 'Helvetica'}, 'garamond': {'weight': weight, 'size': SMALL_SIZE, 'family': 'Garamond'}, 'verdana': {'weight': weight, 'size': SMALL_SIZE, 'family': 'Verdana'}, 'bookman': {'weight': weight, 'size': SMALL_SIZE, 'family': 'Bookman'}, 'times': {'weight': weight, 'size': SMALL_SIZE, 'family': 'Times New Roman'}, } plt.rc('font', **font_dict[font]) plt.rc('axes', titlesize=LARGE_SIZE, labelweight=weight) # fontsize of the axes title plt.rc('axes', labelsize=LARGE_SIZE, labelweight=weight) # fontsize of the x and y labels plt.rc('axes', linewidth=1) # linewidth of all axes plt.rc('axes', facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0)) plt.rc('xtick', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('ytick', labelsize=MEDIUM_SIZE) # fontsize of the tick labels plt.rc('legend', fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) # legend fontsize plt.rc('legend', title_fontsize=SMALL_SIZE) plt.rc('legend', facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0)) plt.rc('legend', edgecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0)) plt.rc('legend', framealpha=0) plt.rc('figure', titlesize=LARGE_SIZE) # fontsize of the figure title plt.rc('figure', facecolor=(1, 1, 1, 0)) # fontsize of the figure title
changefonts() #we need to apply the font settings def clean_double_string(filename, path=None): '''Stupid function that reads and changes!!! the file. It searchers for double lines and double dots and replaces them with single''' import re if path is None: path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) with open(Path(os.sep.join([path, filename])), 'r+') as f: text = text = re.sub('--', '-', text) text = re.sub(r'\.+', '.', text) f.write(text) f.truncate() def mouse_move(event): x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata print(x, y) def flatten(mainlist): return [entry for sublist in mainlist for entry in sublist] def nearest_neighbor_method3(X, q): '''returns nearest neighbour value to q''' X = X.T return np.argmin(np.sum((X - q) ** 2, axis=1)) def log_and(x, y, *args): """Returns the logical and of all 2+ arguments.""" result = np.logical_and(x, y) for a in args: result = np.logical_and(result, a) return result
[docs]def s2_vs_smin2(Spectral_points = 512, Time_points = 130, number_of_species = 3, fitted_kinetic_pars = 7, target_quality = 0.95): '''dfn is numerator and number of fitted parameters, dfd is denominator and number of degrees of freedom, F-test is deciding if a set of parameters gives a statistical significant difference. T-test is if a single parameter gives statistical difference. Null hypothesis, all parameter are zero, if significant, the coefficients improve the fit the f-statistics compares the number of "fitted parameter"=number of species*number of spectral points + number of kinetic parameter "free points"=number of species*number of spectral points*number of time points - fitted parameter within the target quality, meaning, what fraction do my variances need to have, so that I'm 100% * target_quality sure that they are different from zero''' data_points = Spectral_points*Time_points fitted_parameter = Spectral_points*number_of_species+fitted_kinetic_pars Free_points = data_points-fitted_parameter f_stat = scipy.stats.f.ppf(q = target_quality, dfn = fitted_parameter, dfd = Free_points) #print('fitted points:%g\n Free points:%g\n f-stats: %g'%(fitted_parameter,Free_points,f_stat)) return 1+(fitted_parameter*f_stat/Free_points)
[docs]def GUI_open(project_list = None, path = None, filename_part = None, fileending = 'hdf5', sep = "\t", decimal = '.', index_is_energy = False, transpose = False, sort_indexes = False, divide_times_by = None, shift_times_by = None, external_time = None, external_wave = None, use_same_name = True, data_type = None, units = None, baseunit = None, conversion_function = None): ''' This Function 1. opens a gui and allows the selection of multiple saved projects, which are returned as a list 2. if given a list of project names opens them 3. if given the word 'all', opens all files in a given folder The general behavior is selected by the first parameter (project_list) it is designed to open combined files that contain both the wavelength and the time. (e.g. SIA files as recorded by Pascher instruments software) or hdf5 projects saved by this software There are however a lot of additional options to open other ascii type files and adapt their format internally Important, as default the parameter "fileending" selects hdf5 files only, which are used as project files (see :meth:`plot_func.TA.Save_project`) for opening of other files the fileending parameter needs to be changed. Parameters ---------- project_list : list (of str) or 'all', optional Give a list of filenames that will be opened and returned as a list of objects if the project list is 'all' then all files in the folder specified in path. The parameter "filename_part" and "fileending" can be used to specify this selection path : str or path object (optional) if path is a string without the operation system dependent separator, it is treated as a relative path, e.g. data will look from the working directory in the sub director data. Otherwise this has to be a full path in either strong or path object form. filename_part : str, optional This parameter is only used for the option 'all', the (Default) None means do nothing. if a string is given then only files that start with this string will be read. fileending : str, optional this string is used to select the filetype that is suppose to open. For the GUI, only these files will be shown, with the option 'all' this selects the files that will be read in the folder, 'hdf5' (Default) sep : str (optional) is the separator between different numbers, typical are tap '\t' (Default) ,one or multiple white spaces '\s+' or comma ','. decimal : str (optional) sets the ascii symbol that is used for the decimal sign. In most countries this is '.'(Default) but it can be ',' in countries like Sweden or Germany index_is_energy : bool (optional) switches if the wavelength is given in nm (Default) or in eV (if True), currently everything is handled as wavelength in nm internally transpose : bool (optional) if this switch is False (Default) the wavelength are the columns and the rows the times. data_type: str (optional) data_type is the string that represents the intensity measurements. Usually this contains if absolute of differential data. This is used for the color intensity in the 2d plots and the y-axis for the 1d plots units: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the energy axis and to label the slices, recognized is 'nm', 'eV' and 'keV' but if another unit like 'cm^-1' is used it will state energy in 'cm^-1'. Pleas observe that if you use the index_is_energy switch the program tries to convert this energy into wavelength. baseunit: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the developing/time axis. This is name that is attached to the index of the dataframe. setting this during import is equivalent to ta.baseunit sort_indexes : bool (optional) For False (Default) I assume that the times and energies are already in a rising order. with this switch, both are sorted again. divide_times_by : None or float (optional) here a number can be given that scales the time by an arbitary factor. This is actually dividing the times by this value. Alternatively there is the variable self.baseunit. The latter only affects what is written on the axis, while this value is actually used to scale the times. None (Default) ignores this shift_times_by : None, float (optional) This a value by which the time axis is shifted during import. This is a useful option of e.g. the recording software does not compensate for t0 and the data is always shifted. None (Default) ignores this setting external_time : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the time vector. The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. If use_same_name = True (default) It assumes that this is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_time='.tid' the program searches samp1.tid for the times. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the times are to be inserted (row or column indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be the file containing the vector for the time (in the same format as the main file) external_wave : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the wavelength vector. If use_same_name = True (default) The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. This is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_wave='.wav' then the program searches samp1.wav for the wavelength. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the wavelength are to be inserted (columns or row indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be a full filename that contains the vector use_same_name : bool, optional this switches if the external filename included the loaded filename or is a separate file True(default) conversion_function: function(optional) function that receives should have the shape: return pandas Dataframe with time/frames in rows and wavelength/energy in columns, The function is tested to accept (in that order) a my_function(filename, external_time,external_wave), my_function(filename, external_time), my_function(filename,external_wave), my_function(filename) and return: the dataframe ds with the time_axis as rows and spectral axis as columns if the ia not empty the "time axis" is in to that name the spectral axis is in the return is investigated if it is one, two, or three things. if two are returned then the second must be the name of what the intensity axis is. This value will then be set to data_type if three are returned the third is the baseunit (for the time axis) this allows to use the automatic naming in ps or nanosecond If the values units, data_type or baseunit are (manually) set in the import function the corresponding entries in datafram will be overwritten shift_times_by and divide_times_by will be applied if not None (useful to adjust for offset before chirp correction) Returns -------------- List of opened TA objects Examples -------------- >>> import plot_func as pf >>> project_list=pf.GUI_open() #start the GUI to open project Files >>> project_list=pf.GUI_open(fileending='SIA') #start the GUI to open SIA Files Opening a list of files using the file names >>> project_list=pf.GUI_open(project_list = ['file1.SIA', 'file2.SIA']) Opening all files in the folder "all_data" (relative to where the notebook is with the ending "hdf5" >>> project_list=pf.GUI_open('all',path="all_data") Opening a list of files with external time vector (of the same name) so it looks for a data file "file1.txt" and a file with the time information "file1.tid" >>> project_list=pf.GUI_open(project_list = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'], external_time = 'tid') ''' if project_list is None: root_window = tkinter.Tk() root_window.withdraw() root_window.attributes('-topmost',True) root_window.after(1000, lambda: root_window.focus_force()) path_list = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd(),multiple=True,filetypes=[('TA project files','*.%s'%fileending)]) if project_list is None: project_list=[] elif project_list=='all': scan_path=check_folder(path = path, current_path = os.getcwd()) if filename_part is not None:#we specified a specific name and want only the files with this name in it path_list = sorted([os.path.join(scan_path, name) for name in os.listdir(scan_path) if name.endswith(fileending) and filename_part in name]) else:#we have not specified a specific name and want all files in the folder path_list = sorted([currentFile for currentFile in scan_path.glob("*.%s"%fileending)]) else: if len(project_list)<1: raise ValueError('The use_gui switch is ment to bypass the gui, but you still need at least some files as a list') else: if isinstance(project_list, str):project_list=[project_list] if not hasattr(project_list, '__iter__'):project_list=[project_list] path_list = [] for filename in project_list: ta=check_folder(path=path, filename=filename, current_path=os.getcwd()) path_list.append(ta) return_list = [] for entrance in path_list: try: listen=os.path.split(entrance) path=os.path.normpath(listen[0]) filename=listen[1] ta = TA(filename = filename, path = path, sep = sep, decimal = decimal, index_is_energy = index_is_energy, transpose = transpose, sort_indexes = sort_indexes, divide_times_by = divide_times_by, shift_times_by = shift_times_by, external_time = external_time, external_wave = external_wave, use_same_name = use_same_name, data_type = data_type, units = units, baseunit = baseunit, conversion_function = conversion_function) return_list.append(ta) except: print('Problem with entrance:\n %s'%entrance) return return_list
def check_folder(path = None, current_path = None, filename = None): '''Helper function using robust path determination.\n In any case if a valif file name is given it is attached to the total path\n The path can be string or windows/linux path or pure path or byte type paths.\n paths that do not exists (including parents) are created\n 1. if path is given absolute, it is returned\n_colors 2. if path is a string (relative) the current_path + path is returned.\n 3. if current_path is not absolute or None, the current working directory is assumed as path.\n 4. IF all is None, the current working directory is returned Parameters ----------- path : str, purePath, absolute or relative, optional the final part of the path used current_path : None, str, purePath, absolute, optional path that sits before the "path variable, is filled with current working directory if left None filename: None, str, optional attached after path and returned if not None ''' if isinstance(path,bytes): path = '%s'%path if path is not None: path = pathlib.Path(path) if isinstance(current_path, bytes): current_path = '%s'%current_path if current_path is not None: current_path=pathlib.Path(current_path) if isinstance(filename, bytes): filename='%s'%filename if filename is not None: filename = pathlib.Path(filename) if path is None: if current_path is None: directory = Path.cwd() elif current_path.is_absolute(): directory=current_path else: print('attention, current_path was given but not absolute, replaced by cwd') directory = Path.cwd() elif path.is_absolute(): directory = path else: if current_path is None: directory = Path.cwd().joinpath(path) elif current_path.is_absolute(): directory = current_path.joinpath(path) else: print('attention, current_path was given but not absolute, replaced by cwd') directory = Path.cwd().joinpath(path) directory.mkdir( parents=True, exist_ok=True) if filename is None: return directory else: return directory.joinpath(filename) def rebin(ori_df,new_x): '''interpolation of values to new index''' if isinstance(ori_df,pandas.DataFrame): dum={'dummy':new_x} new_df=pandas.DataFrame(dum,index=new_x) for col in ori_df.columns: new_df[col]=np.interp(new_x,ori_df.index.values.astype('float'),ori_df[col].values) new_df=new_df.drop(['dummy'],axis=1) return new_df elif isinstance(ori_df,pandas.Series): new_df=np.interp(new_x,ori_df.index.values.astype('float'),ori_df.values) return pandas.Series(new_df,index=new_x) def savitzky_golay(y, window_size, order, deriv=0, rate=1): '''Ported from a previous function''' return savgol_filter(x=y, window_length=window_size, polyorder=order, deriv=deriv, delta=rate)
[docs]def Frame_golay(df, window=5, order=2,transpose=False): '''Convenience method that returns the Golay smoothed data for each column (DataFrame) or the series Parameters ----------- df : pandas.DataFrame,pandas.Series the DataFrame that has to be interpolated window_size : int,optional 5(Default) an integer that indicates how many units are to be interpolated order : int, optional 2 (Default) an integer that indicates what orderpolynoninal is to be used to interpolate the points. order=1 effectively turns this into a floating average transpose : bool,optional in which orientation is the interpolation to be done. Default is in within the column (usually timepoints) Returns --------- pandas.DataFrame or pandas.Series DataFrame or Series with the interpolation applied ''' #df=df.fillna(0) if transpose: df=df.T if isinstance(df,pandas.DataFrame): for col in df.columns: try: df.loc[:,col]=savitzky_golay(df.loc[:,col].values, window, order) except: print(col) print('was not smoothed') if transpose: df=df.T return df elif isinstance(df,pandas.Series): return pandas.Series(savitzky_golay(df.values, window, order),index=df.index) else: raise TypeError('must be series or DataFrame')
def find_nearest(arr,value,con_str=False): '''returns the value in the array closest to value''' return arr[find_nearest_index(arr,value,con_str=False)] def find_nearest_index(arr,value,con_str=False): '''returns the index in the array closest to value (the first one''' if con_str: temp_array=np.array(arr,dtype='float') idx = (np.abs(temp_array-value)).argmin() else: idx = (np.abs(arr-value)).argmin() return idx def rise(x,sigma=0.1,begin=0): ''' my own implementation of the instrument response function. Based upon an error function from 0 to 1. Sigma is the width (after which it has 50%) and begin is 10% of height''' return (erf((x-sigma)*np.sqrt(2)/(sigma))+1)/2 def gauss(t,sigma=0.1,mu=0): '''Gauss function''' y=np.exp(-0.5*((t-mu)**2)/sigma**2) y/=sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.pi) return y
[docs]def norm(df): '''Min max norming of a dataframe''' return df.apply(lambda x: (x - np.min(x)) / (np.max(x) - np.min(x)))
def shift(df,name = None,shift = None): '''Shifts a dataframe along the columns, interpolate and then resample''' if name is None:name = df.columns if isinstance(name,type('hello')):name = [name] for nam in name: ori_dat = df[nam].values ori_en = np.array(df.index,dtype = 'float') if ori_en[0]>ori_en[1]:#oh we have inverse order dat = np.interp(ori_en[::-1],ori_en[::-1]+shift,ori_dat[::-1]) dat = dat[::-1] else: dat = np.interp(ori_en,ori_en+shift,ori_dat) df[nam] = dat return df def colm(k,cmap = standard_map): '''If a colour map is given, this is used.''' if isinstance(cmap,type(cm.jet)) or isinstance(cmap,type(cm.viridis)): if hasattr(k,'__iter__'): if min(k) >0:#we got a color offset mini = min(k)/(min(k)+1) else: mini = 0 out = [ cmap(x) for x in np.linspace(mini, 1, len(k)+1) ] out = out[:-1] return out else:# get me 10 colors out = [cmap(x) for x in np.linspace(0, 1, 10)] ret = out[k] return ret else: #we assume it is a iterable thingy if not hasattr(k,'__iter__'):k = [k] if isinstance(cmap,pandas.DataFrame): out = [list(cmap.iloc[ent,:].values) for ent in k] elif isinstance(cmap,np.ndarray): out = [cmap[int(ent),:] for ent in k] elif isinstance(cmap,list): out = [cmap[int(ent)] for ent in k] else: print('didn\'t find the right ') return out
[docs]def Summarize_scans(list_of_scans = None, path_to_scans = 'Scans', list_to_dump = 'range', window1 = None, window2 = None, save_name = 'combined.SIA', fileending = 'SIA', filename_part = 'Scan', return_removed_list = False, sep = "\t", decimal = '.', index_is_energy = False, transpose = False, sort_indexes = False, divide_times_by = None, shift_times_by = None, external_time = None, external_wave = None, use_same_name = True, return_ds_only=False, data_type = None, units = None, baseunit = None, conversion_function = None, fitcoeff = None, base_TA_object = None, value_filter = None, zscore_filter_level = None, zscore_in_window = True, dump_times = True, replace_values = None, drop_scans = False): ''' Average single scans. Uses single scans of the data set and plots them as average after different conditions. Usually one defines one or two windows in which the intensity is integrated. This integrated number is then displayed for each scan in the list. There are different tools to select certain scans that are excluded from the summary. These are defined in the list_to_dump. This list can take either be a list with the number, or a string with the words 'single' or 'range' (see below) Parameters ----------- list_of_scans : None, 'gui' or list 'gui' (choose scans via gui)\n None (Default) load scan files from the specified folder (path_to_scans) with the specified file-ending (file_ending), if filename_part is a string than only files with this string in the name are taken\n list of names (strings) loads this list of files list of integers (that will be directly attached to the filename_part) to form the file name path_to_scans : None, str or path object, optional specify relative or absolute path to the scan-files (Default:'Scans') file_ending : str, optional specify the file extension of the single scan files. The Gui will only show this fileending (Default: '.SIA') filename_part : str specify a part of the string included in all scan-files (Default: 'Scan') window1: None or list of 4 floats, optional window in time and wavelength over which each scan is averaged.\n window must have the shape [start time, end time, start wavelength, end wavelength] (Default: None) window2: list of 4 floats, optional window in time and wavelength over which each scan is averaged.\n window must have the shape [start time, end time, start wavelength, end wavelength] (Default: None) IF not given then only one window will be displayed list_to_dump : list, 'single' or 'range', or None, optional takes a list of scans to be excluded from the average, this list can be indexes (order) in which the scans come, or a list of names. if this is given as a list the option "range" is offered, which allows to add additional selection to the cut.\n **'single'** allows you (in a GUI) to click on single points in plotted window1 or two that is to be removed, useful for spike removal and makes only sense in conjunction with at least a defined window1, if none is defined window1 = [0.5,10,300,1200] will be set automatically. A right click removes the last selection a middle click applies it. An empty middle click (without selecting anything) finishes the gui\n **'range'** allows you (in a GUI) to click and define regions.\n first left click is the left side of the window, second left click the ride side of the window. Third left click the left side of the second window,... A right click removes the last set point. a middle click finishes and applies the selection\n An **empty middle click** (without selecting anything) finishes the gui\n useful for spike removal and definition of exclusion region (e.g. where the sample died) This makes only sense in conjunction with at least a defined window1 , if none is defined window1 = [0.5,10,300,1200] will be set automatically if None then it is not filtered, but simply returned data_type: str (optional) data_type is the string that represents the intensity measurements. Usually this contains if absolute of differential data. This is used for the color intensity in the 2d plots and the y-axis for the 1d plots units: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the energy axis and to label the slices, recognized is 'nm', 'eV' and 'keV' but if another unit like 'cm^-1' is used it will state energy in 'cm^-1'. Pleas observe that if you use the index_is_energy switch the program tries to convert this energy into wavelength. baseunit: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the developing/time axis. This is name that is attached to the index of the dataframe. setting this during import is equivalent to ta.baseunit save_name : str, optional specify name for saving the combined scans (Default) 'combined.SIA') return_removed_list : bool, optional (Default) False, returns the list of removed scans instead of the averaged data set. (this list could then be given as "list_to_dump" to get the averaged datafile too. If a file name is given for saved file (which is Default) then the file is saved anyways. sep : str (optional) is the separator between different numbers, typical are tap (Backslash t) (Default) ,one or multiple white spaces 'backslash s+' or comma ','. decimal : str (optional) sets the ascii symbol that is used for the decimal sign. In most countries this is '.'(Default) but it can be ',' in countries like Sweden or Germany index_is_energy : bool (optional) switches if the wavelength is given in nm (Default) or in eV (if True), currently everything is handled as wavelength in nm internally transpose : bool (optional) if this switch is False (Default) the wavelength are the columns and the rows the times. sort_indexes : bool (optional) For False (Default) I assume that the times and energies are already in a rising order. with this switch, both are sorted again. divide_times_by : None or float (optional) here a number can be given that scales the time by an arbitary factor. This is actually dividing the times by this value. Alternatively there is the variable self.baseunit. The latter only affects what is written on the axis, while this value is actually used to scale the times. None (Default) ignores this shift_times_by : None, float (optional) This a value by which the time axis is shifted during import. This is a useful option of e.g. the recording software does not compensate for t0 and the data is always shifted. None (Default) ignores this setting external_time : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the time vector. The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. If use_same_name = True (default) It assumes that this is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_time='.tid' the program searches samp1.tid for the times. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the times are to be inserted (row or column indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be the file containing the vector for the time (in the same format as the main file) external_wave : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the wavelength vector. If use_same_name = True (default) The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. This is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_wave='.wav' then the program searches samp1.wav for the wavelength. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the wavelength are to be inserted (columns or row indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be a full filename that contains the vector use_same_name : bool, optional this switches if the external filename included the loaded filename or is a separate file True(default) conversion_function: function(optional) function that receives should have the shape: return pandas Dataframe with time/frames in rows and wavelength/energy in columns, The function is tested to accept (in that order) a my_function(filename, external_time,external_wave), my_function(filename, external_time), my_function(filename,external_wave), my_function(filename) and return: the dataframe ds with the time_axis as rows and spectral axis as columns if the ia not empty the "time axis" is in to that name the spectral axis is in the return is investigated if it is one, two, or three things. if two are returned then the second must be the name of what the intensity axis is. This value will then be set to data_type if three are returned the third is the baseunit (for the time axis) this allows to use the automatic naming in ps or nanosecond If the values units, data_type or baseunit are (manually) set in the import function the corresponding entries in datafram will be overwritten shift_times_by and divide_times_by will be applied if not None (useful to adjust for offset before chirp correction) return_ds_only: boolean,(optional) if False (Dafault) returns a TA object, otherwise just a DataFrame fitcoeff: list, optional these should be the shirp parameteres that are to be applied to all sub scans in the list. base_TA_object: TA object, optional instead of the fit_coefficients a Ta object can be provided that is then used as a template, meaning that the scattercuts and bordercuts will be applied before the filtering. value_filter : None, float or iterable with two entries, optional if float, everything above that value or below -abs(value_filter) will be filtered replaced with replace_values if iterable, then first is lower treshold, second is upper treshold zscore_filter_level : float, optional if this value is set then the manual selection will be replaced with an automatic filter, the following options, dump_times = True, replace_values = None, drop_scans = False decide what is done to the values that are filtered typical value would be e.g. 3 zscore_in_window : bool, decides if the filter is applied in the windows or over the whole matrix (using statistics on the values) dump_times : bool,optional Standard True means that if the zscore filter filters a file the bad time is droped for the average replace_values : None, float, optional if dump times is False the values will be replaced with this value. = None, drop_scans = False drop_scans : bool,optional Default: = False. This is the harshest type to filter and means that the whole scan is dropped Returns --------- TA object if return_ds_only is False(Default) averaged dataset (ds) of the selected scans or (if return_removed_list = True) the list of removed scans. Examples ---------- Use use a range to select the rejected scans, look on the scans by integrating the window 0.5ps to 1ps and 450nm to 470nm >>> import plot_func as pf #import the module >>> window1=[0.5,1,450,470] #define the window >>> #use a 'GUI' to select the files >>> pf.Summarize_scans(list_of_scans='gui',window1=window1) >>> #use all scans in the subfolder scans that have the word 'Scan' in them and use the ending 'SIA' >>> pf.Summarize_scans(path_to_scans = 'Scans', filepart_name = 'Scan', window1=window1) >>> #This does the same as these are standard >>> pf.Summarize_scans(window1=window1) ''' if (base_TA_object is not None) and (conversion_function is None): if units is if baseunit is debug = True if list_of_scans is None: scan_path=check_folder(path = path_to_scans, current_path = os.getcwd()) if filename_part is not None:#we specified a specific name and want only the files with this name in it list_of_scans = sorted([os.path.join(scan_path, name) for name in os.listdir(scan_path) if name.endswith(fileending) and filename_part in name]) else:#we have not specified a specific name and want all files in the folder list_of_scans = sorted([currentFile for currentFile in scan_path.glob("*.%s"%fileending)]) elif list_of_scans == 'gui': root_window = tkinter.Tk() root_window.withdraw() root_window.attributes('-topmost',True) root_window.after(1000, lambda: root_window.focus_force()) path_list = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir = os.getcwd(),multiple = True,filetypes = [('Raw scan files',"*.%s"%fileending)]) list_of_scans = path_list elif not hasattr(list_of_scans,'__iter__'): raise ValueError('We need something to iterate for the list') if not isinstance(list_of_scans[0],TA):#we do not have opened file but most likely a list of names try: list_of_projects = [] for entrance in list_of_scans: listen = os.path.split(entrance) path = os.path.normpath(listen[0]) filename = listen[1] new_ds=TA(filename = filename,path = path, sep = sep, decimal = decimal, index_is_energy = index_is_energy, transpose = transpose, sort_indexes = sort_indexes, divide_times_by = divide_times_by, shift_times_by = shift_times_by, external_time = external_time, external_wave = external_wave, use_same_name = use_same_name, data_type = data_type, units = units, baseunit = baseunit, conversion_function = conversion_function).ds if base_TA_object is None: if fitcoeff is not None: new_ds=Fix_Chirp(ds=new_ds,fitcoeff=fitcoeff) list_of_projects.append(new_ds.values) else: if fitcoeff is not None: new_ds=Fix_Chirp(ds=new_ds,fitcoeff=fitcoeff) try: new_ds=sub_ds(new_ds, ignore_time_region = base_TA_object.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = base_TA_object.wave_nm_bin, baseunit = base_TA_object.baseunit, scattercut = base_TA_object.scattercut, bordercut = base_TA_object.bordercut, timelimits = base_TA_object.timelimits, time_bin = base_TA_object.time_bin, equal_energy_bin = base_TA_object.equal_energy_bin) if (base_TA_object.wave_nm_bin is not None) or (base_TA_object.equal_energy_bin is not None): print('in the original TA objec the data was rebinned, which is now also done for the single scans. To avoid that use "ta.wave_nm_bin = None" and / or "ta.equal_energy_bin = None" before handing it to base_TA_object') except: print('applying the base_TA_object slices failed') list_of_projects.append(new_ds.values) if base_TA_object is None: ds = TA(filename = filename,path = path, sep = sep, decimal = decimal, index_is_energy = index_is_energy, transpose = transpose, sort_indexes = sort_indexes, divide_times_by = divide_times_by, shift_times_by = shift_times_by, external_time = external_time, external_wave = external_wave, use_same_name = use_same_name, data_type = data_type, units = units, baseunit = baseunit, conversion_function = conversion_function).ds else: ds=base_TA_object.ds ds = sub_ds(ds, ignore_time_region = base_TA_object.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = base_TA_object.wave_nm_bin, baseunit = base_TA_object.baseunit, scattercut = base_TA_object.scattercut, bordercut = base_TA_object.bordercut, timelimits = base_TA_object.timelimits, time_bin = base_TA_object.time_bin, equal_energy_bin = base_TA_object.equal_energy_bin) ###################### try: list_of_projects = np.transpose(np.array(list_of_projects),(1, 2, 0)) except: print('the stacking of the scans failed, are you sure that all are have the same shape') ####################### except: raise ValueError('Sorry did not understand the project_list entry, use GUI_open to create one') else: try: list_of_projects = [] list_of_scans_names = [] for entrance in list_of_scans: list_of_projects.append(entrance.ds.values) list_of_scans_names.append(entrance.filename) if base_TA_object is None: ds = list_of_scans[0] else: ds=base_TA_object.ds list_of_scans = list_of_scans_names ########################## try: list_of_projects = np.transpose(np.array(list_of_projects),(1, 2, 0)) except: print('the stacking of the scans failed, are you sure that all are have the same shape') ######################### except: raise ValueError('Sorry did not understand the project_list entry, use GUI_open to create one') if window1 is None: window1 = [ds.index.values.min(),ds.index.values.max(),ds.columns.values.min(),ds.columns.values.max()] #### automatic filtering##### if (zscore_filter_level is not None) or (value_filter is not None): if replace_values is not None: cut_bad_times=False if replace_values is None: replace_values = np.nan dataset=list_of_projects if value_filter is not None: if hasattr(value_filter,'__iter__'): lowervalue=value_filter[0] uppervalue=value_filter[1] else: uppervalue = np.abs(value_filter) lowervalue = -np.abs(value_filter) outside_range=np.invert(log_and(dataset>lowervalue,dataset<uppervalue)) if dump_times:#this is default outside_range=np.tile(outside_range.all(axis=1,keepdims=True),(1,dataset.shape[1],1)) elif drop_scans: outside_range=np.tile(outside_range.any(axis=1,keepdims=True),(1,dataset.shape[1],1)) outside_range=np.tile(outside_range.any(axis=0,keepdims=True),(dataset.shape[0],1,1)) dataset[outside_range]=replace_values if zscore_filter_level is not None: if zscore_in_window: window1_index = [find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window1[0]),find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window1[1]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window1[2]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window1[3])] vector=np.nanmean(np.nanmean(dataset[window1_index[0]:window1_index[1],window1_index[2]:window1_index[3],:],axis=0),axis=1) good=log_and(vector>(np.nanmean(vector) - zscore_filter_level*np.nanstd(vector)),vector<(np.nanmean(vector) + zscore_filter_level*np.nanstd(vector))) if not window2 is None: window2_index = [find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window2[0]),find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window2[1]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window2[2]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window2[3])] vector=np.nanmean(np.nanmean(dataset[window2_index[0]:window2_index[1],window2_index[2]:window2_index[3],:],axis=0),axis=1) good2=log_and(vector>(np.nanmean(vector) - zscore_filter_level*np.nanstd(vector)),vector<(np.nanmean(vector) + zscore_filter_level*np.nanstd(vector))) good=log_and(good,good2) dataset[:,:,np.invert(good)]=replace_values else: mean=np.nanmean(dataset,axis=2) var=np.nanstd(dataset,axis=2) lower=(mean - zscore_filter_level*var).T upper=(mean + zscore_filter_level*var).T lower=np.array([lower for i in range(dataset.shape[2])]).T upper=np.array([upper for i in range(dataset.shape[2])]).T outside_range=np.invert(log_and(dataset>lower,dataset<upper)) if drop_scans: outside_range=np.tile(outside_range.any(axis=1,keepdims=True),(1,dataset.shape[1],1)) outside_range=np.tile(outside_range.any(axis=0,keepdims=True),(dataset.shape[0],1,1)) elif dump_times: outside_range=np.tile(outside_range.any(axis=1,keepdims=True),(1,dataset.shape[1],1)) dataset[outside_range]=replace_values list_of_projects=dataset #############manual filtering################ else: if baseunit is if units is if list_to_dump is not None: if list_to_dump == 'single': print('we will use a gui to select single scans to extract') elif list_to_dump == 'range': print('we will use a gui to select the first and last scan to remove') else: if not hasattr(list_to_dump,'__iter__'):#we have only a single number/name in there list_to_dump = [list_to_dump] filenames_to_dump = [] for entry in list_to_dump: try: filenames_to_dump.append(list_of_scans[entry].filename) #list_of_scans is a list of TA objects that have filename and if entry is an index of this list this goes well except: filenames_to_dump.append(entry)# we assume it is already a filename list_to_dump = [] for filename in filenames_to_dump: list_to_dump.append(list_of_scans.index(filename)) for i in range(30):#we make a maximum of 30 rounds window1_index = [find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window1[0]),find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window1[1]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window1[2]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window1[3])] series1 = pandas.Series(list_of_projects[window1_index[0]:window1_index[1],window1_index[2]:window1_index[3],:].mean(axis = (0,1))) = '%.3g:%.3g %s at %.1f:%.1f %s'%(window1[0],window1[1],baseunit,window1[2],window1[3],units) if not window2 is None: window2_index = [find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window2[0]),find_nearest_index(ds.index.values,window2[1]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window2[2]),find_nearest_index(ds.columns.values,window2[3])] series2 = pandas.Series(list_of_projects[window2_index[0]:window2_index[1],window2_index[2]:window2_index[3],:].mean(axis = (0,1))) = '%.3g:%.3g %s at %.1f:%.1f %s'%(window2[0],window2[1],baseunit,window2[2],window2[3],units) fig,(ax,ax2) = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex = True,figsize = (16,12)) series1.plot(ax = ax,color = colm(1),use_index = False) series2.plot(ax = ax2,color = colm(3),use_index = False) if len(series1) >15: gol=Frame_golay(series1,window=11,order=1) gol.plot(ax=ax,use_index=False,color=colm(2)) ax.fill_between(x=range(len(series1)), y1=gol-series1.var(), y2=gol+series1.var(),color=colm(2),alpha=0.3) gol=Frame_golay(series2,window=11,order=1) gol.plot(ax=ax2,use_index=False,color=colm(4)) ax2.fill_between(x=range(len(series1)), y1=gol-2*series1.var(), y2=gol+2*series1.var(),color=colm(4),alpha=0.3) else: fig,ax=plt.subplots(1,1,sharex=True,figsize=(16,12)) series1.plot(ax=ax,color=colm(1),use_index=False) if len(series1) >15: gol=Frame_golay(series1,window=11,order=1) gol.plot(ax=ax,use_index=False,color=colm(2)) #try: ax.fill_between(x=range(len(series1)), y1=gol-2*np.nanvar(series1.values), y2=gol+2*np.nanvar(series1.values),color=colm(2),alpha=0.3) #except: # pass if list_to_dump == 'single': ax.set_title('click on the scans that should be dropped\n left click to chose, right click to delete last point, middle click finishes selection\n an empty middle click ends the process') polypts=np.asarray(plt.ginput(n=int(len(series1)/2),timeout=300, show_clicks=True,mouse_add=1, mouse_pop=3, mouse_stop=2)) if len(polypts)<1:break to_remove=[int(a) for a in np.array(polypts)[:,0]] remove=pandas.Series(np.arange(len(series1)))+1 remove[to_remove]=0 to_remove=list(remove[remove<1].index.values) to_keep=list(remove[remove>1].index.values) elif (list_to_dump == 'range') or (i>0): ax.set_title('click on the first and last scan to be removed, repeat as long as necessary\n an empty middle click ends the process') polypts=np.asarray(plt.ginput(n=int(len(series1)/2),timeout=300, show_clicks=True,mouse_add=1, mouse_pop=3, mouse_stop=2)) if len(polypts)<1:break polypts=np.array(polypts)[:,0] remove=pandas.Series(np.arange(len(series1)))+1 for i in range(int(len(polypts)/2)): remove.loc[polypts[2*i]:polypts[2*i+1]]=0 to_remove=list(remove[remove<1].index.values) to_keep=list(remove[remove>1].index.values) elif i == 0: to_keep=list(range(len(series1))) to_keep.remove(list_to_dump) else: raise ValueError('Something is weired') list_of_projects=list_of_projects[:,:,to_keep] plt.close('all') plt.close('all') if 0: try: df=pandas.DataFrame(np.any(np.isnan(dataset),axis=1),index=ds.index) plot2d(df,levels = 2,use_colorbar = False,intensity_range=[0,1],title='rejected are red') except Exception as e: print('plotting of filtered went wrong\n Error message was: \n') print(e) try: ds=pandas.DataFrame(np.nanmean(list_of_projects,axis=2),index=ds.index,columns=ds.columns) except: print('nanmean failed, assume single wavelength') ds=pandas.DataFrame(np.mean(list_of_projects),index=ds.index,columns=ds.columns) if not save_name is None: path = str(check_folder(path=path,filename=save_name)) ds.to_csv(path,sep='\t') ta=TA(path) else: path = str(check_folder(path=path,filename='temp_combined.SIA')) ds.to_csv(path,sep='\t') ta=TA(path) try: os.remove(path) except: print('could not remove temp_combined.SIA') if return_ds_only: return ds elif return_removed_list: return filenames_to_dump else: if base_TA_object is not None: ta=base_TA_object.Copy() ta.ds_ori=ds ta.ds=ds return ta
def sub_ds(ds, times = None, time_width_percent = 0, ignore_time_region = None, drop_ignore=False, wave_nm_bin = None, baseunit = None, scattercut = None, drop_scatter=False, bordercut = None, timelimits = None, wavelength_bin = None, wavelength = None, time_bin = None, equal_energy_bin = None, from_fit = False): '''This is the main function that creates all the slices of the data matrix Parameters --------------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis times : float or list/vector (of floats), optional For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If time_width_percent=0 (Default) the nearest measured timepoint is chosen. For other values see 'time_width_percent' time_width_percent : float "rel_time" and "time_width_percent" work together for creating spectral plots at specific timepoints. For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If however e.g. time_width_percent=10 the region between the timepoint closest to the 1.1 x timepoint and 0.9 x timepoint is averaged and shown (and the legend adjusted accordingly). This is particularly useful for the densly sampled region close to t=0. Typically for a logarithmic recorded kinetics, the timepoints at later times will be further appart than 10 percent of the value, but this allows to elegantly combine values around time=0 for better statistics. This averaging is only applied for the plotting function and not for the fits. ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] drop_ignore : Bool, True or False, optional If set to True the values in ignore_time_region are removed from the dataset instead of set to zero wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. equal_energy_bin : None or float(optional) if this is set the wave_nm_bin is ignored and the data is rebinned into equal energy bins. baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] drop_scatter : Bool, True or False, optional If set to True the values in scattercut are removed from the dataset instead of set to zero bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats), optional cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there wavelength : float or list (of floats), optional 'wavelength' and 'wavelength_bin' work together for the creation of kinetic plots. When plotting kinetic spectra one line will be plotted for each entrance in the list/vector rel_wave. During object generation the vector np.arange(300,1000,100) is set as standard. Another typical using style would be to define a list of interesting wavelength at which a kinetic development is to be plotted. At each selected wavelength the data between wavelength+ta.wavelength_bin and wavelength-ta.wavelength_bin is averaged for each timepoint returned wavelength_bin : float, optional the width used in kinetics, see below (Default) None time_bin : None or int, optional is dividing the points on the time-axis in even bins and averages the found values in between. This is a hard approach that also affects the fits. I do recommend to use this carefully, it is most useful for modulated data. A better choice for transient absorption that only affects the kinetics is 'time_width_percent' ''' if (wavelength is not None) and (times is not None):raise ValueError('can not get wavelength and times back') if (bordercut is not None) and not from_fit: ds.columns=ds.columns.astype('float') ds=ds.loc[:,bordercut[0]:bordercut[1]] if (equal_energy_bin is not None) and (wavelength is None):# we work with optical data but want to bin in equal energy x=ds.columns.values.astype('float') y=ds.index.values.astype('float') energy_label='Energy in eV' x=scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(x*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) if from_fit:#they are already binned ds.columns=x ds.sort_index(axis=1,ascending=False) elif (x[1:]-x[:-1]>equal_energy_bin).all(): raise ValueError("equal_energy_bin bins are to small for the data") else: rebin_max=np.argmin((x[1:]-x[:-1])<equal_energy_bin)#find the position where the difference is larger than the wave_nm_bin if rebin_max==0:rebin_max=len(x)# we get 0 when all teh values are ok if rebin_max<len(x): if (x[1:]-x[:-1]>equal_energy_bin).all():raise ValueError("equal_energy_bin bins are to small for the data") bins=np.arange(x.min(),x[rebin_max],equal_energy_bin) bin_means,bin_edges = binned_statistic(x[:rebin_max], ds.values[:,:rebin_max], statistic='mean',bins=bins)[:2] bins=(bin_edges[1:]+bin_edges[:-1])/2. ds=pandas.concat((pandas.DataFrame(bin_means,index=y,columns=bins),ds.iloc[:,rebin_max:]), axis=1, join='outer') else: bins=np.arange(x.min(),x.max()+equal_energy_bin,equal_energy_bin) bin_means,bins = binned_statistic(x, ds.values, statistic='mean',bins=bins)[:2] bins=(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2. ds=pandas.DataFrame(bin_means,index=y,columns=bins) elif (wave_nm_bin is not None) and (wavelength is None):# bin in wavelength x=ds.columns.values.astype('float') y=ds.index.values.astype('float') if (x[1:]-x[:-1]>wave_nm_bin).all():raise ValueError("wavelength_nm_bins bins are to small for the data") rebin_max=np.argmin((x[1:]-x[:-1])<wave_nm_bin)#find the position where the difference is larger than the wave_nm_bin if rebin_max==0:rebin_max=len(x)# we get 0 when all teh values are ok if rebin_max<len(x): if (x[1:]-x[:-1]>wave_nm_bin).all():raise ValueError("wavelength_nm_bins bins are to small for the data") bins=np.arange(x.min(),x[rebin_max],wave_nm_bin) bin_means,bin_edges = binned_statistic(x[:rebin_max], ds.values[:,:rebin_max], statistic='mean',bins=bins)[:2] bins=(bin_edges[1:]+bin_edges[:-1])/2. ds=pandas.concat((pandas.DataFrame(bin_means,index=y,columns=bins),ds.iloc[:,rebin_max:]), axis=1, join='outer') else: bins=np.arange(x.min(),x.max()+wave_nm_bin,wave_nm_bin) bin_means,bins = binned_statistic(x, ds.values, statistic='mean',bins=bins)[:2] bins=(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2. ds=pandas.DataFrame(bin_means,index=y,columns=bins) if time_bin is not None: time=ds.index.values.astype('float') y=ds.columns.values.astype('float') time_bin=int(time_bin) time_bins=time[::time_bin] bin_means,bins = binned_statistic(time, ds.values.T, statistic='mean',bins=time_bins)[:2] bins=(bins[1:]+bins[:-1])/2. ds=pandas.DataFrame(bin_means,index=y,columns=bins) ds=ds.T if timelimits is not None: ds.index=ds.index.astype('float') ds=ds.loc[timelimits[0]:timelimits[1],:] if ignore_time_region is not None: ds=ds.fillna(value=0) ds.index=ds.index.astype('float') if isinstance(ignore_time_region[0], numbers.Number): if drop_ignore: ds.loc[ignore_time_region[0]:ignore_time_region[1],:]=np.nan else: ds.loc[ignore_time_region[0]:ignore_time_region[1],:]=0 else: try: for entries in ignore_time_region: if drop_ignore: ds.loc[entries[0]:entries[1],:]=np.nan else: ds.loc[entries[0]:entries[1],:]=0 except: pass ds=ds.dropna(axis=0) if scattercut is not None: ds=ds.fillna(value=0) x=ds.columns.values.astype('float') if isinstance(scattercut[0], numbers.Number): if (equal_energy_bin is not None): scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] scattercut=scattercut[::-1] lower=find_nearest_index(x,scattercut[0]) upper=find_nearest_index(x,scattercut[1]) if drop_scatter: ds.iloc[:,lower:upper]=np.nan else: ds.iloc[:,lower:upper]=0 else: try: for entries in scattercut: if equal_energy_bin is not None: scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] scattercut=scattercut[::-1] lower=find_nearest_index(x,entries[0]) upper=find_nearest_index(x,entries[1]) if drop_scatter: ds.iloc[:,lower:upper]=np.nan else: ds.iloc[:,lower:upper]=0 except: pass ds=ds.dropna(axis=1) #until here we always have the same matrix if wavelength is not None:#ok we want to have singular wavelength if not hasattr(wavelength,'__iter__'):wavelength=np.array([wavelength]) if len(wavelength)>1:wavelength.sort() for i,wave in enumerate(wavelength): upper=wave+wavelength_bin/2 lower=wave-wavelength_bin/2 if equal_energy_bin is not None and from_fit: upper=scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(lower*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) lower=scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(upper*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) wave=scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(wave*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) if i == 0: out=ds.loc[:,lower:upper].mean(axis='columns').to_frame() out.columns = [wave] else: if wave in out.columns:continue out[wave] = ds.loc[:,lower:upper].mean(axis='columns') out.columns=out.columns.astype('float') ds=out if times is not None: #ok we want to have single times if not hasattr(times, '__iter__'):times=np.array([times]) if baseunit is None:baseunit = 'ps' time_scale=ds.index.values if time_width_percent>0: for i,time in enumerate(times): if time<0: limits = [find_nearest_index(time_scale,time+time*time_width_percent/100.), find_nearest_index(time_scale,time-time*time_width_percent/100.)] else: limits = [find_nearest_index(time_scale,time-time*time_width_percent/100.), find_nearest_index(time_scale,time+time*time_width_percent/100.)] time_lower = time_scale[limits[0]] time_upper = time_scale[limits[1]] time_mean = (time_lower+time_upper)/2 if i == 0: out=ds.iloc[limits[0]:limits[1],:].mean(axis='rows').to_frame() out.columns = ['%.3g %s (%.3g - %.3g %s)'%(time_mean,baseunit,time_lower,time_upper,baseunit)] else: out['%.3g %s (%3g - %.3g %s)'%(time_mean,baseunit,time_lower,time_upper,baseunit)]=ds.iloc[limits[0]:limits[1],:].mean(axis='rows').to_frame() else: for i,time in enumerate(times): index=find_nearest_index(time_scale,time) if i == 0: out=ds.iloc[index,:].to_frame() out.columns=['%.3g %s'%(time_scale[index],baseunit)] else: out['%.3g %s'%(time_scale[index],baseunit)]=ds.iloc[index,:] ds=out'Wavelength in nm' ds.fillna(value=0,inplace=True)#lets fill nan values with zero to catch problems if equal_energy_bin is not None: ds.sort_index(axis=1,inplace=True,ascending=False) return ds
[docs]def plot2d(ds, ax = None, title = None, intensity_range = None, baseunit = 'ps', timelimits = None, scattercut = None, bordercut = None, wave_nm_bin = None, ignore_time_region = None, time_bin = None, log_scale = False, plot_type = 'symlog', lintresh = 1, wavelength_bin = None, levels = 256, use_colorbar = True, cmap = None, data_type = 'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$', equal_energy_bin = None, from_fit = False): '''function for plotting matrix of TA data. Parameters --------------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis ax : None, matplotlib axis object optional If None (Default) a new plot is is created and a new axis, otherwise ax needs to be Matplotlib Axis data_type : str this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ title : None or str title to be used on top of each plot The (Default) None triggers self.filename to be used. Setting a specific title as string will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with this command title="" intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats), optional cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. equal_energy_bin : None or float(optional) if this is set the wave_nm_bin is ignored and the data is rebinned into equal energy bins (based upon that the data is in nm. If dual axis is on then the lower axis is energy and the upper is wavelength ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] time_bin : None or int, optional is dividing the points on the time-axis in even bins and averages the found values in between. This is a hard approach that also affects the fits. I do recommend to use this carefully, it is most useful for modulated data. A better choice for transient absorption that only affects the kinetics is 'time_width_percent' log_scale : bool, optional If True (Default), The 2D plots (Matrix) is plotted with a pseudo logarithmic intensity scale. This usually does not give good results unless the intensity scale is symmetric plot_type : None or str is a general setting that can influences what time axis will be used for the plots. "symlog" (linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) "lin" and "log" are valid options. lintresh : float The pseudo logratihmic range "symlog" is used for most time axis. Symlog plots a range around time zero linear and beyond this linear treshold 'lintresh' on a logarithmic scale. (Default) 0.3 wavelength_bin : float, optional the width used in kinetics, see below (Default) 10nm levels : int, optional how many different colours to use in the description. less makes for more contrast but less intensity details (Default) 256 use_colorbar : bool, optional if True (Default) a colour bar is added to the 2d plot for intensity explanation, switch mostely used for creating multiple plots cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. from_fit : bool optional it needed this swtich to avoid re-slicing of data in spectal axis for equal energy bins ''' if cmap is None: cmap=standard_map elif not np.array([isinstance(cmap,type(cm.viridis)),isinstance(cmap,type(cm.jet)),isinstance(cmap,type(cm.Blues)),isinstance(cmap,type(cm.coolwarm)),isinstance(cmap,type(cm.terrain))]).any():#we must have a cmap=standard_map if ax is None: ax_ori=False fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6),dpi=100) else: ax_ori=True fig=ax.get_images() if timelimits is None: timelimits=(ds.index.min(),ds.index.max()) ds = sub_ds(ds, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, timelimits = timelimits, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, wavelength_bin = wavelength_bin, time_bin = time_bin, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, drop_scatter = False, drop_ignore = False, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = from_fit) if intensity_range is None: try: maxim=max([abs(ds.values.min()),abs(ds.values.max())]) intensity_range=[-maxim,maxim] except: intensity_range=[-1e-2,1e-2] else: if not hasattr(intensity_range,'__iter__'):#lets have an lazy option intensity_range=[-intensity_range,intensity_range] else: if log_scale:print('I highly recommend to make a symmetric intensity distribution for logarithmic scale, the colorbar might look strange otherwise') if log_scale: if 0:# old manual symlog bounds0 = list(-1*np.logspace(np.log10(-intensity_range[0]), np.log10(-intensity_range[0]/(levels/2)), levels)) bounds1 = np.logspace(np.log10(intensity_range[1]/(levels/2)),np.log10(intensity_range[1]), levels) bounds0.append(0) for a in bounds1: bounds0.append(a) norm = BoundaryNorm(boundaries=bounds0, ncolors=len(bounds0)) mid_color=colm(k=range(levels),cmap=cmap) else: norm=SymLogNorm(abs(max(intensity_range)-min(intensity_range))/100, linscale=1.0, vmin=min(intensity_range), vmax=max(intensity_range), clip=True, base=10) mid_color=cmap(0.5) else: if 0: nbins=levels levels = LinearLocator(numticks=levels).tick_values(vmin=min(intensity_range), vmax=max(intensity_range)) norm = BoundaryNorm(levels,clip=True,ncolors=cmap.N) mid_color_index=find_nearest_index(0,levels) mid_color=colm(k=range(nbins),cmap=cmap) mid_color=mid_color[mid_color_index] else: norm = Normalize(vmin=min(intensity_range),vmax=max(intensity_range)) mid_color=cmap(0.5) #print(ds.head()) x = ds.columns.values.astype('float') y = ds.index.values.astype('float') X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) img=ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,ds.values,norm=norm,cmap=cmap,shading=shading) #img=ax.pcolormesh(X,Y,ds.values,cmap=cmap,shading=shading) if ignore_time_region is None: pass elif isinstance(ignore_time_region[0], numbers.Number): ds.index=ds.index.astype(float) try: upper=ds.loc[ignore_time_region[1]:,:].index.values.min() lower=ds.loc[:ignore_time_region[0],:].index.values.max() if equal_energy_bin is not None: rect = plt.Rectangle((x.max(),lower), width=abs(ax.get_xlim()[0]-ax.get_xlim()[1]), height=abs(upper-lower),facecolor=mid_color,alpha=1)#mid_color) else: rect = plt.Rectangle((x.min(),lower), width=abs(ax.get_xlim()[1]-ax.get_xlim()[0]), height=abs(upper-lower),facecolor=mid_color,alpha=1)#mid_color) ax.add_patch(rect) except: pass else: ignore_time_region_loc=flatten(ignore_time_region) for k in range(int(len(ignore_time_region_loc)/2+1)): try: upper=ds.loc[ignore_time_region[k+1]:,:].index.values.min() lower=ds.loc[:ignore_time_region[k],:].index.values.max() if equal_energy_bin is not None: rect = plt.Rectangle((x.max(),lower), width=abs(ax.get_xlim()[0]-ax.get_xlim()[1]), height=abs(upper-lower),facecolor=mid_color,alpha=1) else: rect = plt.Rectangle((x.min(),lower), width=abs(ax.get_xlim()[1]-ax.get_xlim()[0]), height=abs(upper-lower),facecolor=mid_color,alpha=1) ax.add_patch(rect) except: pass if scattercut is None: pass elif isinstance(scattercut[0], numbers.Number): try: if equal_energy_bin is not None: scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] scattercut=scattercut[::-1] upper=ds.loc[:,scattercut[1]:].columns.values.min() lower=ds.loc[:,:scattercut[0]].columns.values.max() width=abs(upper-lower) rect = plt.Rectangle((lower,y.min()), height=abs(ax.get_ylim()[1]-ax.get_ylim()[0]), width=width, facecolor=mid_color,alpha=1)#mid_color) ax.add_patch(rect) except: pass else: scattercut=flatten(scattercut) if equal_energy_bin is not None: scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] scattercut=scattercut[::-1] for k in range(int(len(scattercut)/2+1)): try: upper=ds.loc[:,scattercut[k][1]:].columns.values.min() if upper==0:raise lower=ds.loc[:,:scattercut[k][0]].columns.values.max() rect = plt.Rectangle((lower.min()), height=abs(ax.get_ylim()[1]-ax.get_ylim()[0]), width=abs(upper-lower),facecolor=mid_color,alpha=1)#mid_color) ax.add_patch(rect) except: pass if use_colorbar: mid=(intensity_range[1]+intensity_range[0])/2 if log_scale: values=[intensity_range[0],mid-abs(intensity_range[0]-mid)/10,mid-abs(intensity_range[0]-mid)/100,mid,mid+abs(intensity_range[1]-mid)/100,mid+abs(intensity_range[1]-mid)/10,intensity_range[1]] else: values=[intensity_range[0],intensity_range[0]+abs(intensity_range[0]-mid)/2,mid,intensity_range[1]-abs(intensity_range[1]-mid)/2,intensity_range[1]] labels=['%.2g'%(a) for a in values] labels[0]='<' + labels[0] labels[-1]='>'+labels[-1] cbar=plt.colorbar(img, ax=ax,ticks=values,pad=0.01) a=ax.yaxis.label fontsize=a.get_fontsize() fontsize-=4 if not data_type is None:#we use this as a switch to enable a flexible avoidance of the label setting. if log_scale: if ax_ori:cbar.set_label(data_type + '\nLog-scale', rotation=270,labelpad=20,fontsize=fontsize) else:cbar.set_label(data_type + '\nLog-scale', rotation=270,labelpad=20,fontsize=fontsize) else: if ax_ori:cbar.set_label(data_type, rotation=270,labelpad=20,fontsize=fontsize) else:cbar.set_label(data_type, rotation=270,labelpad=20,fontsize=fontsize) if "symlog" in plot_type: ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(),[lintresh,lintresh],'black',lw=0.5,alpha=0.3) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(),[-1.0*lintresh,-1.0*lintresh],'black',lw=0.5,alpha=0.3) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(),[0,0],'black',lw=0.5,alpha=0.6) if 1: ax.set_yscale('symlog', linthresh=lintresh) locmaj = matplotlib.ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=(0.1,1.0,10.,1e2,1e3,1e4)) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locmaj) locmin = matplotlib.ticker.LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=np.arange(0.1,1,0.1)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(locmin) ticks=list(ax.get_yticks()) ticks.append(lintresh) [ticks.append(a) for a in [-0.3,-1,-2,-5,-10]] ticks.sort() if timelimits[1]>100: ticks=np.array(ticks) ticks=np.concatenate((ticks.clip(min=0.1),np.zeros(1),ticks.clip(max=-0.1,min=timelimits[0])),axis=0) ax.set_yticks(ticks) else: print('here2') ax.set_yscale('symlog', linthresh=lintresh,subsy=range(2,9),linscaley=lintresh) ax.set_ylim(y.min(),y.max()) elif "log" in plot_type: lower_time=max(1e-6,timelimits[0]) ax.set_ylim(lower_time,y.max()) ax.set_yscale('log') else: ax.set_yscale('linear') ax.set_ylim(timelimits) if bordercut is not None: try: if equal_energy_bin is not None: bordercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in bordercut] ax.set_xlim(bordercut[0],bordercut[1]) except: print('bordercut failed') pass if equal_energy_bin is not None and False: temp=np.array(ax.get_xlim()) ax.set_xlim(temp.max(),temp.min()) ax.set_xlabel( ax.set_ylabel( if title: ax.set_title(title) if ax_ori:return ax return fig
[docs]def plot2d_fit(re, error_matrix_amplification=5, use_images=True, patches=False, title = None, intensity_range = None, baseunit = 'ps', timelimits = None, scattercut = None, bordercut = None, wave_nm_bin = None, ignore_time_region = None, time_bin = None, log_scale = False, scale_type = 'symlog', lintresh = 1, wavelength_bin = None, levels = 256, plot_with_colorbar = True, cmap = None, data_type = 'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$', equal_energy_bin = None): '''Plots the fit output as a single plot with meas,fitted and difference. The differnece used err_matrix_amplification as a factor. patches moves the labels from the title into white patches in the top of the figure Parameters --------------- re : dict Dictionary that contains the fit results and specific the dataframes A, AC and AE error_matrix_amplification : int, optional the error matrix AE is multiplied by this factor for the plot. use_images : bool: (Default)True converts the matrix into images, to reduce the filesize. data_type : str this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ patches : bool, optional If False (Default) the names "measured" "fitted" "difference" will be placed above the images. If True, then they will be included into the image (denser) title : None or str title to be used on top of each plot The (Default) None triggers self.filename to be used. Setting a specific title as string will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with this command title="" intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats), optional cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. equal_energy_bin : None or float(optional) if this is set the wave_nm_bin is ignored and the data is rebinned into equal energy bins (based upon that the data is in nm. If dual axis is on then the lower axis is energy and the upper is wavelength ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] time_bin : None or int, optional is dividing the points on the time-axis in even bins and averages the found values in between. This is a hard approach that also affects the fits. I do recommend to use this carefully, it is most useful for modulated data. A better choice for transient absorption that only affects the kinetics is 'time_width_percent' log_scale : bool, optional If True (Default), The 2D plots (Matrix) is plotted with a pseudo logarithmic intensity scale. This usually does not give good results unless the intensity scale is symmetric Scale_type : None or str is a general setting that can influences what time axis will be used for the plots. "symlog" (linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) "lin" and "log" are valid options. lintresh : float The pseudo logratihmic range "symlog" is used for most time axis. Symlog plots a range around time zero linear and beyond this linear treshold 'lintresh' on a logarithmic scale. (Default) 0.3 wavelength_bin : float, optional the width used in kinetics, see below (Default) 10nm levels : int, optional how many different colours to use in the description. less makes for more contrast but less intensity details (Default) 256 plot_with_colorbar : bool, optional if True (Default) a colour bar is added to the 2d plot for intensity explanation, switch mostely used for creating multiple plots cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. ''' if intensity_range is None:intensity_range=5e-3 fig,ax=plt.subplots(3,figsize=(9,11)) if patches: plot2d(re['A'], cmap = cmap, log_scale = log_scale, intensity_range = intensity_range, ax = ax[0], baseunit = baseunit, use_colorbar = plot_with_colorbar, levels = levels, plot_type = scale_type, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, lintresh = lintresh, bordercut = bordercut, scattercut = scattercut, timelimits = timelimits, data_type = data_type, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True) plot2d(re['AC'], cmap = cmap, log_scale = log_scale, intensity_range = intensity_range, ax = ax[1], baseunit = baseunit, use_colorbar = plot_with_colorbar, levels = levels, plot_type = scale_type, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, lintresh = lintresh, bordercut = bordercut, scattercut = scattercut, timelimits = timelimits, data_type = data_type, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True) plot2d(re['AE'], cmap = cmap, log_scale = log_scale, intensity_range = np.array(intensity_range)/error_matrix_amplification, ax = ax[2], baseunit = baseunit, use_colorbar = plot_with_colorbar, levels = levels, plot_type = scale_type, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, lintresh = lintresh, bordercut = bordercut, scattercut = scattercut, timelimits = timelimits, data_type = data_type, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True) for i in range(3): ax[i].set_title(label='') stringen=['measured','calculated','difference'] x_width=(ax[i].get_xlim()[1]-ax[i].get_xlim()[0])/4 if 'lin' in scale_type: y_width=(ax[i].get_ylim()[1])/8 else: y_width=(ax[i].get_ylim()[1])/1.5 rect = plt.Rectangle((ax[i].get_xlim()[1]-x_width, ax[i].get_ylim()[1]-y_width), x_width, y_width,facecolor="white", alpha=0.5) ax[i].add_patch(rect) ax[i].text(ax[i].get_xlim()[1]-x_width+x_width*0.1,ax[i].get_ylim()[1]-y_width+y_width*0.1,stringen[i],fontsize=16) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.067, right=0.97, top=0.985, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.258) else: plot2d(re['A'], cmap = cmap, title = 'Measured', log_scale = log_scale, intensity_range = intensity_range, ax = ax[0], baseunit = baseunit, use_colorbar = plot_with_colorbar, levels = levels, plot_type = scale_type, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, lintresh = lintresh, bordercut = bordercut, scattercut = scattercut, timelimits = timelimits, data_type = data_type, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True) plot2d(re['AC'], cmap = cmap, title = 'Calculated', log_scale = log_scale, intensity_range = intensity_range, ax = ax[1], baseunit = baseunit, use_colorbar = plot_with_colorbar, levels = levels, plot_type = scale_type, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, lintresh = lintresh, bordercut = bordercut, scattercut = scattercut, timelimits = timelimits , data_type = data_type, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True) plot2d(re['AE'], cmap = cmap, title = 'Difference', log_scale = log_scale, intensity_range = np.array(intensity_range)/error_matrix_amplification, ax = ax[2], baseunit = baseunit, use_colorbar = plot_with_colorbar, levels = levels, plot_type = scale_type, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, lintresh = lintresh, bordercut = bordercut, scattercut = scattercut, timelimits = timelimits, data_type = data_type, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True) #fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, bottom=0.067, right=0.97, top=0.97, wspace=0.0, hspace=0.398) fig.tight_layout() return fig
[docs]def plot_fit_output( re, ds, cmap = standard_map, plotting = range(6), title = None, path = None, filename = None, f = 'standard', intensity_range = 1e-2, baseunit = 'ps', timelimits = None, scattercut = None, bordercut = None, error_matrix_amplification = 20, wave_nm_bin = 5, rel_wave = None, width = 10, rel_time = [1, 5, 10], time_width_percent = 10, ignore_time_region = None, save_figures_to_folder = True, log_fit = False, mod = None, subplot = False, color_offset = 0, log_scale = True, savetype = 'png', evaluation_style = False, lintresh = 1, scale_type = 'symlog', patches = False, print_click_position = False, data_type = 'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$', plot_second_as_energy = True, units = 'nm', equal_energy_bin = None): '''Purly manual function that plots all the fit output figures. Quite cumbersome, but offers a lot of manual options. The figures can be called separately or with a list of plots. e.g. range(6) call plots 0-5 Manual plotting of certain type: This is a wrapper function that triggers the plotting of all the fitted plots. The parameter in this plot call are to control the general look and features of the plot. Which plots are printed is defined by the command (plotting) The plots are generated from the fitted Matrixes and as such only will work after a fit was actually completed (and the "re" dictionary attached to the object.) In all plots the RAW data is plotted as dots and the fit with lines *Contents of the plots* 0. DAC contains the assigned spectra for each component of the fit. For a modelling with independent exponential decays this corresponds to the "Decay Associated Spectra" (DAS). For all other models this contains the "Species Associated Spectra" (SAS). According to the model the separate spectra are labeled by time (process) or name, if a name is associated in the fitting model. The spectra are shown in the extracted strength in the right pane and normalized in the left. Extracted strength means that the measured spectral strength is the intensity (concentration matrix) times this spectral strength. As the concentration maxima for all DAS are 1 this corresponds to the spectral strength for the DAS. (please see the documentation for the fitting algorithm for further details) 1. summed intensity. All wavelength of the spectral axis are summed for data and fit. The data is plotted in a number of ways vs linear and logarithmic axis. This plot is not ment for publication but very useful to evaluate the quality of a fit. 2. plot kinetics for selected wavelength (see corresponding RAW plot) 3. plot spectra at selected times (see corresponding RAW plot) 4. plots matrix (measured, modelled and error Matrix). The parameter are the same as used for the corresponding RAW plot with the addition of "error_matrix_amplification" which is a scaling factor multiplied onto the error matrix. I recommend to play with different "cmap", "log_scale" and "intensity_scale" to create a pleasing plot 5. concentrations. In the progress of the modelling/fitting a matrix is generated that contains the relative concentrations of the species modelled. This plot is showing the temporal development of these species. Further details on how this matrix is generated can be found in the documentation of the fitting function. The modeled spectra are the convolution of these vectors (giving the time-development) and the DAS/SAS (giving the spectral development). Parameters --------------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis re : dict Dictionary that contains the fit results and specific the dataframes A, AC and AE data_type : str this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ error_matrix_amplification : int, optional the error matrix AE is multiplied by this factor for the plot. plotting : int or iterable (of integers), optional This parameter determines which figures are plotted the figures can be called separately with plotting = 1 or with a list of plots (Default) e.g.~plotting=range(6) calls plots 0,1,2,3,4,5 The plots have the following numbers:\ 0 - DAS or SAS\ 1 - summed intensity\ 2 - Kinetics\ 3 - Spectra\ 4 - Matrixes\ 5 - Concentrations (the c-object)\ The plotting takes all parameter from the "ta" object unless otherwise specified path : None, str or path object, optional This defines where the files are saved if the safe_figures_to_folder parameter is True, quite useful if a lot of data sets are to be printed fast. If a path is given, this is used. If a string like the (Default) "result_figures" is given, then a subfolder of this name will be used (an generated if necessary) relative to self.path. Use and empty string to use the self.path If set to None, the location of the plot_func will be used and a subfolder with title "result_figures" be generated here savetype : str or iterable (of str), optional matplotlib allows the saving of figures in various formats. (Default) "png", typical and recommendable options are "svg" and "pdf". evaluation_style : bool, optional True (Default = False) adds a lot of extra information in the plot title : None or str, optional "title=None" is in general the filename that was loaded. Setting a specific title will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with title="" scale_type : str, optional refers to the time-axis and takes, ’symlog’ (Default)(linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) and ‘lin’ for linear and ‘log’ for logarithmic, switching all the time axis to this type patches : bool, optional If False (Default) the names "measured" "fitted" "difference" will be placed above the images. If True, then they will be included into the image (denser) filename : str, optional offers to replace the base-name used for all plots (to e.g.~specify what sample was used). if (Default) None is used, the self.filename is used as a base name. The filename plays only a role during saving, as does the path and savetype save_figures_to_folder : bool, optional (Default) is True, if True the Figures are automatically saved log_scale : bool, optional If True (Default), The 2D plots (Matrix) is plotted with a pseudo logarithmic intensity scale. This usually does not give good results unless the intensity scale is symmetric subplot : bool, optional If False (Default) axis labels and such are set. If True, we plot into the same axis and do not set labels color_offset : int, optional At the (Default) 0 the colours are chose from the beginning, for a larger value Color_offset colors are skipped. Usually only used if multiple plots are created, and the data/or fit is only shown for some of them. lintresh : float The pseudo logratihmic range "symlog" is used for most time axis. Symlog plots a range around time zero linear and beyond this linear treshold 'lintresh' on a logarithmic scale. (Default) 1 rel_time : float or list/vector (of floats), optional For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If time_width_percent=0 (Default) the nearest measured timepoint is chosen. For other values see 'time_width_percent' time_width_percent : float "rel_time" and "time_width_percent" work together for creating spectral plots at specific timepoints. For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If however e.g. time_width_percent=10 the region between the timepoint closest to the 1.1 x timepoint and 0.9 x timepoint is averaged and shown (and the legend adjusted accordingly). This is particularly useful for the densly sampled region close to t=0. Typically for a logarithmic recorded kinetics, the timepoints at later times will be further appart than 10 percent of the value, but this allows to elegantly combine values around time=0 for better statistics. This averaging is only applied for the plotting function and not for the fits. ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] width : float, optional the width used in kinetics, see below (Default) 10nm rel_wave : float or list (of floats), optional 'rel_wave' and 'width' (in the object called 'wavelength_bin' work together for the creation of kinetic plots. When plotting kinetic spectra one line will be plotted for each entrance in the list/vector rel_wave. During object generation the vector np.arange(300,1000,100) is set as standard. Another typical using style would be to define a list of interesting wavelength at which a kinetic development is to be plotted. At each selected wavelength the data between wavelength+ta.wavelength_bin and wavelength-ta.wavelength_bin is averaged for each timepoint returned timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats), optional cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. equal_energy_bin : None or float(optional) if this is set the wave_nm_bin is ignored and the data is rebinned into equal energy bins (based upon that the data is in nm. If dual axis is on then the lower axis is energy and the upper is wavelength intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. f : str f is a replacement title that is set instead of the title. mainly used to have some options (Default) is 'standard' log_fit : bool, optional (default)= False Used for legend generation, tells if the fit was in log or lin space mod : str, optional Used for legend generation, tells what model was used for fitting cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. print_click_position : bool, optional if True then the click position is printed for the spectral plots Examples ------------ >>> ta.plot_fit_output(,ta.ds) ''' if baseunit != 'ps': if baseunit == 'ns':baseunit = 'Time in ns' re['A'] re['AC'] re['AE'] re['c'] if width is None:width=wave_nm_bin stringen=[] timedf=re['fit_results_times'] if mod is not None: if not isinstance(mod,type('hello')):mod='ext. func.' if evaluation_style: if mod is not None: stringen.append('Fit with Model: %s'%mod) timedf.rename(index={'resolution': "res"},inplace=True) timedf.rename(columns={'init_value': "init"},inplace=True) try: stringen.append(timedf.to_string(columns = ['value','init','vary','min','max','expr'], float_format = '{:.3g}'.format, justify = 'center')) except: print('something strange happened, most likely one value went "inf" or is set unexpectedly to None') else: if mod is not None: if mod in ['paral','exponential']:stringen.append('Fit with ind.\nexpon. decays:') else:stringen.append('Fit with time parameters:') try: timedf.drop(index=['resolution','t0'],inplace=True) except: pass stringen.append(timedf.to_string(columns=['value'],float_format='{:.3g}'.format,header=False)) stringen='\n'.join(stringen) times=timedf[timedf.is_rate].loc[:,'value'].values time_string=timedf[timedf.is_rate].to_string(columns=['value'],float_format='{:.3g}'.format,header=False) if not hasattr(plotting,'__iter__'):plotting=[plotting] if 0 in plotting:#DAC #-------plot DAC------------ #for i,col in enumerate(re['DAC']): #re['DAC'].iloc[:,i]=re['DAC'].iloc[:,i].values*re['c'].max().iloc[i] fig1,(ax1a,ax1b,ax1c)=plt.subplots(1,3,figsize=(12,5),dpi=100) n_colors=len(re['DAC'].columns) DAC=re['DAC'] DAC_copy=DAC.copy() normed=(DAC/DAC.abs().max()) for i,col in enumerate(DAC_copy): DAC_copy.iloc[:,i]=DAC_copy.iloc[:,i].values*re['c'].abs().max().iloc[i] if scattercut is None: DAC.plot(ax=ax1b,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) normed.plot(ax=ax1a,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) DAC_copy.plot(ax=ax1c,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) elif isinstance(scattercut[0], numbers.Number): DAC.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax=ax1b,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) DAC.loc[scattercut[1]:,:].plot(ax=ax1b,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') normed.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax=ax1a,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) normed.loc[scattercut[1]:,:].plot(ax=ax1a,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') DAC_copy.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax=ax1c,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) DAC_copy.loc[scattercut[1]:,:].plot(ax=ax1c,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') else: try: scattercut=flatten(scattercut) for i in range(len(scattercut)/2+1): if i==0: DAC.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax=ax1b,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) normed.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax=ax1a,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) DAC_copy.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax=ax1c,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) elif i<(len(scattercut)/2): DAC.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i],:].plot(ax=ax1b,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') normed.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i],:].plot(ax=ax1a,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') DAC_copy.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i],:].plot(ax=ax1c,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') else: DAC.loc[scattercut[-1]:,:].plot(ax=ax1b,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') normed.loc[scattercut[-1]:,:].plot(ax=ax1a,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') DAC_copy.loc[scattercut[-1]:,:].plot(ax=ax1c,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap), label='_nolegend_') except: DAC.plot(ax=ax1b,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) normed.plot(ax=ax1a,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) DAC_copy.plot(ax=ax1c,color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap)) if mod in ['paral','exponential']: try: names=['decay %i: %.3g %s'%(i,a,baseunit) for i,a in enumerate(times)] except: print('something strange happened, most likely one value went "inf" or is set unexpectedly to None') names=['decay %i: %s %s'%(i,a,baseunit) for i,a in enumerate(times)] if 'background' in list(re['DAC'].columns):names.append('background') if 'Non Decaying' in list(re['DAC'].columns):names.append('Non Decaying') ax1a.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) ax1b.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) ax1c.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) elif mod in ['exp']: names=['species %i'%i for i,a in enumerate(re['DAC'].columns.values)] if 'background' in list(re['DAC'].columns): if 'Non Decaying' in list(re['DAC'].columns): names[-1]='background' names[-2]='Non Decaying' else: names[-1]='background' else: if 'Non Decaying' in list(re['DAC'].columns): names[-1]='Non Decaying' ax1a.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) ax1b.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) ax1c.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) else: names=['%s'%a for a in re['DAC'].columns.values] ax1a.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) ax1b.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) ax1c.legend(names,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) #ax1c.legend(time_string,title='Model: {}'.format(mod)) if title is None: ax1a.set_title(f) else: if len(title)>0: ax1a.set_title(title) if title is None: ax1b.set_title(f) else: if len(title)>1:ax1b.set_title(title) if title is None: ax1c.set_title(f) else: if len(title)>1:ax1c.set_title(title) ax1a.plot(ax1a.get_xlim(),[0,0],'black',zorder=10) ax1b.plot(ax1b.get_xlim(),[0,0],'black',zorder=10) ax1c.plot(ax1b.get_xlim(),[0,0],'black',zorder=10) ax1a.set_xlabel( ax1b.set_xlabel( ax1c.set_xlabel( ax1a.set_ylabel('intensity norm.') ax1b.set_ylabel('intensity in arb. units') ax1c.set_ylabel('intensity*max(c) in arb. units') fig1.tight_layout() if 1 in plotting: #-------plot sum_sum------------ fig2 = plt.figure(figsize = (18, 5), dpi = 100) ax2a=[plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (0, i)) for i in range(3)] ax2=[plt.subplot2grid((3, 3), (1, i), rowspan=2) for i in range(3)] dat = [pandas.DataFrame(re['A'], index = re['A'].index, columns = re['A'].columns).abs().sum(axis = 1)] dat.append(pandas.DataFrame(re['AC'], index = re['AC'].index, columns = re['AC'].columns).abs().sum(axis = 1)) dat.append(pandas.DataFrame(re['AE'], index = re['AE'].index, columns = re['AE'].columns).abs().sum(axis = 1)) dat_names=['measured','calculated','error'] dat_styles=['*','-','-'] dat_cols=colm(range(3), cmap = cmap) limits = (dat[0].min(), dat[0].max()) xlimits = (dat[0].index.min(), dat[0].index.max()) if ignore_time_region is None: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if i==2: _ = dat[i].plot(ax = ax2a[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = dat_cols[i]) else: _ = dat[i].plot(ax = ax2[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = dat_cols[i]) elif isinstance(ignore_time_region[0], numbers.Number): x=dat[0].index.values.astype('float') lower=find_nearest_index(x,ignore_time_region[0]) upper=find_nearest_index(x,ignore_time_region[1]) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if i==2: _ = dat[i].iloc[:lower].plot(ax = ax2a[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = dat_cols[i]) _ = dat[i].iloc[upper:].plot(ax = ax2a[j], label = '_nolegend_', style = dat_styles[i], color = dat_cols[i]) else: _ = dat[i].iloc[:lower].plot(ax = ax2[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = dat_cols[i]) _ = dat[i].iloc[upper:].plot(ax = ax2[j], label = '_nolegend_', style = dat_styles[i], color = dat_cols[i]) else: try: ignore_time_region_loc=flatten(ignore_time_region) for k in range(len(ignore_time_region_loc)/2+1): if k==0: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if i==2: _ = dat[i].loc[:ignore_time_region_loc[k]].plot(ax = ax2a[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) else: _ = dat[i].loc[:ignore_time_region_loc[k]].plot(ax = ax2[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) elif k<(len(ignore_time_region)/2): for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if i==2: _ = dat[i].loc[ignore_time_region_loc[2*k-1]:ignore_time_region_loc[2*k]].plot(ax = ax2a[j], label = '_nolegend_', style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) else: _ = dat[i].loc[ignore_time_region_loc[2*k-1]:ignore_time_region_loc[2*k]].plot(ax = ax2[j], label = '_nolegend_', style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) else: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if i==2: _ = dat[i].loc[ignore_time_region_loc[-1]:].plot(ax = ax2a[j], label = '_nolegend_', style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) else: _ = dat[i].loc[ignore_time_region_loc[-1]:].plot(ax = ax2[j], label = '_nolegend_', style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) except: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): if i==2: _ = dat[i].plot(ax = ax2a[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) else: _ = dat[i].plot(ax = ax2[j], label = dat_names[i], style = dat_styles[i], color = colm(i, cmap = cmap)) ax2[0].set_xlim(xlimits) ax2[0].set_xscale('symlog', linscale=0.1) ax2[0].autoscale(axis='y', tight=True) ax2a[0].set_xlim(xlimits) ax2a[0].set_xscale('symlog', linscale=0.1) ax2a[0].autoscale(axis='y', tight=True) ax2[1].set_xlim(xlimits) ax2[1].set_xscale('linear') ax2[1].set_ylim(np.nanmax([limits[0],limits[1]/10000]),limits[1]) ax2[1].set_yscale('log') ax2a[1].set_xlim(xlimits) ax2a[1].set_xscale('linear') ax2[2].set_xscale('log') ax2[2].set_ylim(np.nanmax([limits[0],limits[1]/10000]),limits[1]) ax2[2].set_yscale('log') ax2[2].set_xlim(max(0.1, xlimits[0]), xlimits[1]) ax2a[2].set_xscale('log') ax2a[2].set_xlim(max(0.1, xlimits[0]), xlimits[1]) #draw a black line at zero ax2a[0].plot(ax2[0].get_xlim(), [0, 0], 'black', zorder=10, label = '_nolegend_') ax2a[1].plot(ax2[0].get_xlim(), [0, 0], 'black', zorder=10, label = '_nolegend_') ax2a[2].plot(ax2[0].get_xlim(), [0, 0], 'black', zorder=10, label = '_nolegend_') #plot empty to get the labels right ax2[0].plot([], [], ' ', label=stringen) ax2[0].legend(title='Model: {}'.format(mod),frameon=False) if title is None: ax2[1].legend(labels=[],title=f,frameon=False) else: if not len(title)==0: ax2[1].legend(labels=[],title=title,frameon=False) for t in times: if isinstance(t,float): ax2[0].plot([t,t],ax2[0].get_ylim(),lw=0.5,zorder=10,alpha=0.5,color='black') ax2[1].plot([t,t],ax2[1].get_ylim(),lw=0.5,zorder=10,alpha=0.5,color='black') ax2[2].plot([t,t],ax2[2].get_ylim(),lw=0.5,zorder=10,alpha=0.5,color='black') ax2[0].set_xlabel(x_label) ax2[1].set_xlabel(x_label) ax2[2].set_xlabel(x_label) ax2a[0].set_xlabel(x_label) ax2a[1].set_xlabel(x_label) ax2a[2].set_xlabel(x_label) fig2.tight_layout() if 2 in plotting:#---plot single wavelength---------- fig3,ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize = (15,6),dpi = 100) #fig3,ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize = (8,4),dpi = 100) _=plot1d( ds = re['AC'], cmap = cmap, ax = ax3, width = width, wavelength = rel_wave, lines_are = 'fitted', plot_type = scale_type, baseunit = baseunit, lintresh = lintresh, timelimits = timelimits, text_in_legend = time_string, title = '', ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, data_type = data_type, units = units, from_fit = True) _=plot1d( ds = re['A'], cmap = cmap,ax = ax3, subplot = True, width = width, wavelength = rel_wave,lines_are = 'data', plot_type = scale_type, baseunit = baseunit , lintresh = lintresh , timelimits = timelimits, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, data_type = data_type, units = units, from_fit = True) ax3.autoscale(axis = 'y',tight = True) for t in times: if isinstance(t, float): ax3.plot([t, t], ax3.get_ylim(), lw = 0.5, zorder = 10, alpha = 0.5, color = 'black') fig3.tight_layout() if 3 in plotting: #---plot at set time---------- fig4, ax4 = plt.subplots(figsize = (15, 6), dpi = 100) _=plot_time(ds=re['A'],cmap=cmap,ax=ax4,subplot=False, rel_time=rel_time, title=title, baseunit=baseunit, time_width_percent=time_width_percent, lines_are='data', scattercut=scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, intensity_range = intensity_range, data_type = data_type, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy, units = units, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True ) _=plot_time(ds=re['AC'],cmap=cmap,ax=ax4, subplot=False, rel_time=rel_time, title=title, baseunit=baseunit, time_width_percent=time_width_percent, lines_are='fitted', color_offset=color_offset, scattercut=scattercut, data_type = data_type, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy, units = units, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = True ) try: if equal_energy_bin is not None: bordercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in bordercut] ax4.set_xlim(bordercut) except: pass fig4.tight_layout() if 4 in plotting:#---matrix with fit and error, as figures---------- fig5 = plot2d_fit(re, cmap = cmap, intensity_range = intensity_range, baseunit = baseunit, error_matrix_amplification = error_matrix_amplification, wave_nm_bin = None, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, use_images = True, log_scale = log_scale, scale_type = scale_type, patches = patches, lintresh = lintresh, bordercut = bordercut, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, scattercut = scattercut, timelimits = timelimits, levels = 200, data_type = data_type) plt.ion() if 5 in plotting: fig6=plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) G = GridSpec(4, 4) ax6=[] ax6.append(fig6.add_subplot(G[1:,0])) ax6.append(fig6.add_subplot(G[1:,1])) ax6.append(fig6.add_subplot(G[1:,2])) ax6.append(fig6.add_subplot(G[1:,3])) ax6.append(fig6.add_subplot(G[0,2:])) ax6.append(fig6.add_subplot(G[0,0:2])) n_colors=len(re['c'].columns) for i in range(4): ax6[i]=re['c'].plot(ax=ax6[i],color=colm(range(n_colors),cmap=cmap),legend=False) if re['c'] == 'time': for i in range(4): ax6[i].set_xlabel('time in %s'%baseunit) ax6[1].set_yscale('log') ax6[1].set_ylim(1e-5,1.1) ax6[2].set_yscale('log') ax6[2].set_ylim(1e-5,1.1) ax6[2].set_xscale('log') ax6[2].set_xlim(0.05,ax6[2].get_xlim()[1]) ax6[3].set_xscale('log') ax6[3].set_xlim(0.05,ax6[3].get_xlim()[1]) handles, labels = ax6[3].get_legend_handles_labels() ax6[4].axis('off') ax6[5].axis('off') if title is None: title=f else: if not len(title)==0: title=title else: title='' if len(handles)<5: ncol=2 elif len(handles)<7: ncol=3 else: ncol=4 leg=ax6[4].legend(handles,labels,loc=3, ncol=ncol,edgecolor=(0,0,0,1),framealpha=1,frameon=True,title=title) for i in range(6): ax6[i].set_title('') ax6[5].text(0,0,'This factor represents the temporal evolution\n of the components in the fit.\nThis time dependent factor multiplied with the \nspectral intensity from the SAS/DAS is re[\"AC\"]',fontsize=float(plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'])-1) fig6.tight_layout() if 6 in plotting:#---matrix with fit and error, as contours---------- fig7 = plot2d_fit(re, cmap = cmap, intensity_range = intensity_range, baseunit = baseunit, error_matrix_amplification = error_matrix_amplification, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, use_images = False, scale_type = scale_type, data_type = data_type) plt.ion() if print_click_position: plt.connect('button_press_event', mouse_move) if save_figures_to_folder: if path is None:path=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) figure_path=check_folder(path=path) if filename is None: filename='test.fig' fi=filename.split('.')[0] try: fig1.savefig(check_folder(path=figure_path,filename='%s_DAC.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight') fig2.savefig(check_folder(path=figure_path,filename='%s_SUM.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight') fig3.savefig(check_folder(path=figure_path,filename='%s_SEL.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight') fig4.savefig(check_folder(path=figure_path,filename='%s_SPEC.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight') fig5.savefig(check_folder(path=figure_path,filename='%s_FIG_MAT.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight') fig6.savefig(check_folder(path=figure_path,filename='%s_concentrations.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight') fig7.savefig(check_folder(path=figure_path,filename='%s_CONTOUR.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight') except: pass
[docs]def plot_raw(ds = None, plotting = range(4), title = None, intensity_range = 1e-2, baseunit = 'ps', timelimits = None, scattercut = None, bordercut = None, wave_nm_bin = None, width = 10, rel_wave = np.arange(400, 900, 100), rel_time = [1, 5, 10], time_width_percent = 10, ignore_time_region = None, time_bin = None, cmap = None, color_offset = 0, log_scale = True, plot_type = 'symlog', lintresh = 0.3, times = None, save_figures_to_folder = False, savetype = 'png', path = None, filename = None, print_click_position = False, data_type = 'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$', plot_second_as_energy = True, units = 'nm', return_plots = False, equal_energy_bin = None): '''This is the extended plot function, for convenient object based plotting see TA.Plot_RAW This function plotts of various RAW (non fitted) plots. Based on the DataFrame ds a number of cuts are created using the shaping parameters explained below. In all plots the RAW data is plotted as dots and interpolated with lines (using Savitzky-Golay window=5, order=3 interpolation). Parameters --------------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis plotting : int or iterable (of integers), optional This parameter determines which figures are plotted the figures can be called separately with plotting = 1 or with a list of plots (Default) e.g.plotting=range(4) calls plots 0,1,2,3 The plots have the following numbers: 0. Matrix 1. Kinetics 2. Spectra 3. SVD title : None or str title to be used on top of each plot The (Default) None triggers self.filename to be used. Setting a specific title as string will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with this command title="" intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] data_type : str this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) "ps", but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats), optional cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. equal_energy_bin : None or float(optional) if this is set the wave_nm_bin is ignored and the data is rebinned into equal energy bins (based upon that the data is in nm. If dual axis is on then the lower axis is energy and the upper is wavelength width : float, optional the width used in kinetics, see below (Default) 10nm rel_wave : float or list (of floats), optional "rel_wave" and "width" (in the object called "wavelength_bin" work together for the creation of kinetic plots. When plotting kinetic spectra one line will be plotted for each entrance in the list/vector rel_wave. During object generation the vector np.arange(300,1000,100) is set as standard. Another typical using style would be to define a list of interesting wavelength at which a kinetic development is to be plotted. At each selected wavelength the data between wavelength+ta.wavelength_bin and wavelength-ta.wavelength_bin is averaged for each timepoint returned rel_time : float or list/vector (of floats), optional For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If time_width_percent=0 (Default) the nearest measured timepoint is chosen. For other values see "time_width_percent" time_width_percent : float "rel_time" and "time_width_percent" work together for creating spectral plots at specific timepoints. For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If however e.g. time_width_percent=10 the region between the timepoint closest to the 1.1 x timepoint and 0.9 x timepoint is averaged and shown (and the legend adjusted accordingly). This is particularly useful for the densly sampled region close to t=0. Typically for a logarithmic recorded kinetics, the timepoints at later times will be further appart than 10 percent of the value, but this allows to elegantly combine values around time=0 for better statistics. This averaging is only applied for the plotting function and not for the fits. ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] time_bin : None or int, optional is dividing the points on the time-axis in even bins and averages the found values in between. This is a hard approach that also affects the fits. I do recommend to use this carefully, it is most useful for modulated data. A better choice for transient absorption that only affects the kinetics is "time_width_percent" cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g. your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. color_offset : int, optional At the (Default) 0 the colours are chose from the beginning, for a larger value Color_offset colors are skipped. Usually only used if multiple plots are created, and the data/or fit is only shown for some of them. log_scale : bool, optional If True (Default), The 2D plots (Matrix) is plotted with a pseudo logarithmic intensity scale. This usually does not give good results unless the intensity scale is symmetric Scale_type : None or str is a general setting that can influences what time axis will be used for the plots. "symlog" (linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) "lin" and "log" are valid options. lintresh : float The pseudo logratihmic range "symlog" is used for most time axis. Symlog plots a range around time zero linear and beyond this linear treshold 'lintresh' on a logarithmic scale. (Default) 0.3 times : None or int are the number of components to be used in the SVD (Default) is None (which is seen as 6) save_figures_to_folder : bool, optional (Default) is False, if True the Figures are automatically saved savetype : str or iterable (of str), optional matplotlib allows the saving of figures in various formats. (Default) "png", typical and recommendable options are "svg" and "pdf". path : None, str or path object, optional This defines where the files are saved if the safe_figures_to_folder parameter is True, quite useful if a lot of data sets are to be printed fast. If a path is given, this is used. If a string like the (Default) "result_figures" is given, then a subfolder of this name will be used (an generated if necessary) relative to self.path. Use and empty string to use the self.path If set to None, the location of the plot_func will be used and a subfolder with title "result_figures" be generated here filename : str, optional offers to replace the base-name used for all plots (to e.g.~specify what sample was used). if (Default) None is used, the self.filename is used as a base name. The filename plays only a role during saving, as does the path and savetype print_click_position : bool, optional if True then the click position is printed for the spectral plots return_plots : bool, optional (Default) False, return is ignoriert. For True a dictionary with the handles to the figures is returned ''' if ds is None:raise ValueError('We need something to plot!!!') if baseunit != 'ps': if baseunit == 'ns': = 'Time in ns' else: if path is None:path=check_folder(path='result_figures',current_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) if filename is None:filename='standard.sia' if not hasattr(plotting,'__iter__'):plotting=[plotting] debug=False plt.ion() if 0 in plotting:#MAtrix fig1 = plot2d(ds = ds, cmap = cmap, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, plot_type = plot_type, baseunit = baseunit, intensity_range = intensity_range, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, levels = 200, lintresh = lintresh, timelimits = timelimits, time_bin = time_bin, title = title, log_scale = log_scale, data_type = data_type, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin) fig1.tight_layout() if debug:print('plotted Matrix') if 1 in plotting:#kinetics fig2,ax2=plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6),dpi=100) _ = plot1d(ds = ds, ax = ax2, subplot = True, cmap = cmap, width = width, wavelength = rel_wave, title = title, lines_are = 'data' , plot_type = plot_type, lintresh = lintresh, timelimits = timelimits, intensity_range = intensity_range, scattercut = scattercut, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, baseunit = baseunit, data_type = data_type, units = units) _ = plot1d(ds = ds, ax = ax2, subplot = False, cmap = cmap, width = width, wavelength = rel_wave, title = title, lines_are = 'smoothed', plot_type = plot_type, lintresh = lintresh, timelimits = timelimits, intensity_range = intensity_range, scattercut = scattercut, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, baseunit = baseunit, data_type = data_type, units = units ) if debug:print('plotted kinetics') if 2 in plotting:#Spectra fig3,ax3 = plt.subplots(figsize = (10,6),dpi = 100) _ = plot_time(ds, subplot = True, ax = ax3, plot_second_as_energy = False, cmap = cmap, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, baseunit = baseunit, lines_are = 'data' , scattercut = scattercut, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, bordercut = bordercut, intensity_range = intensity_range, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, data_type = data_type, units = units, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin) if plot_second_as_energy: _ = plot_time(ds ,subplot = False, ax = ax3, plot_second_as_energy = True, cmap = cmap, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, baseunit = baseunit, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = scattercut, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, bordercut = bordercut, intensity_range = intensity_range, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, data_type = data_type, units = units, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin) else: _ = plot_time(ds ,subplot = False, ax = ax3, plot_second_as_energy = False, cmap = cmap, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, baseunit = baseunit, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = scattercut, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, bordercut = bordercut, intensity_range = intensity_range, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, data_type = data_type, units = units, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin) fig3.tight_layout() if debug:print('plotted Spectra') if 3 in plotting: #---plot at set time---------- try: fig4 = SVD(ds , times = times , timelimits = timelimits , scattercut = scattercut , bordercut = bordercut , wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, cmap = cmap) except: print("SVD failed with:",sys.exc_info()[0]) if debug:print('plotted SVD') if print_click_position: plt.connect('button_press_event', mouse_move) if save_figures_to_folder: fi=filename.split('.')[0] try: fig1.savefig(check_folder(path=path,filename='%s_RAW_MAT.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight',dpi=300) fig2.savefig(check_folder(path=path,filename='%s_RAW_SEL.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight',dpi=300) fig3.savefig(check_folder(path=path,filename='%s_RAW_SPEK.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight',dpi=300) fig4.savefig(check_folder(path=path,filename='%s_RAW_SVD.%s'%(fi,savetype)),bbox_inches='tight',dpi=300) except: pass if return_plots: return_dicten={} try: return_dicten[0]=fig1 except: pass try: return_dicten[1]=fig2 except: pass try: return_dicten[2]=fig3 except: pass try: return_dicten[3]=fig4 except: pass return return_dicten
[docs]def plot_time(ds, ax = None, rel_time = None, time_width_percent = 10, ignore_time_region = None, wave_nm_bin = None, title = None, text_in_legend = None, baseunit = 'ps', lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = None, bordercut = None, subplot = False, linewidth = 1, color_offset = 0, intensity_range = None, plot_second_as_energy = True, cmap = standard_map, data_type = 'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$', units = 'nm', equal_energy_bin = None, from_fit = None): '''Function to create plots at a certain time. In general you give under rel_time a list of times at which yu do want to plot the time width percentage means that this function integrates ewverything plus minus 10% at this time. lines_are is a switch that regulates what is plotted. data plots the data only, smoothed plots the data and a smoothed version of the data, fitted plots only the fit. the subplot switch is for using this to plot e.g. multiple different datasets. Parameters --------------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis ax : None or matplotlib axis object, optional if None (Default), a figure and axis will be generated for the plot, if axis is given the plot will placed in there. data_type : str this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ rel_time : float or list/vector (of floats), optional For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If time_width_percent=0 (Default) the nearest measured timepoint is chosen. For other values see 'time_width_percent' time_width_percent : float "rel_time" and "time_width_percent" work together for creating spectral plots at specific timepoints. For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If however e.g. time_width_percent=10 the region between the timepoint closest to the 1.1 x timepoint and 0.9 x timepoint is averaged and shown (and the legend adjusted accordingly). This is particularly useful for the densly sampled region close to t=0. Typically for a logarithmic recorded kinetics, the timepoints at later times will be further appart than 10 percent of the value, but this allows to elegantly combine values around time=0 for better statistics. This averaging is only applied for the plotting function and not for the fits. ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. title : None or str, optional title to be used on top of each plot The (Default) None triggers self.filename to be used. Setting a specific title as string will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with this command title="" linewidth : float, optional linewidth to be used for plotting text_in_legend : str, optional text to be used in legend before the actually lines and colours (set as heasder) baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement subplot ; bool, optional False (Default) means this is a main plot in this axis! if True then this is the second plot in the axis and things like axis ticks should not be reset this also avoids adding the object to the legend color_offset : int, optional At the (Default) 0 the colours are chose from the beginning, for a larger value Color_offset colors are skipped. Usually only used if multiple plots are created, and the data/or fit is only shown for some of them. intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] plot_second_as_energy : bool, optional For (Default) True a second x-axis is plotted with "eV" as unit cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. ''' if not hasattr(rel_time,'__iter__'):rel_time=[rel_time] rel_time=[a for a in rel_time if a<ds.index.values.astype('float').max()] if isinstance(cmap,list): colors=cmap[color_offset:] else: colors=colm(np.arange(color_offset,len(rel_time)+color_offset),cmap=cmap) if ax is None: fig,ax1=plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6),dpi=100) else: ax1=ax ds = sub_ds(ds = ds, times = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, scattercut = scattercut, drop_scatter=True, bordercut = bordercut, baseunit=baseunit, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin = equal_energy_bin, from_fit = from_fit) if 'smoothed' in lines_are: if scattercut is None: smoothed=Frame_golay(ds, window = 5, order = 3,transpose=False) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) elif isinstance(scattercut[0], numbers.Number):#handling single scattercut if equal_energy_bin is not None: scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] scattercut=scattercut[::-1] smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[:scattercut[0],:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=False) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[scattercut[1]:,:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=False) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else:#handling multiple scattercuts try: scattercut=flatten(scattercut) if equal_energy_bin is not None: scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] scattercut=scattercut[::-1] for i in range(len(scattercut)): if i==0: smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[:scattercut[0],:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=False) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) elif i<(len(scattercut)/2): smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i],:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=False) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else: smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[scattercut[-1]:,:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=False) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') except: print('printing the smoothed scatter interpolation created an error, using default') smoothed=Frame_golay(window = 5, order = 3,transpose=False) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) if not subplot: leg = ax1.legend(ds,title = 'lines = smoothed', loc='best', labelspacing = 0, ncol = 2, columnspacing = 1, handlelength = 1, frameon = False) elif 'data' in lines_are: if subplot: ax1 = ds.plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '*', color = colors, zorder = 0) else: ax1 = ds.plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '*', color = colors) leg = ax1.legend(ds,labelspacing = 0, ncol = 2, columnspacing = 1, handlelength = 1, loc = 'best', frameon = False) elif 'fitted' in lines_are: if scattercut is None: ds.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, alpha = 0.7) elif isinstance(scattercut[0], numbers.Number): if equal_energy_bin is not None: scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] ds.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '-', color = colors, alpha = 0.7, lw = linewidth) ds.loc[scattercut[1]:,:].plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '-', color = colors, alpha = 0.7, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else: try: scattercut=flatten(scattercut) if equal_energy_bin is not None: scattercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in scattercut] for i in range(len(scattercut)): if i==0: ds.loc[:scattercut[0],:].plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '-', color = colors, alpha = 0.7, lw = linewidth) elif i<(len(scattercut)/2): ds.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i],:].plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '-', color = colors, alpha = 0.7, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else: ds.loc[scattercut[-1]:,:].plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '-', color = colors, alpha = 0.7, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') except: ds.plot(ax = ax1, legend = False, style = '-', color = colors, alpha = 0.7, lw = linewidth) if not subplot:leg = ax1.legend(ds,title = 'lines = fit', loc = 'best', labelspacing = 0, ncol = 2, columnspacing = 1, handlelength = 1, frameon = False) if not subplot: if text_in_legend is not None: stringen=leg.get_title().get_text() texten=text_in_legend leg.set_title(texten + '\n' +stringen) else:#for multiple plotting return ax1 if bordercut is None: ax1.autoscale(axis='x',tight=True) else: if equal_energy_bin is not None: bordercut=[scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) for a in bordercut] #bordercut=bordercut[::-1] ax1.set_xlim(bordercut) if (not subplot) and plot_second_as_energy: ax2=ax1.twiny() ax2.set_xlim(ax1.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xticks(ax1.get_xticks()) if equal_energy_bin is not None: labels=['%.1f'%(scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt)) for a in ax2.get_xticks()] else: labels=['%.2f'%(scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt)) for a in ax2.get_xticks()] _=ax2.set_xticklabels(labels) if equal_energy_bin is not None: _=ax2.set_xlabel('Wavelength in nm') else: _=ax2.set_xlabel('Energy in eV') ax1.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder()+1) if not subplot: if not len(title)==0: try: ax2.set_title(title,pad=10) except: ax1.set_title(title,pad=10) ax1.set_ylabel(data_type) ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '%.2g'%(x))) ax1.set_xlabel( ax1.minorticks_on() #ax1.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator(6)) ax1.plot(ax1.get_xlim(),[0,0],color='black',lw=0.5,zorder=0, label='_nolegend_') if intensity_range is None: ax1.autoscale(axis='y',tight=True) else: if not hasattr(intensity_range,'__iter__'):#lets have an lazy option intensity_range=np.array([-intensity_range,intensity_range]) ax1.set_ylim(intensity_range) if ax is None: return fig else: return ax1
[docs]def plot1d(ds = None, wavelength = None, width = None, ax = None, subplot = False, title = None, intensity_range = None, baseunit = 'ps', timelimits = None, scattercut = None, bordercut = None, cmap = standard_map, plot_type = 'symlog', lintresh = 0.1, text_in_legend = None, lines_are = 'smoothed', color_offset = 0, ignore_time_region = None, linewidth = 1, data_type = 'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$', units = 'nm', from_fit = False): '''Plots the single line kinetic for specific wavelength given with the parameter wavelength. Parameters --------------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis wavelength : float or list (of floats) wavelength is in the object called "rel_wave" and works with "width" (in the object called "wavelength_bin") together for the creation of kinetic plots. When plotting kinetic spectra one line will be plotted for each entrance in the list/vector rel_wave. During object generation the vector np.arange(300,1000,100) is set as standard. Another typical using style would be to define a list of interesting wavelength at which a kinetic development is to be plotted. At each selected wavelength the data between wavelength+ta.wavelength_bin and wavelength-ta.wavelength_bin is averaged for each timepoint returned data_type : str this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ width : float, optional the width used in kinetics, see below (Default) 10nm ax : None, matplotlib axis object optional If None (Default) a new plot is is created and a new axis, otherwise ax needs to be Matplotlib Axis subplot : bool, optional If False (Default) axis labels and such are set. If True, we plot into the same axis and do not set labels text_in_legend : None, str, optional extra text to be put into the legend (above the lines) lines_are : str, optional Depending on this parameter the plots contain: 'smoothed' = data lines of golay smoothed data (Default) 'data' = dots are data, 'fitted' = not data, just lines shown title : None or str title to be used on top of each plot The (Default) None triggers self.filename to be used. Setting a specific title as string will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string linewidth : float, optional linewidht to be used for plotting intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats), optional cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. color_offset : int, optional At the (Default) 0 the colours are chose from the beginning, for a larger value Color_offset colors are skipped. Usually only used if multiple plots are created, and the data/or fit is only shown for some of them. plot_type : None or str is a general setting that can influences what time axis will be used for the plots. "symlog" (linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) "lin" and "log" are valid options. lintresh : float The pseudo logratihmic range "symlog" is used for most time axis. Symlog plots a range around time zero linear and beyond this linear treshold 'lintresh' on a logarithmic scale. (Default) 0.3 from_fit : bool optional i needed this swtich to avoid re-slicing of data in spectal axis for equal energy bins ''' if not isinstance(ds,pandas.DataFrame): print("input format wrong") if ax is None: fig,ax1=plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6),dpi=100) else: ax1=ax if width is None:width=1 if not hasattr(wavelength, '__iter__'):wavelength = [wavelength] if isinstance(cmap,list): colors=cmap[color_offset:] else: colors = colm(np.arange(color_offset, len(wavelength)+color_offset), cmap = cmap) ds = sub_ds(ds = ds, wavelength = wavelength, wavelength_bin = width, scattercut = scattercut, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region, drop_ignore = True, from_fit = from_fit) if 'smoothed' in lines_are: if ignore_time_region is None: smoothed=Frame_golay(ds, window = 5, order = 3) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) elif isinstance(ignore_time_region[0], numbers.Number): smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[:ignore_time_region[0],:], window = 5, order = 3) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[ignore_time_region[1]:,:], window = 5, order = 3) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else: try: ignore_time_region=flatten(ignore_time_region) for i in range(len(ignore_time_region)/2+1): if i==0: smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[:ignore_time_region[0],:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=True) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) elif i<(len(ignore_time_region)/2): smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[ignore_time_region[2*i-1]:ignore_time_region[2*i],:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=True) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else: smoothed=Frame_golay(ds.loc[ignore_time_region[-1]:,:], window = 5, order = 3,transpose=True) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') except: smoothed=Frame_golay(ds, window = 5, order = 3) smoothed.plot(ax = ax1, style = '-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) elif 'data' in lines_are: if subplot:ds.plot(ax = ax1, style = '*', color = colors, legend = False, zorder = 0, label='_nolegend_') else: ds.plot(ax = ax1, style = '*', color = colors, legend = False) elif 'fitted' in lines_are: if ignore_time_region is None: ds.plot(ax = ax1, style='-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) elif isinstance(ignore_time_region[0], numbers.Number): ds.loc[:ignore_time_region[0],:].plot(ax = ax1, style='-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) ds.loc[ignore_time_region[1]:,:].plot(ax = ax1, style='-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else: try: ignore_time_region=flatten(ignore_time_region) for i in range(len(ignore_time_region)/2+1): if i==0: ds.loc[:ignore_time_region[0],:].plot(ax = ax1, style='-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) elif i<(len(ignore_time_region)/2): ds.loc[ignore_time_region[2*i-1]:ignore_time_region[2*i],:].plot(ax = ax1, style='-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') else: ds.loc[ignore_time_region[-1]:,:].plot(ax = ax1, style='-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth, label='_nolegend_') except: ds.plot(ax = ax1, style='-', color = colors, legend = False, lw = linewidth) #Legend if not subplot: handles, labels = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels() handles=handles[:len(wavelength)] labels=labels[:len(wavelength)] for i,entry in enumerate(labels): labels[i]=entry + ' %s'%units if 'smoothed' in lines_are:leg=ax1.legend(labels,title='%g %s width, lines=smoothed'%(width,units),labelspacing=0,ncol=2,columnspacing=1,handlelength=1,frameon=False) elif 'data' in lines_are: leg=ax1.legend(labels,title='%g %s width'%(width,units) ,labelspacing=0,ncol=2,columnspacing=1,handlelength=1,frameon=False) elif 'fitted' in lines_are:leg=ax1.legend(labels,title='%g %s width, lines=fit'%(width,units) ,labelspacing=0,ncol=2,columnspacing=1,handlelength=1,frameon=False) if text_in_legend is not None: stringen=leg.get_title().get_text() texten=text_in_legend leg.set_title(texten + '\n' +stringen) x=ds.index.values.astype('float') #limits and ticks if timelimits is None:timelimits=[min(x),max(x)] if "symlog" in plot_type: lintresh=lintresh ax1.set_xscale('symlog', linthresh=lintresh,subs=range(2,9),linscale=lintresh/4.) try: if lintresh>0.5: ticks=np.concatenate((np.arange(-100,0,10,),[-5,-3,-2,-1,-0.5,0,0.5],np.logspace(0,10,11))) elif lintresh>=0.3: ticks=np.concatenate((np.arange(-100,0,10,),[-5,-3,-2,-1,-0.3,0,0.3],np.logspace(0,10,11))) elif lintresh>=0.1: ticks=np.concatenate((np.arange(-100,0,10,),[-5,-3,-2,-1,-0.1,0,0.1],np.logspace(0,10,11))) else: ticks=np.concatenate((np.arange(-100,0,10,),[-5,-3,-2,-1,0],np.logspace(0,10,11))) ticks=ticks[ticks>timelimits[0]] ticks=ticks[ticks<timelimits[1]] ax1.set_xticks(ticks) except: pass ax1.set_xlim(timelimits[0],timelimits[1]) elif "log" in plot_type: lower_time=max(1e-6,timelimits[0]) ax1.set_xlim(lower_time,timelimits[1]) ax1.set_xscale('log') elif "lin" in plot_type: ax1.set_xlim(timelimits[0],timelimits[1]) if intensity_range is None: ax1.autoscale(axis='y',tight=True) else: if not hasattr(intensity_range,'__iter__'):#lets have an lazy option intensity_range=np.array([-intensity_range,intensity_range]) ax1.set_ylim(intensity_range) if not subplot: ax1.plot(ax1.get_xlim(),[0,0],'black',lw=1,zorder=10, label='_nolegend_') if title is not None: if title: try: ax2.set_title(title,pad=10) except: ax1.set_title(title,pad=10) if "symlog" in plot_type: ax1.plot([lintresh,lintresh],ax1.get_ylim(),color='black',linestyle='dashed',alpha=0.5) ax1.plot([-lintresh,-lintresh],ax1.get_ylim(),color='black',linestyle='dashed',alpha=0.5) ax1.set_xlabel( ax1.set_ylabel(data_type) #ax1.set_xlabel('time in %s'%baseunit) #ax1.set_ylabel('differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$') ax1.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '%.2g'%(x))) if ax is None: return fig else: return ax1
[docs]def SVD(ds, times = None, scattercut = None, bordercut = None, timelimits = [5e-1, 150], wave_nm_bin = 10, time_bin = None, wavelength_bin = None, plotting = True, baseunit = 'ps', title = None, ignore_time_region = None, cmap = None, equal_energy_bin = None, data_type = 'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$'): '''This function calculates the SVD and plots an overview. Parameters ------------ ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis times : None or int are the number of components to be used in the SVD (Default) is None (which is seen as 6) plotting : bool if True (Default) the functions plots the SVD, if False it returns the vectors title : None or str title to be used on top of each plot The (Default) None triggers self.filename to be used. Setting a specific title as string will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with this command title="" baseunit : str baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats), optional cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) [5e-1 , 150] uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats), optional cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. (Default = 10) wavelength_bin : float, optional the width used in kinetics, see below (Default) 10nm ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists), optional cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots) Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] time_bin : None or int, optional is dividing the points on the time-axis in even bins and averages the found values in between. This is a hard approach that also affects the fits. I do recommend to use this carefully, it is most useful for modulated data. A better choice for transient absorption that only affects the kinetics is 'time_width_percent' cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. ''' if times is None: max_order=6 else: max_order=times if cmap is None:cmap=standard_map colors=colm(np.arange(0,max_order,1),cmap=cmap) ds = sub_ds(ds, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, timelimits = timelimits, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, wavelength_bin = wavelength_bin, time_bin = time_bin, ignore_time_region = ignore_time_region) U, s, V = np.linalg.svd(ds.values) if plotting: fig=plt.figure(figsize=(8,8),dpi=100) G = GridSpec(2, 6) ax1=fig.add_subplot(G[0,:2]) ax2=fig.add_subplot(G[1,:]) ax3=fig.add_subplot(G[0,2:]) if title is not None: ax2.set_title(title,fontsize=plt.rcParams['figure.titlesize']-4) else: ax1.set_title("Component\nstrength",fontsize=plt.rcParams['figure.titlesize']-4) ax2.set_title("Spectral component",fontsize=plt.rcParams['figure.titlesize']-4) ax3.set_title("Temporal development\nof spectral component",fontsize=plt.rcParams['figure.titlesize']-4) s/=s.max() ax1.scatter(np.arange(max_order)+1,s[:max_order],c=colors,s=100) ax1.set_xlabel('SVD order',fontsize=plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize']-2) ax1.set_ylabel('Singular values norm.',fontsize=plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize']-2) ax1.set_xlim(0.5,max_order+0.5) if max_order == 6: ax1.set_xticks([round(a) for a in np.linspace(1,max_order,6)]) else: ax1.set_xticks([round(a) for a in np.linspace(1,max_order,5)]) V2=pandas.DataFrame(V.T,index=ds.columns.values.astype('float')) U2=pandas.DataFrame(U,index=ds.index.values.astype('float')) U2=U2.iloc[:,:len(s)].multiply(-s) V2=V2.iloc[:,:len(s)].multiply(-s) names=['SVD vector %i'%(a+1) for a in range(max_order)] U2=U2.iloc[:,:max_order] U2.columns=names V2=V2.iloc[:,:max_order] V2.columns=names V2/=V2.abs().max(axis=1).max() V2.plot(ax=ax2,color=colors) ax2.set_ylabel('Intensity norm.',fontsize=plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize']-2) U2/=U2.abs().max(axis=1).max() U2.plot(ax=ax3,color=colors) ax3.set_ylabel('Intensity norm.',fontsize=plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize']-2) ax2.set_xlabel(,fontsize=plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize']-2) lims=V2.index.values.astype(float) ax2.set_xlim(lims.min(),lims.max()) #ax2.set_xticks(np.linspace(round(lims.min(),-2),round(lims.max()-2),5)) ax2.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '%.4g'%(x))) ax3.set_xlabel(,fontsize=plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize']-2) tims=U2.index.values.astype(float) ax3.set_xlim(max([0.01,tims.min()]),tims.max()) ax3.set_xscale('log') #ax3.set_xticks(np.logspace(-1,2,round(np.log()))) ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(lambda x, pos: '%1g'%(x))) ax2.legend(frameon=False,labelspacing=0,borderpad=0,numpoints=1,handlelength=1) ax3.legend(frameon=False,fontsize=11,labelspacing=0,borderpad=0,numpoints=1,handlelength=1) fig.tight_layout() return fig else: return U, s, V2,ds
[docs]def Species_Spectra(ta=None,conc=None,das=None): '''useful help function that returns a dictionary that has DataFrame as entries and the names of the components as keys Parameters ----------- ta : plot_func.TA object, optional This object should contain a successful fit. The function will cycle through the fitted species and return the matrix that is formed from the dynamics and the species associated spectrum If this given, then "conc" and "das" are ignored. We cycle through the columns of the concentration and take the same column from the das Frame. conc : DataFrame, optional Is read only if ta_object is None. This should contain the concentration matrix with the species as as columns das : DataFrame, optional This should contain the spectra of the species with one column per spectrum. The position of the columns must match the columns in the conc (at least this is what is assumed) Examples --------- dicten=Species_Spectra(ta) ''' if ta is not None: try:['c'].index.values['DAC'].index.values['c']['DAC'] except: print('the TA object must contain a successful fit') print( return False else: if (conc is None) or (das is None): print('If the ta object is None, then we need both the conc and the das') return False else: time=conc.index.values WL=das.index.values results={} for i in range(len(conc.columns)): A,B=np.meshgrid(conc.iloc[:,i].values,das.iloc[:,i].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=time,columns=WL) results[conc.columns[i]]=C try: for key in results.keys(): results[key]['c'] results[key]['DAC'] except Exception as e: print(e) return results
def Fix_Chirp(ds, save_file = None, scattercut = None, intensity_range = 5e-3, wave_nm_bin = 10, bordercut=None, shown_window = [-1.5, 1.5], filename = None, path = None, fitcoeff = None, max_points = 40, cmap = cm.prism): '''Manual selecting polynom for chirp. This function is opening a plot and allows the user to select a number of points, which are then approximated with a 4th order polynomial and finally to select a point that is declared as time zero. The observed window as well as the intensities and the colour map can be chosen to enable a good correction. Here a fast iterating colour scheme such as "prism" is often a good choice. In all of the selections a left click selects, a right click removes the last point and a middle click (sometime appreviated by clicking left and right together) finishes the selection. If no middle click exists, the process automatically ends after max_points (40 preset). Many of the parameters are from the raw plotting part Parameters ----------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be plotted. It is copied and sliced into the regions defined. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis save_file : None or str, optional If a raw file was read(e.g. "data.SIA") and the chirp correction was completed, a file with the attached word "chirp" is created and stored in the same location. ("data_chirp.dat") This file contains the 5 values of the chirp correction. By selecting such a file (e.g. from another raw data) a specific chirp is applied. If a specific name is given with **chirp_file** (and optional **path**) then this file is used.\n GUI\n The word *'gui'* can be used instead of a filename to open a gui that allows the selection of a chrip file scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!), optional intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] wave_nm_bin : None or float, optional rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. shown_window : list (with two floats), optional Defines the window that is shown during chirp correction. If the t=0 is not visible, adjust this parameter to suit the experiment. If problems arise, I recomment to use Plot_Raw to check where t=0 is located filename : str, optional name of the original file, that will be used to save the results later (with attached "_chirp") path : str or path object (optional) if path is a string without the operation system dependent separator, it is treated as a relative path, e.g. data will look from the working directory in the sub director data. Otherwise this has to be a full path in either strong or path object form. fitcoeff : list or vector (5 floats), optional One can give a vector/list with 5 numbers representing the parameter of a 4th order polynomial (in the order :math:`(a4*x^4 + a3*x^3+a2*x^2+a1*x1+a0)`. The chirp parameter are stored in ta.fitcoeff and can thus be used in other TA objects. This vector is also stored with the file and automatically applied during re-loading of a hdf5-object max_points : int, optional Default = 40 max numbers of points to use in Gui selection. Useful option in case no middle mouse button is available. (e.g. touchpad) cmap : matplotlib colourmap, optional Colourmap to be used for the chirp correction. While there is a large selection here I recommend to choose a different map than is used for the normal 2d plotting.\n cm.prism (Default) has proofen to be very usefull ''' ds=ds.fillna(0) if fitcoeff is not None:#we loaded a previous project this is a dublication, but I'm currently to lazy to make this tighter if isinstance(fitcoeff,str):fitcoeff=np.array(fitcoeff.split(','),dtype='float') if len(fitcoeff)==6:#old style parameter fitcoeff[-2]-=fitcoeff[-1] fitcoeff=fitcoeff[:5] wl=ds.columns.values.astype('float')#extract the wavelength time=ds.index.values.astype('float')#extract the time for i in range(0, len(wl), 1): correcttimeval = np.polyval(fitcoeff, wl[i]) f = scipy.interpolate.interp1d((time-correcttimeval), ds.values[:,i], bounds_error=False, fill_value=0) fixed_wave = f(time) ds.values[:, i] = fixed_wave return ds else: if save_file is None: #lets start by choosing a good intensity if hasattr(intensity_range,'__iter__'): maxim=max(abs(np.array(intensity_range))) intensity_range=maxim elif intensity_range is None: intensity_range=ds.abs().max().max() intensities=(2**np.arange(-6.,4,1.))*intensity_range window_difference=np.abs(shown_window[1]-shown_window[0])*0.1 timelimits=shown_window+np.asarray([-window_difference,window_difference]) for repeat in range(30): fig,ax=plt.subplots() ax = plot2d(ax = ax, cmap = cmap, ds = ds, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, timelimits = timelimits, intensity_range = intensity_range, title = 'select intensity where we can work,\n if happy, choose confirm or abort', use_colorbar = False, plot_type = "linear", log_scale = False) w=(ax.get_xlim()[1]-ax.get_xlim()[0]) ax.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((ax.get_xlim()[0],shown_window[1]),w,0.5,facecolor='white')) for i,ent in enumerate(intensities): ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0]+i*w/10.,shown_window[1],'%.1g'%(2**np.arange(-6.,4,1.))[i],fontsize=8) ax.add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((ax.get_xlim()[0],timelimits[0]),w/4.,0.2,facecolor='white')) ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0],timelimits[0],'Accept',fontsize=15) ax.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((ax.get_xlim()[0]+w*3./4.,timelimits[0]),w/4.,0.2,facecolor='white')) ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0]+w*3./4.,timelimits[0],'Cancel all',fontsize=15) choice =plt.ginput(1,timeout=15) factor=int((choice[0][0]-ax.get_xlim()[0])/(w/10.)) if choice[0][1] > shown_window[1]/2: intensity_range=intensities[factor] print((2**np.arange(-6.,4,1.))[factor]) intensity_range=[-intensity_range,intensity_range] plt.close(fig) continue elif choice[0][1] < shown_window[0]/2.:#we choice to finish the choices if choice[0][0] < ax.get_xlim()[0]+w/2:# print('accept') plt.close(fig) break else: plt.close(fig) return False else: print('click better please') plt.close(fig) continue for repeat in range(10): fig,ax=plt.subplots() ax = plot2d(ax = ax, cmap = cmap, ds = ds, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, timelimits = shown_window, intensity_range = intensity_range, title = 'select points, rightclick = remove last, \n middle click (or both at once finishes ', use_colorbar = False, plot_type = "linear", log_scale = False) polypts=np.asarray(plt.ginput(n=max_points,timeout=300, show_clicks=True,mouse_add=1, mouse_pop=3, mouse_stop=2)) plt.close(fig) fig,ax=plt.subplots() ax = plot2d(ax = ax, ds = ds, cmap = cmap, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, timelimits = shown_window, intensity_range = intensity_range, title = 'like it? %i more attempts'%(9-repeat), use_colorbar = False, plot_type = "linear", log_scale = False) #Fit a polynomial of the form p(x) = p[2] + p[1] + p[0] fitcoeff= np.polyfit(polypts[:, 0], polypts[:, 1], 4, full=False) correcttimeval = np.polyval(fitcoeff, ds.columns.values.astype('float')) ax.plot(ds.columns.values.astype('float'),correcttimeval) ax.add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((ax.get_xlim()[0],ax.get_ylim()[0]),w/4,0.2,facecolor='white')) ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0],ax.get_ylim()[0]+0.05,'Save',fontsize=20) ax.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((ax.get_xlim()[0]+w*3/4,ax.get_ylim()[0]),w/4,0.2,facecolor='white')) ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0]+w*3/4,ax.get_ylim()[0]+0.05,'Redo',fontsize=20) satisfied =plt.ginput(1) plt.close(fig) if satisfied[0][0] < ax.get_xlim()[0]+w/2: print('accepted') plt.close(fig) break elif repeat<8: plt.close(fig) continue else: plt.close(fig) return False #stdev = sum(residuals**2)/8 else: with open(save_file,'r') as f: fitcoeff=f.readline() fitcoeff=np.array(fitcoeff.split(','),dtype='float') if len(fitcoeff)==6:#old style params fitcoeff[-2]-=fitcoeff[-1] fitcoeff=fitcoeff[:5] time=ds.index.values.astype('float')#extract the time ds_new=ds.apply(lambda x:np.interp(x=time+np.polyval(fitcoeff,float(,xp=time,fp=x),axis=0,raw=False) if save_file is None: #finding where zero time is for repeat in range(10): fig,ax=plt.subplots() ax = plot2d(ax = ax, cmap = cmap, ds = ds_new, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, lintresh = np.max(timelimits), timelimits = timelimits, intensity_range = intensity_range, title = 'uncorrected select new zero', plot_type = 'lin', use_colorbar = False, log_scale = False) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(),[0,0],'black',lw=0.5) fittingto = np.array(plt.ginput(1)[0])[1] print(fittingto) fitcoeff[-1]+=fittingto ds_new=ds.apply(lambda x:np.interp(x=time+np.polyval(fitcoeff,float(,xp=time,fp=x),axis=0,raw=False) plt.close(fig) fig,ax=plt.subplots() ax = plot2d(ax = ax, ds = ds_new, cmap = cmap, wave_nm_bin = wave_nm_bin, scattercut = scattercut, bordercut = bordercut, lintresh = np.max(timelimits), timelimits = timelimits, intensity_range = intensity_range, title = 'corrected, please select', plot_type = 'lin', use_colorbar = False, log_scale = False) ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(),[0,0],'black',lw=0.5) w=(ax.get_xlim()[1]-ax.get_xlim()[0]) ax.add_patch( matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((ax.get_xlim()[0],ax.get_ylim()[0]),w/4,0.2,facecolor='white')) ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0],ax.get_ylim()[0]+0.05,'Save',fontsize=30) ax.add_patch(matplotlib.patches.Rectangle((ax.get_xlim()[0]+w*3/4,ax.get_ylim()[0]),w/4,0.2,facecolor='white')) ax.text(ax.get_xlim()[0]+w*3/4,ax.get_ylim()[0]+0.05,'Redo',fontsize=30) satisfied =plt.ginput(1) if satisfied[0][0] < ax.get_xlim()[0]+w/2: print('accepted') plt.close(fig) break elif repeat<8: plt.close(fig) continue else: plt.close(fig) return False print(fitcoeff) if filename is None: f='chirp.dat' else: f=filename.split('.')[0] f=f+'_chirp' + '.dat' if path is None: with open(f, 'w') as opened_file: opened_file.write(','.join(map(str,np.array(fitcoeff)))) else: with open(check_folder(path=path,filename=f), 'w') as opened_file: opened_file.write(','.join(map(str,np.array(fitcoeff)))) return ds_new
[docs]def build_c(times, mod = 'paral', pardf = None, sub_steps = None): ''' Build concentration matrix after model the parameters are: resolution is the width of the rise time (at sigma 50% intensity) This function can also be used to create illustration dynamics. The parallel decays are created explicit, while the consecutive decays are created by sampling the populations at the times given in the first vector and evaluate the progression at a number of substeps defined bu sub_samples (10 by default) Parameters ----------- times : np.array array with the times at which the dataframe should be generated. In general the experimental times mod : str, optional this selects the model that is used to generate the concentrations. 1. 'paral' (Default) or 'exponential' both are equivalent 2. 'consecutive' or 'full_consecutive' In 2 the 'consecutive' and 'full_consecutive' are different in that for consecutive the optimization is done using 'exponential' (as it shoudl give the same times) and then only in the last (final) iteration the 'full consecutive' differential equation is used. This has significant speed advantages, but can lead to errors particularly for the very fast times. sub_step : int, optional defines how many times the iterative loop (used in consecutive only) is sampling the concentrations between the times given in "times" pardf : pd.DataFrame This dataframe must contain the parameter that are used for creating the dynamics the parameter must be named with the index. For the internal functions this must contain these keys: * 't0' = zero time, mandatory * 'resolution' = instrument response function, mandatory * 'background',optional = if this keyword is present a flat constant background is created (=1 over the whole time) * 'infinite',optional = if this keyword is present a new non decaying component is formed with the last decay time. * 'explicit_GS',optional = if this keyword is present the pulse function (= ground state) is added explicitly to the data * 'k0,k1,...' = with increasing integers are taken as decay times. te number of these components is used to determine how many shall be generated. sub_sample: bool or integer Default(None) does nothing This switch turns on a additional sampling of the kinetics, meaning that we add the number of steps between each measured steps for the model formation usage: sub_sample=10 Examples --------- ''' if 'sub_steps' in list(pardf.index.values): sub_steps=pardf['sub_steps'] elif sub_steps is None: sub_steps=10 choices = {'paral':0,'exponential':0,'consecutive':1,'full_consecutive':1} model=choices[mod] param=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,'value'].values.astype(float) t0=float(pardf.loc['t0','value']) resolution=float(pardf.loc['resolution','value']) if model == 0:#parallel c=np.exp(-1*np.tile(times-t0,(len(param),1)).T*param) c[(times-t0)<0]=1 c*=np.tile(rise(x=times,sigma=resolution,begin=t0),(len(param),1)).T c=pandas.DataFrame(c,index=times)'time' if 'background' in list(pardf.index.values): c['background']=1 if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): c['infinite']=rise(x=times,sigma=resolution,begin=t0) return c if model == 1:#consecutive decays n_decays=len(param) g=gauss(times,sigma=resolution/FWHM,mu=t0) if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): infinite=True n_decays+=1 else: infinite=False decays=param c=np.zeros((len(times),n_decays),dtype='float') if 'explicit_GS' in list(pardf.index.values): GS=True gs=np.zeros((len(times),1),dtype='float') else: GS=False for i in range(1,len(times)): dc=np.zeros((n_decays,1),dtype='float') dt=(times[i]-times[i-1])/(sub_steps) c_temp=c[i-1,:] for j in range(int(sub_steps)): for l in range(0,n_decays): if l>0: if infinite: if l<(n_decays-1): dc[l]=decays[l-1]*dt*c_temp[l-1]-decays[l]*dt*c_temp[l] else: dc[l]=decays[l-1]*dt*c_temp[l-1] else: dc[l]=decays[l-1]*dt*c_temp[l-1]-decays[l]*dt*c_temp[l] else: if infinite and n_decays==1: dc[l]=g[i]*dt else: dc[l]=g[i]*dt-decays[l]*dt*c_temp[l] for b in range(c.shape[1]): c_temp[b] =np.nanmax([(c_temp[b]+float(dc[b])),0.]) c[i,:] =c_temp if GS and not infinite: gs[i]=-c[i,:].sum() elif GS: gs[i]=-c[i,:-1].sum() c=pandas.DataFrame(c,index=times)'time' if infinite: labels=list(c.columns.values) labels[-1]='Non Decaying' if 'background' in list(pardf.index.values): c['background']=1 else: if 'background' in list(pardf.index.values): c['background']=1 if GS: c['GS']=gs return c
[docs]def fill_int(ds,c,final=True,baseunit='ps',return_shapes=False): '''solving the intensity an equation_way, takes the target dataframe and the concentration frame prepares the matrixes(c) the tries to solve this equation system using eps=np.linalg.lstsq(AA,Af,rcond=-1)[0] if failes it returns a dictionary with 1000 as error (only entry) if successful it returns a dictionary that contains the fit_error = (AE**2).sum() with AE beeing the difference of measured and calcuated matrix Parameters ----------- ds : DataFrame DataFrame to be fitted c: DataFrame DataFrame oontaining the concentration matrix (the concentrations as with the times as index. Each different species has a column with the species name as column name final : bool,optional if True (Default) the complete solutions will be attached otherwise only the error is attached baseunit : str,optional this string is used as unit for the time axis return_shapes : bool,optional Default = False, if True, then the concentrations and spectra are added to the re (even if not final) Returns ------------------ re : dict the dictionary "re" attached to the object containing all the matrixes and parameter. if "final" is True: * "A" Shaped measured Matrix * "AC" Shaped calculated Matrix * "AE" Difference between A and AC = linear error * "DAC" DAS or SAS, labeled after the names given in the function (the columns of c) Care must be taken that this mesured intensity is C * DAS, the product. For exponential model the concentrations are normalized * "c" The Concentrations (meaning the evolution of the concentrations over time. Care must be taken that this mesured intensity is C * DAS, the product. For exponential model the concentrations are normalized * "error" is the S2, meaning AE**2.sum().sum() else: * "error" is the S2, meaning AE**2.sum() ''' time=ds.index.values.astype('float') wl=ds.columns.values.astype('float') A=ds.values er=c.values ert = er.T AA = np.matmul(ert,er) Af = np.matmul(ert,A) try: eps=np.linalg.lstsq(AA,Af,rcond=-1)[0] except: re={'error':1000} return re eps[np.isnan(eps)]=0 eps[np.isinf(eps)]=0 AC = np.matmul(er,eps); AE = A-AC; fit_error = (AE**2).sum() if final: A=pandas.DataFrame(A,index=time,columns=wl) AC=pandas.DataFrame(AC,index=time,columns=wl) AE=pandas.DataFrame(AE,index=time,columns=wl) DAC=pandas.DataFrame(eps.T,index=wl) try: DAC.columns=c.columns.values except: pass re={'A':A,'AC':AC,'AE':AE,'DAC':DAC,'error':fit_error,'c':c} elif return_shapes: re={'DAC':DAC,'error':fit_error,'c':c} else: re={'error':fit_error} return re
[docs]def err_func(paras, ds, mod = 'paral', final = False, log_fit = False, dump_paras = False, write_paras = True, filename = None, ext_spectra = None, dump_shapes = False, sub_sample=None,pulse_sample=None): '''function that calculates and returns the error for the global fit. This function is intended for fitting a single dataset. Parameters -------------- ds : DataFrame This dataframe contains the data to be fitted. This has to be shaped as it is intended to (so all shping parameters already applied. The dataframe expects the time to be in Index and the wavelength/energy to be in the columns. The spectra is plotted with a second (energy) axis paras : lmfit parameter oject The parameter object that defines what is calculated mod : str or function, optional The model selection is depending if it is an internal or external model. The internal functions are triggered by calling their name Two main are currently implemented 1. 'paral' (Default) or 'exponential' 2. 'consecutive' or 'full_consecutive' In 2 the 'consecutive' and 'full_consecutive' are different in that for consecutive the optimization is done using 'exponential' (as it shoudl give the same times) and then only in the last (final) iteration the 'full consecutive' differential equation is used. This has significant speed advantages, but can lead to errors particularly for the very fast times. As external model a function is handed to this parameter, this function must accept the times and an paramater Dataframe and return a DataFrame with the concentrations (similar to build_c) for the internal functions: This datafram must contain the parameter that are used for creadting the dynamics the parameter must be named with the index. 't0' = zero time, mandatory 'resolution' = instrument response function, mandatory 'background',optional = if this keyword is present a flat constant background is created (=1 over the whole time) 'infinite',optional = if this keyword is present a new non decaying component is formed with the last decay time. 'explicit_GS' = if this keyword is present thenthe ground state (including the bleach) will be added as a explicit component 'k0,k1,...' = with increasing integers are taken as decay times. te number of these components is used to determine how many shall be generated. final : bool, optional this switch decides if just the squared error is returned (for False) (Default) or if the full matrixes are returned, including the r2 are returned. log_fit : bool, optional if False (Default) then the parameter are handed to the fitting function as they are, if true then all times are first converted to log space. dump_paras : bool, optional (Default) is False, If True creates two files in the working folder, one with the currently used parameter created at the end of each optimisation step, and one with the set of parameter that up to now gave the lowest error. Intented to store the optimisation results if the fit needs to be interrupted (if e.g. Ampgo simply needs to long to optimize.) useful option if things are slow filename : None or str, optional Only used in conjunction with 'dump_paras'. The program uses this filename to dump the parameter to disk ext_spectra : DataFrame, optional (Default) is None, if given substract this spectra from the DataMatrix using the intensity given in "C(t)" this function will only work for external models. The name of the spectral column must be same as the name of the column used. If not the spectrum will be ignored. The spectrum will be interpolated to the spectral points of the model ds before the substraction. a number of parameters can be defined to aid this process. These parameter are defined as normal parameters. "ext_spectra_scale" multiplies all spectra by this value (e.g. -1 to put the steady state absorption spectra in) "ext_spectra_shift" shifts all spectra by this value to compensate for calibration differences "ext_spectra_guide" (from version 7.1.0) This is a switch, if this keyword is present, then the spectra are used as guides and not exclusively. This means the code will assume that these spectra are correct and substract them, then calulate the difference and return as DAS the provided spectra plus the difference spectra write_paras : bool, optional if True(Default) writes the currently varried values to screen ''' pardf=par_to_pardf(paras) if log_fit: pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,'value']=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,'value'].apply(lambda x: 10**x) if isinstance(mod,type('hello')):#did we use a build in model? times=ds.index.values.astype('float') times_ori=times.copy() if pulse_sample is not None: t0=float(pardf.loc['t0','value']) resolution=float(pardf.loc['resolution','value']) if hasattr(pulse_sample,'__iter__'):pump_region=pulse_sample else: pump_region=np.linspace(t0-4*resolution,t0+4*resolution,20) if pump_region.max()<times_ori.min(): connection_region=np.arange(pump_region[-1],times_ori.min(),resolution/10) times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,connection_region,times_ori)))) else: times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,times_ori)))) if sub_sample is not None: listen=[times] for i in range(1,sub_sample,1): listen.append(times_ori[:-1]+((times_ori[1:]-times_ori[:-1])*i/sub_sample)) times=np.unique(np.hstack(listen)) times.sort() if final:#for final we really want the model c=build_c(times=times,mod=mod,pardf=pardf) elif 'full_consecutive' in mod:# here we force the full consecutive modelling c=build_c(times=times,mod=mod,pardf=pardf) else:#here we "bypass" the full consecutive and optimize the rates with the decays c=build_c(times=times,mod='paral',pardf=pardf) c=c.loc[times_ori,:] if ext_spectra is None: re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c, return_shapes = dump_shapes) else: if 'ext_spectra_shift' in list(pardf.index.values): ext_spectra.index=ext_spectra.index.values+pardf.loc['ext_spectra_shift','value'] ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) else: ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) if "ext_spectra_scale" in list(pardf.index.values): ext_spectra=ext_spectra*pardf.loc['ext_spectra_scale','value'] c_temp=c.copy() for col in ext_spectra.columns: A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) ds=ds-C if not "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): c_temp.drop(col,axis=1,inplace=True) re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c_temp, return_shapes = dump_shapes) if final: labels=list(re['DAC'].columns.values) changed=True if 'background' in list(pardf.index.values): if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): labels[-1]='Non Decaying' labels[-2]='background' else: labels[-1]='background' else: if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): labels[-1]='Non Decaying' else:changed=False if changed: re['DAC'].columns=labels re['c'].columns=labels if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) re['A']=re['A']+C re['AC']=re['AC']+C re['r2']=1-re['error']/((re['A']-re['A'].mean().mean())**2).sum().sum() if dump_paras: try: pardf.loc['error','value']=re['error'] except: pass try: pardf.loc['r2','value']=re['r2'] except: pass try: if filename is None: store_name='minimal_dump_paras.par' else: store_name='minimal_dump_paras_%s.par'%filename min_df=pandas.read_csv(store_name,sep=',',header=None,skiprows=1) if float(min_df.iloc[-1,1])>float(re['error']): pardf.to_csv(store_name) except: pass if filename is None: store_name='dump_paras.par' else: store_name='dump_paras_%s.par'%filename pardf.to_csv(store_name) return re else: if dump_paras: try: pardf.loc['error','value']=re['error'] except: pass try: pardf.loc['r2','value']=re['r2'] except: pass try: if filename is None: store_name='minimal_dump_paras.par' else: store_name='minimal_dump_paras_%s.par'%filename min_df=pandas.read_csv(store_name,sep=',',header=None,skiprows=1) if float(min_df.iloc[-1,1])>float(re['error']): pardf.to_csv(store_name) except: pass if filename is None: store_name='dump_paras.par' else: store_name='dump_paras_%s.par'%filename pardf.to_csv(store_name) if not mod in ['paral','exponential','consecutive']: if write_paras: print('----------------------------------') print(pardf) else: print(re['error']) if dump_shapes: if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values re['c'].to_csv(path_or_buf=filename + '_c') re['DAC'].to_csv(path_or_buf=filename + '_DAC') return re['error'] else:# Nope we used an external model (sorry for the duplication) times=ds.index.values.astype('float') times_ori=times.copy() if pulse_sample is not None: t0=float(pardf.loc['t0','value']) resolution=float(pardf.loc['resolution','value']) if hasattr(pulse_sample,'__iter__'):pump_region=pulse_sample else: pump_region=np.linspace(t0-4*resolution,t0+4*resolution,20) if pump_region.max()<times_ori.min(): connection_region=np.arange(pump_region[-1],times_ori.min(),resolution/10) times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,connection_region,times_ori)))) else: times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,times_ori)))) if sub_sample is not None: listen=[times] for i in range(1,sub_sample,1): listen.append(times_ori[:-1]+((times_ori[1:]-times_ori[:-1])*i/sub_sample)) times=np.unique(np.hstack(listen)) times.sort() c=mod(times=times,pardf=pardf.loc[:,'value']) c=c.loc[times_ori,:] if ext_spectra is None: re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c, return_shapes = dump_shapes) else: ext_spectra.sort_index(inplace=True) if 'ext_spectra_shift' in list(pardf.index.values): ext_spectra.index=ext_spectra.index.values+pardf.loc['ext_spectra_shift','value'] ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) else: ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) if "ext_spectra_scale" in list(pardf.index.values): ext_spectra=ext_spectra*pardf.loc['ext_spectra_scale','value'] c_temp=c.copy() for col in ext_spectra.columns: A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) ds=ds-C if not "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): c_temp.drop(col,axis=1,inplace=True) re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c_temp, return_shapes = dump_shapes) if final: if len(re.keys())<3:# print('error in the calculation') return re if ext_spectra is None: re['DAC'].columns=c.columns.values re['c'].columns=c.columns.values else: re['DAC'].columns=c_temp.columns.values re['c'].columns=c_temp.columns.values for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) re['A']=re['A']+C re['AC']=re['AC']+C re['r2']=1-re['error']/((re['A']-re['A'].mean().mean())**2).sum().sum() if dump_paras: try: pardf.loc['error','value']=re['error'] except: pass try: min_df=pandas.read_csv('minimal_dump_paras.par',sep=',',header=None,skiprows=1) if float(min_df.iloc[-1,1])>float(re['error']): pardf.to_csv('minimal_dump_paras.par') except: pass pardf.to_csv('dump_paras.par') return re else: if dump_paras: try: pardf.loc['error','value']=re['error'] except: pass try: min_df=pandas.read_csv('minimal_dump_paras.par',sep=',',header=None,skiprows=1) if float(min_df.iloc[-1,1])>float(re['error']): pardf.to_csv('minimal_dump_paras.par') except: pass pardf.to_csv('dump_paras.par') if write_paras: print('----------------------------------') print(pardf) else: print(re['error']) if dump_shapes: if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values re['c'].to_csv(path_or_buf=filename + '_c') re['DAC'].to_csv(path_or_buf=filename + '_DAC') return re['error']
[docs]def err_func_multi(paras, mod = 'paral', final = False, log_fit = False, multi_project = None, unique_parameter = None, weights = None, dump_paras = False, filename = None, ext_spectra = None, dump_shapes = False, same_DAS = False, write_paras = True,sub_sample=None,pulse_sample=None): '''function that calculates and returns the error for the global fit. This function is intended for fitting of multiple datasets Parameters -------------- paras : lmfit parameter oject The parameter object that defines what is calculated mod : str or function, optional The model selection is depending if it is an internal or external model. The internal functions are triggered by calling their name Two main are currently implemented 1. 'paral' (Default) or 'exponential' 2. 'consecutive' or 'full_consecutive' In 2 the 'consecutive' and 'full_consecutive' are different in that for consecutive the optimization is done using 'exponential' (as it shoudl give the same times) and then only in the last (final) iteration the 'full consecutive' differential equation is used. This has significant speed advantages, but can lead to errors particularly for the very fast times. for the internal functions: This datafram must contain the parameter that are used for creadting the dynamics the parameter must be named with the index. 't0' = zero time, mandatory 'resolution' = instrument response function, mandatory 'background',optional = if this keyword is present a flat constant background is created (=1 over the whole time) 'infinite',optional = if this keyword is present a new non decaying component is formed with the last decay time. 'explicit_GS' = if this keyword is present thenthe ground state (including the bleach) will be added as a explicit component 'k0,k1,...' = with increasing integers are taken as decay times. te number of these components is used to determine how many shall be generated. As external model a function is handed to this parameter, this function must accept the times and an paramater Dataframe and return a DataFrame with the concentrations (similar to build_c) final : bool, optional this switch decides if just the squared error is returned (for False) (Default) or if the full matrixes are returned, including the r2 are returned. log_fit : bool, optional if False (Default) then the parameter are handed to the fitting function as they are, if true then all times are first converted to log space. dump_paras : bool, optional (Default) is False, If True creates two files in the working folder, one with the currently used parameter created at the end of each optimisation step, and one with the set of parameter that up to now gave the lowest error. Intented to store the optimisation results if the fit needs to be interrupted (if e.g. Ampgo simply needs to long to optimize.) useful option if things are slow filename : None or str, optional Only used in conjunction with 'dump_paras'. The program uses this filename to dump the parameter to disk multi_project : None or list (of TA projects), optional This switch is triggering the simultaneous optimisation of multiple datasets. multi_project is as (Default) None. it expects an iterable (typically list) with other TA projects (like ta) that are then optimised with the same parameter. This means that all projects get the same parameter object for each iteration of the fit and return their individual error, which is summed linearly. The "weights" option allows to give each multi_project a specific weight (number) that is multiplied to the error. If the weight object has the same number of items as the multi_project it is assumed that the triggering object (the embedded project) has the weight of 1, otherwise the first weight is for the embedded project. The option 'unique_parameter' takes (a list) of parameter that are not to be shared between the projects (and that are not optimized either) The intended use of this is to give e.g. the pump power for multiple experiments to study non linear behaviour. Returned will be only the parameter set for the optimium combination of all parameter. Internally, we iterate through the projects and calculate for each project the error for each iteration. Important to note is that currently this means that each DAS/SAS is calculated independently! For performing the same calculation with a single DAS, the Matrixes need to be concatenated before the run and an external function used to create a combined model. As this is very difficult to implement reliably For general use (think e.g. different pump wavelength) this has to be done manually. unique_parameter : None or str or list (of strings), optional only used in conjunction with 'multi_project', it takes (a list) of parameter that are not to be shared between the projects (and that are not optimized either) The intended use of this is to give e.g. the pump power for multiple experiments to study non linear behaviour. (Default) None same_DAS : bool,optional changes the fit behavior and uses the same DAS for the optimization. This means that the ds are stacked before the fill int rounds weights : list of floats, optional only used in conjunction with 'multi_project'. The "weights" option allows to give each multi\_project a specific weight (number) that is multiplied to the error. If the weight object has the same number of items as the 'multi_project' it is assumed that ta (the embedded project) has the weight of 1, otherwise the first weight is for the embedded object ext_spectra : DataFrame, optional (Default) is None, if given substract this spectra from the DataMatrix using the intensity given in "C(t)" this function will only work for external models. The name of the spectral column must be same as the name of the column used. If not the spectrum will be ignored. The spectrum will be interpolated to the spectral points of the model ds before the substraction. a number of parameters can be defined to aid this process. These parameter are defined as normal parameters. "ext_spectra_scale" multiplies all spectra by this value (e.g. -1 to put the steady state absorption spectra in) "ext_spectra_shift" shifts all spectra by this value to compensate for calibration differences "ext_spectra_guide" (from version 7.1.0) This is a switch, if this keyword is present, then the spectra are used as guides and not exclusively. This means the code will assume that these spectra are correct and substract them, then calulate the difference and return as DAS the provided spectra plus the difference spectra write_paras : bool, optional if True(Default) writes the currently varried values to screen ''' pardf_changing=par_to_pardf(paras) error_listen=[] r2_listen=[] slice_setting_object=multi_project[0].Copy() ####### new same DAS, I'm lazy and will doublicate te loop. ########### if same_DAS: c_stack=[] ds_stack=[] par_stack=[] height_stack=[] for i,ta in enumerate(multi_project): ds = sub_ds(ds = ta.ds, scattercut = slice_setting_object.scattercut, bordercut = slice_setting_object.bordercut, timelimits = slice_setting_object.timelimits, wave_nm_bin = slice_setting_object.wave_nm_bin, time_bin = slice_setting_object.time_bin, ignore_time_region = slice_setting_object.ignore_time_region) pardf=pardf_changing.copy() try:#let's see if the project has an parameter object pardf_ori=par_to_pardf(ta.par) except: pardf_ori=ta.pardf.copy() if unique_parameter is not None: for key in unique_parameter: pardf.loc[key,'value']=pardf_ori.loc[key,'value'] par_stack.append(pardf) if log_fit: pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,'value']=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,'value'].apply(lambda x: 10**x) times=ds.index.values.astype('float') times_ori=times.copy() if pulse_sample is not None: t0=float(pardf.loc['t0','value']) resolution=float(pardf.loc['resolution','value']) if hasattr(pulse_sample,'__iter__'):pump_region=pulse_sample else: pump_region=np.linspace(t0-4*resolution,t0+4*resolution,20) if pump_region.max()<times_ori.min(): connection_region=np.arange(pump_region[-1],times_ori.min(),resolution/10) times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,connection_region,times_ori)))) else: times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,times_ori)))) if sub_sample is not None: listen=[times] for i in range(1,sub_sample,1): listen.append(times_ori[:-1]+((times_ori[1:]-times_ori[:-1])*i/sub_sample)) times=np.unique(np.hstack(listen)) times.sort() if isinstance(mod,type('hello')):#did we use a build in model? c=build_c(times=ds.index.values.astype('float'),mod=mod,pardf=pardf) else: c=mod(times=ds.index.values.astype('float'),pardf=pardf.loc[:,'value']) c=c.loc[times_ori,:] if ext_spectra is None: c_temp=c.copy() else: if 'ext_spectra_shift' in list(pardf.index.values): ext_spectra.index=ext_spectra.index.values+pardf.loc['ext_spectra_shift','value'] ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) else: ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) if "ext_spectra_scale" in list(pardf.index.values): ext_spectra=ext_spectra*pardf.loc['ext_spectra_scale','value'] c_temp=c.copy() for col in ext_spectra.columns: A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) ds=ds-C if not "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): c_temp.drop(col,axis=1,inplace=True) if not weights is None: if len(weights)==len(multi_project)-1: weights=list(weights) weights.insert(0,1) elif len(weights)!=len(multi_project): Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror='The number of entries i the list must either be the number of all elements (including \"TA\" or the number of elements in other. In this case the element ta gets the weight=1' raise Ex ds_stack.append(ds*weights[i]) else: ds_stack.append(ds) c_stack.append(c_temp) height_stack.append(len(c_temp.index.values)) A_con=pandas.concat(ds_stack) c_con=pandas.concat(c_stack) re=fill_int(ds=A_con,c=c_con, return_shapes = dump_shapes, final =final) if final: re['c']=c if dump_paras: try: pardf.loc['error','value']=re['error'] except: pass if final: try: pardf.loc['r2','value']=1-re['error']/((re['A']-re['A'].mean().mean())**2).sum().sum() except: pass try: if filename is None: store_name='minimal_dump_paras.par' else: store_name='minimal_dump_paras_%s.par'%filename min_df=pandas.read_csv(store_name,sep=',',header=None,skiprows=1) if float(min_df.iloc[-1,1])>float(combined_error): pardf.to_csv(store_name) except: pass if filename is None: store_name='dump_paras.par' else: store_name='dump_paras_%s.par'%filename try: pardf.to_csv(store_name) except: print('Saving of %s failed'%store_name) if final: if isinstance(mod,type('hello')):#did we use a build in model? labels=list(re['DAC'].columns.values) changed=True if 'background' in list(pardf.index.values): if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): labels[-1]='Non Decaying' labels[-2]='background' else: labels[-1]='background' else: if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): labels[-1]='Non Decaying' else:changed=False if changed: re['DAC'].columns=labels re['c'].columns=labels if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) re['A']=re['A']+C re['AC']=re['AC']+C else: if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) re['A']=re['A']+C re['AC']=re['AC']+C else: re['DAC'].columns=c.columns.values re['c'].columns=c.columns.values return_listen=[] for i,ta in enumerate(multi_project): re_local={} if i==0: lower=0 else: lower=np.array(height_stack)[:i].sum() re_local['A']=re['A'].copy().iloc[lower:lower+height_stack[i],:] re_local['AC']=re['AC'].copy().iloc[lower:lower+height_stack[i],:] re_local['AE']=re['AE'].copy().iloc[lower:lower+height_stack[i],:] re_local['c']=re['c'].copy().iloc[lower:lower+height_stack[i],:] re_local['error_total']=re['error'] re_local['error']=(re['AE']**2).sum().sum() re_local['DAC']=re['DAC'].copy() re_local['r2']=1-re_local['error']/((re_local['A']-re_local['A'].mean().mean())**2).sum().sum() re_local['r2_total']=1-re['error']/((re['A']-re['A'].mean().mean())**2).sum().sum() re_local['pardf']=par_stack[i] try: re_local['filename']=filename except: pass return_listen.append(re_local) if not mod in ['paral','exponential','consecutive']: if write_paras: print('----------------------------------') print(pardf) else: print(re['error']) if final: return return_listen else: return re['error'] ################### not same DAS#################### else: for i,ta in enumerate(multi_project): ds = sub_ds(ds = ta.ds, scattercut = slice_setting_object.scattercut, bordercut = slice_setting_object.bordercut, timelimits = slice_setting_object.timelimits, wave_nm_bin = slice_setting_object.wave_nm_bin, time_bin = slice_setting_object.time_bin, ignore_time_region = slice_setting_object.ignore_time_region) pardf=pardf_changing.copy() try:#let's see if the project has an parameter object pardf_ori=par_to_pardf(ta.par) except: pardf_ori=pardf if unique_parameter is not None: for key in unique_parameter: pardf.loc[key,'value']=pardf_ori.loc[key,'value'] if log_fit: pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,'value']=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,'value'].apply(lambda x: 10**x) if isinstance(mod,type('hello')):#did we use a build in model? times=ds.index.values.astype('float') times_ori=times.copy() if pulse_sample is not None: t0=float(pardf.loc['t0','value']) resolution=float(pardf.loc['resolution','value']) if hasattr(pulse_sample,'__iter__'):pump_region=pulse_sample else: pump_region=np.linspace(t0-4*resolution,t0+4*resolution,20) if pump_region.max()<times_ori.min(): connection_region=np.arange(pump_region[-1],times_ori.min(),resolution/10) times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,connection_region,times_ori)))) else: times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,times_ori)))) if sub_sample is not None: listen=[times] for i in range(1,sub_sample,1): listen.append(times_ori[:-1]+((times_ori[1:]-times_ori[:-1])*i/sub_sample)) times=np.unique(np.hstack(listen)) times.sort() c=build_c(times=ds.index.values.astype('float'),mod=mod,pardf=pardf) c=c.loc[times_ori,:] if ext_spectra is None: re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c, return_shapes = dump_shapes) else: ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) c_temp=c.copy() for col in ext_spectra.columns: A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) ds=ds-C c_temp.drop(col,axis=1,inplace=True) re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c_temp, return_shapes = dump_shapes) if final: if i==0: labels=list(re['DAC'].columns.values) changed=True if 'background' in list(pardf.index.values): if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): labels[-1]='Non Decaying' labels[-2]='background' else: labels[-1]='background' else: if 'infinite' in list(pardf.index.values): labels[-1]='Non Decaying' else:changed=False if changed: re['DAC'].columns=labels re['c'].columns=labels if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) re['A']=re['A']+C re['AC']=re['AC']+C re_final=re.copy() error_listen.append(re['error']) r2_listen.append(1-re['error']/((re['A']-re['A'].mean().mean())**2).sum().sum()) else: if dump_shapes: if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values re['c'].to_csv(path_or_buf=ta.filename + '_c') re['DAC'].to_csv(path_or_buf=ta.filename + '_DAC') error_listen.append(re['error']) else: times=ds.index.values.astype('float') times_ori=times.copy() if pulse_sample is not None: t0=float(pardf.loc['t0','value']) resolution=float(pardf.loc['resolution','value']) if hasattr(pulse_sample,'__iter__'):pump_region=pulse_sample else: pump_region=np.linspace(t0-4*resolution,t0+4*resolution,20) if pump_region.max()<times_ori.min(): connection_region=np.arange(pump_region[-1],times_ori.min(),resolution/10) times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,connection_region,times_ori)))) else: times=np.unique(np.sort(np.hstack((pump_region,times_ori)))) if sub_sample is not None: listen=[times] for i in range(1,sub_sample,1): listen.append(times_ori[:-1]+((times_ori[1:]-times_ori[:-1])*i/sub_sample)) times=np.unique(np.hstack(listen)) times.sort() c=mod(times=ds.index.values.astype('float'),pardf=pardf.loc[:,'value']) c=c.loc[times_ori,:] if ext_spectra is None: re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c, return_shapes = dump_shapes) else: ext_spectra=rebin(ext_spectra,ds.columns.values.astype(float)) c_temp=c.copy() for col in ext_spectra.columns: A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) ds=ds-C if not "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): c_temp.drop(col,axis=1,inplace=True) re=fill_int(ds=ds,c=c_temp, return_shapes = dump_shapes) if final: if i==0: re['DAC'].columns=c.columns.values re['c'].columns=c.columns.values if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values A,B=np.meshgrid(c.loc[:,col].values,ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values) C=pandas.DataFrame((A*B).T,index=c.index,columns=ext_spectra.index.values) re['A']=re['A']+C re['AC']=re['AC']+C re_final=re.copy() error_listen.append(re['error']) r2_listen.append(1-re['error']/((re['A']-re['A'].mean().mean())**2).sum().sum()) else: if dump_shapes: if not ext_spectra is None: for col in ext_spectra.columns: if "ext_spectra_guide" in list(pardf.index.values): re['DAC'][col]=re['DAC'][col]+ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values else: re['DAC'][col]=ext_spectra.loc[:,col].values re['c'][col]=c.loc[:,col].values re['c'].to_csv(path_or_buf=filename + '_c') re['DAC'].to_csv(path_or_buf=filename + '_DAC') error_listen.append(re['error']) if not weights is None: if len(weights)==len(error_listen)-1: weights=list(weights) weights.insert(0,1) elif len(weights)!=len(error_listen): Ex = ValueError() Ex.strerror='The number of entries i the list must either be the number of all elements (including \"TA\" or the number of elements in other. In this case the element ta gets the weight=1' raise Ex combined_error=np.sqrt(((np.array(error_listen)*np.array(weights))**2).mean()) if final: combined_r2=np.sqrt(((np.array(r2_listen)*np.array(weights))**2).mean()) else: combined_error=np.sqrt((np.array(error_listen)**2).mean()) if final: combined_r2=np.sqrt(((np.array(r2_listen))**2).mean()) if final: re_final['error']=combined_error re_final['r2']=combined_r2 if dump_paras: try: pardf.loc['error','value']=combined_error except: pass try: pardf.loc['r2','value']=combined_r2 except: pass try: if filename is None: store_name='minimal_dump_paras.par' else: store_name='minimal_dump_paras_%s.par'%filename min_df=pandas.read_csv(store_name,sep=',',header=None,skiprows=1) if float(min_df.iloc[-1,1])>float(combined_error): pardf.to_csv(store_name) except: pass if filename is None: store_name='dump_paras.par' else: store_name='dump_paras_%s.par'%filename try: pardf.to_csv(store_name) except: print('Saving of %s failed'%store_name) if not mod in ['paral','exponential','consecutive']: print(combined_error) if final: return re_final else: return combined_error
def par_to_pardf(par): '''function to convert a parameters object into a pretty DataFrame, it expects par to be a lmfit parameters object and loops through the keys''' out_dicten={} for key in par.keys(): out_dicten[key]={'value':par[key].value} if key[0] == 'k':#its a time parameter out_dicten[key]['is_rate']=True else: out_dicten[key]['is_rate']=False out_dicten[key]['min']=par[key].min out_dicten[key]['max']=par[key].max out_dicten[key]['vary']=par[key].vary out_dicten[key]['expr']=par[key].expr return pandas.DataFrame(out_dicten).T def pardf_to_par(par_df): '''converts a dataframe to lmfit object set(value=None, vary=None, min=None, max=None, expr=None, brute_step=None)''' par=lmfit.Parameters() for key in par_df.index.values: par.add(key, value=par_df.loc[key,'value'], vary=par_df.loc[key,'vary'], min=par_df.loc[key,'min'], max=par_df.loc[key,'max'], expr=par_df.loc[key,'expr']) return par def pardf_to_timedf(pardf): '''inverts all the rates to times in a dataframe''' timedf=pardf.copy() if 'upper_limit' in pardf.keys(): for key in ['init_value','value','min','max','lower_limit','upper_limit']: for row in pardf.index.values: if timedf.loc[row,'is_rate']: if key == 'min':key_in='max' elif key == 'max':key_in='min' elif key == 'lower_limit':key_in='upper_limit' elif key == 'upper_limit':key_in='lower_limit' else:key_in=key try: if pardf.loc[row,key] !=0: timedf.loc[row,key_in]=1/pardf.loc[row,key] else: timedf.loc[row,key_in]='inf' except: if key == 'init_value':pass#we don't save the init values, so we get an error when converting the saved file elif pardf.loc[row,key] is None:continue else:print('conversion of this key failed: %s %s'%(row,key)) else: for key in ['init_value','value','min','max']: if key == 'min':key_in='max' elif key == 'max':key_in='min' else:key_in=key try: timedf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key_in]=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key].apply(lambda x: 1/x if x!=0 else 'inf') except: if key == 'init_value':pass#we don't save the init values, so we get an error when converting the saved file else:print('conversion of this key failed:' + key) return timedf
[docs]class TA(): # object wrapper for the whole
[docs] def __init__(self, filename, path = None, sep = "\t", decimal = '.', index_is_energy = False, transpose = False, sort_indexes = False, divide_times_by = None, shift_times_by = None, external_time = None, external_wave = None, use_same_name = True, data_type = None , units = None, baseunit = None, ds = None, conversion_function = None): '''Function that opens and imports data into an TA object it is designed to open combined files that contain both the wavelength and the time. (e.g. SIA files as recorded by Pascher instruments software) or hdf5 projects saved by this software There are however a lot of additional options to open other ascii type files and adapt their format internally Attention times with Nan will be completely removed during the import Parameters ---------- filename : str * expects a filename in string form for opening a single file. * alternatively 'gui' can be set as filename, then a TKinter gui is opened for select. * alternatively 'recent' can given as key word. in this case it tries to find a text file named "recent.dat" that should contain the path to the last file opened with the GUI. this file is then opened. if this file is not found the GUI is opened instead path : str or path object (optional) if path is a string without the operation system dependent separator, it is treated as a relative path, e.g. data will look from the working directory in the sub director data. Otherwise this has to be a full path in either strong or path object form. sep : str (optional) is the separator between different numbers, typical are tap (Backslash t) (Default) ,one or multiple white spaces 'backslash s+' or comma ','. decimal : str (optional) sets the ascii symbol that is used for the decimal sign. In most countries this is '.'(Default) but it can be ',' in countries like Sweden or Germany index_is_energy : bool (optional) switches if the wavelength is given in nm (Default) or in eV (if True), currently everything is handled as wavelength in nm internally data_type: str (optional) data_type is the string that represents the intensity measurements. Usually this contains if absolute of differential data. This is used for the color intensity in the 2d plots and the y-axis for the 1d plots units: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the energy axis and to label the slices, recognized is 'nm', 'eV' and 'keV' but if another unit like 'cm^-1' is used it will state energy in 'cm^-1'. Pleas observe that if you use the index_is_energy switch the program tries to convert this energy into wavelength. baseunit: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the developing/time axis. This is name that is attached to the index of the dataframe. setting this during import is equivalent to ta.baseunit transpose : bool (optional) if this switch is False (Default) the wavelength are the columns and the rows the times. sort_indexes : bool (optional) For False (Default) I assume that the times and energies are already in a rising order. with this switch, both are sorted again. divide_times_by : None or float (optional) here a number can be given that scales the time by an arbitary factor. This is actually dividing the times by this value. Alternatively there is the variable self.baseunit. The latter only affects what is written on the axis, while this value is actually used to scale the times. None (Default) ignores this shift_times_by : None, float (optional) This a value by which the time axis is shifted during import. This is a useful option of e.g. the recording software does not compensate for t0 and the data is always shifted. None (Default) ignores this setting data_type : str, None this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ external_time : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the time vector. The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. If use_same_name = True (default) It assumes that this is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_time='.tid' the program searches samp1.tid for the times. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the times are to be inserted (row or column indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be the file containing the vector for the time (in the same format as the main file) external_wave : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the wavelength vector. If use_same_name = True (default) The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. This is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_wave='.wav' then the program searches samp1.wav for the wavelength. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the wavelength are to be inserted (columns or row indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be a full filename that contains the vector use_same_name : bool, optional this switches if the external filename included the loaded filename or is a separate file True(default) ds: pandas.DataFrame (optional) feed in an external dataframe instead of opening a file conversion_function: function(optional) function that receives should have the shape: return pandas Dataframe with time/frames in rows and wavelength/energy in columns, The function is tested to accept (in that order) a my_function(filename, external_time,external_wave), my_function(filename, external_time), my_function(filename,external_wave), my_function(filename) and return: the dataframe ds with the time_axis as rows and spectral axis as columns if the ia not empty the "time axis" is in to that name the spectral axis is in the return is investigated if it is one, two, or three things. if two are returned then the second must be the name of what the intensity axis is. This value will then be set to data_type if three are returned the third is the baseunit (for the time axis) this allows to use the automatic naming in ps or nanosecond If the values units, data_type or baseunit are (manually) set in the import function the corresponding entries in datafram will be overwritten shift_times_by and divide_times_by will be applied if not None (useful to adjust for offset before chirp correction) Returns ------- A TA object with all parameter initialized Examples -------------- Typical useage: >>> import plot_func as pf #import the module and give it a shorter name >>> ta=pf.TA('gui') #use a GUI to open >>> ta=pf.TA('sample_1.SIA') #use a filename in the same folder >>> ta=pf.TA('sample_1.hdf5',path='Data') #use a filename in the folder 'Data' Opening a list of files with external time vector (of the same name) so it looks for a data file "fite1.txt" and a file with the time information "file1.tid" >>>ta=pf.TA('file1.txt', external_time = 'tid') ''' self.filename=filename self.path=check_folder(path=path,current_path=os.getcwd()) if ds is not None: if filename is None: filename = 'external' self.filename=filename else: filename = 'external' if filename == 'gui': root_window = tkinter.Tk() root_window.withdraw() root_window.attributes('-topmost',True) root_window.after(1000, lambda: root_window.focus_force()) complete_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd()) listen=os.path.split(complete_path) path=os.path.normpath(listen[0]) self.path=path filename=listen[1] self.filename=filename with open('recent.dat','w') as f: f.write(complete_path) elif filename == 'recent': try: with open('recent.dat','r') as f: complete_path = f.readline() listen=os.path.split(complete_path) path=os.path.normpath(listen[0]) self.path=path filename=listen[1] self.filename=filename except: root_window = tkinter.Tk() root_window.withdraw() root_window.attributes('-topmost',True) root_window.after(1000, lambda: root_window.focus_force()) complete_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd()) listen=os.path.split(complete_path) path=os.path.normpath(listen[0]) self.path=path filename=listen[1] self.filename=filename with open('recent.dat','w') as f: f.write(complete_path) if filename == 'external':#use a provided dataframe (ds) instead if data_type is not None: self.data_type = data_type if units is not None: self.units = units try: if len( units except: pass else: try: if len(!=0: self.units = except: pass if baseunit is not None: self.baseunit = baseunit try: if len( if (baseunit == 'ps') or (baseunit == 'ns'):'Time in %s'%baseunit else: baseunit except: pass else: try: if len(!=0: self.baseunit = except: pass self.ds_ori=ds self.ds=ds self.__make_standard_parameter() elif ('hdf5' in filename) and (conversion_function is None):#we load a conversion function to deal with the file:#we read in data from previous run self.__read_project(saved_project=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename)) self.__make_standard_parameter() self.Cor_Chirp(fitcoeff=self.fitcoeff) else:#we read in raw data from sia File if conversion_function is not None: filename=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=filename) try: ret=conversion_function(filename = filename, external_time = external_time, external_wave = external_wave) except: try: ret=conversion_function(filename = filename, external_time = external_time) except: try: ret=conversion_function(filename = filename, external_wave = external_wave) except: try: ret=conversion_function(filename = filename) except Exception as e: print(e) return False if isinstance(ret,pandas.DataFrame): ##import is what we wanted ds=ret elif isinstance(ret,pandas.Series): ds=ret.as_frame() else: if len(ret) == 2: if data_type is None: ds,data_type=ret else: ds,_=ret elif len(ret) == 3: if data_type is None: ds,data_type,baseunit=ret else: ds,_,baseunit=ret else: print('sorry the return format of the conversion_function was not understood') print('return: the dataframe ds with the time_axis as rows and spectral axis as columns\n') print('if the ia not empty the "time axis" is in to that name the spectral axis is in\n') print('the return is investigated if it is one, two, or three things.\n ') print('if two are returned then the second must be the name of what the intensity axis is. This value will then be set to data_type\n') print('if three are returned the third is the baseunit (for the time axis) this allows to use the automatic naming in ps or ns ' ) return False ## see if we have the name a data types in the data if data_type is not None: self.data_type = data_type if units is not None: self.units = units try: if len( units except: pass else: try: if len(!=0: self.units = except: pass if baseunit is not None: self.baseunit = baseunit try: if len( if (baseunit == 'ps') or (baseunit == 'ns'):'Time in %s'%baseunit else: baseunit except: pass else: try: if len(!=0: self.baseunit = except: pass if shift_times_by is not None: ds.index=ds.index.values+shift_times_by if divide_times_by is not None: ds.index=ds.index.values/divide_times_by self.ds_ori=ds self.ds=ds else: self.__read_ascii_data(sep = sep, decimal = decimal, index_is_energy = index_is_energy, transpose = transpose, sort_indexes = sort_indexes, divide_times_by = divide_times_by, shift_times_by = shift_times_by, external_time = external_time, external_wave = external_wave, use_same_name = use_same_name, data_type = data_type, units = units, baseunit = baseunit) self.__make_standard_parameter() if len(self.ds.columns.values)<2: self.rel_wave=[self.ds.columns.values[0]]
def __call__(self): print(''' Hello, this is a transient absorption project, this project contains all the parameter and the main functions you can use to analyze data. ----------------------------------------------- The main functions are: Plotting: ta.Plot_RAW(), ta.Plot_Interactive(), ta.Plot_fit_output() Comparing: ta.Compare_at_time(), ta.Compare_at_wave(), ta.Compare_DAC() Saving: ta.Save_Powerpoint(), ta.Save_project(), ta.Save_data(), ta.Save_Plots() Fitting: ta.Fit_Global() Shaping: ta.Background(), ta.Cor_Chirp(), ta.Man_Chirp() Parameter: call "ta.__dict__.keys()" to see all implemented shaping parameter ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you can get help and inspiration how to use each function by typing the function name followed by a question mark like "ta.Fit_Global?" or by going to the documentation webpage: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In general I recommend to start by using one of the workflow notebooks that you can download by calling pf.download_notebooks() or by going to''') def __read_ascii_data(self, sep = "\t", decimal = '.', index_is_energy = False, transpose = False, sort_indexes = False, divide_times_by = None, shift_times_by = None, external_time = None, external_wave = None, use_same_name = True, correct_ascii_errors = True, data_type = None, units = None, baseunit = None): '''Fancy function that handles the import of pure ascii files. Parameters ---------- sep : str (optional) is the separator between different numbers, typical are tap (Backslash t) (Default) ,one or multiple white spaces 'backslash s+' or comma ','. decimal : str (optional) sets the ascii symbol that is used for the decimal sign. In most countries this is '.'(Default) but it can be ',' in countries like Sweden or Germany index_is_energy : bool (optional) switches if the wavelength is given in nm (Default) or in eV (if True), currently everything is handled as wavelength in nm internally data_type: str (optional) data_type is the string that represents the intensity measurements. Usually this contains if absolute of differential data. This is used for the color intensity in the 2d plots and the y-axis for the 1d plots units: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the energy axis and to label the slices, recognized is 'nm', 'eV' and 'keV' but if another unit like 'cm^-1' is used it will state energy in 'cm^-1'. Pleas observe that if you use the index_is_energy switch the program tries to convert this energy into wavelength. baseunit: str (optional) this is used to identify the units on the developing/time axis. This is name that is attached to the index of the dataframe. setting this during import is equivalent to ta.baseunit transpose : bool (optional) if this switch is False (Default) the wavelength are the columns and the rows the times. sort_indexes : bool (optional) For False (Default) I assume that the times and energies are already in a rising order. with this switch, both are sorted again. divide_times_by : None or float (optional) here a number can be given that scales the time by an arbitary factor. This is actually dividing the times by this value. Alternatively there is the variable self.baseunit. The latter only affects what is written on the axis, while this value is actually used to scale the times. None (Default) ignores this shift_times_by : None, float (optional) This a value by which the time axis is shifted during import. This is a useful option of e.g. the recording software does not compensate for t0 and the data is always shifted. None (Default) ignores this setting external_time : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the time vector. The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. If use_same_name = True (default) It assumes that this is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_time='.tid' the program searches samp1.tid for the times. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the times are to be inserted (row or column indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be the file containing the vector for the time (in the same format as the main file) external_wave : None or str (optional) Here a filename extension (string) can be given that contains the wavelength vector. If use_same_name = True (default) The file is assumed to be at the same path as the data and to contain a single type of separated data without header. This is the ending for the file. The filename itself is taken from the filename. e.g. if samp1.txt is the filename and external_wave='.wav' then the program searches samp1.wav for the wavelength. The transpose setting is applied and sets where the wavelength are to be inserted (columns or row indexes) If use_same_name = False this should be a full filename that contains the vector use_same_name : bool, optional this switches if the external filename included the loaded filename or is a separate file correct_ascii_errors : bool (optional) If True (Default) then the code tries to catch some stuff like double minus signs and double dots ''' self.ds_ori=pandas.read_csv(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename), sep=sep, index_col=0) if correct_ascii_errors: if (self.ds_ori.applymap(type) == float).all().all(): pass#all columns were converted to float,nice else: print('some data bad, try filtering') try:# try forced conversion self.ds_ori=self.ds_ori.applymap(lambda x: re.sub('--', '-',x) if type(x) is str else x) self.ds_ori=self.ds_ori.applymap(lambda x: re.sub(r'\.+', '.',x) if type(x) is str else x) self.ds_ori=self.ds_ori.astype(np.float64) except Exception as e: print('force cleaning went wrong and the file %s can not be read. Error message is:'%self.filename) print(e) return False if external_time is not None: if use_same_name: time_file=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0]+'.'+external_time) else: time_file=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=external_time) if external_wave is not None: if use_same_name: wave_file=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0]+'.'+external_wave) else: wave_file=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=external_wave) if external_time is not None: data_file_name=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename) times=pandas.read_csv(time_file,header=None,decimal=decimal).values.ravel() if transpose: if external_wave is not None: self.ds_ori=pandas.read_csv(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename), sep=sep , decimal=decimal, header=None) waves=pandas.read_csv(wave_file,header=None,decimal=decimal).values.ravel() self.ds_ori.index=waves else: self.ds_ori=pandas.read_csv(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename), sep=sep , decimal=decimal, index_col=0,header=None) self.ds_ori.columns=times else: if external_wave is not None: self.ds_ori=pandas.read_csv(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename), sep=sep, decimal=decimal,header=None) waves=pandas.read_csv(wave_file,header=None,decimal=decimal).values.ravel() self.ds_ori.columns=waves else: self.ds_ori=pandas.read_csv(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename), sep=sep, decimal=decimal) self.ds_ori.index=times elif external_wave is not None: data_file_name=check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename) waves=pandas.read_csv(wave_file,header=None,decimal=decimal).values.ravel() if transpose: self.ds_ori=pandas.read_csv(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename), sep=sep, decimal=decimal) self.ds_ori.index=waves else: self.ds_ori=pandas.read_csv(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename), sep=sep, decimal=decimal,index_col=0,header=None) self.ds_ori.columns=waves self.ds_ori.columns=self.ds_ori.columns.astype('float')#Make columns indexes numbers self.ds_ori.index=self.ds_ori.index.astype('float')#Make row indexes numbers if index_is_energy: self.ds_ori.index=scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(self.ds_ori.index*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) if transpose: self.ds_ori=self.ds_ori.T if sort_indexes: self.ds_ori.sort_index(axis=0,inplace=True) self.ds_ori.sort_index(axis=1,inplace=True) if shift_times_by is not None: self.ds_ori.index=self.ds_ori.index.values+shift_times_by if divide_times_by is not None: self.ds_ori.index=self.ds_ori.index.values/divide_times_by if data_type is not None: self.data_type = data_type if units is not None: self.units = units if baseunit is not None: self.baseunit = baseunit def __make_standard_parameter(self): '''function that sets the standard parameter. The function takes no input, but we use this docstring to explain the parameter. Parameters ------------- log_scale : bool, optional If False (Default), The 2D plots (Matrix) is plotted with a pseudo logarithmic intensity scale. This usually does not give good results unless the intensity scale is symmetric self.cmap : (Default) standard_map - global parameter cmap is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. self.lintresh : float The pseudo logratihmic range "symlog" is used for most time axis. Symlog plots a range around time zero linear and beyond this linear treshold 'lintresh' on a logarithmic scale. (Default) 0.3 self.log_fit : (Default) False\n Transfer all the time-fitting parameters into log-space before the fit self.ignore_time_region : None or list (of two floats or of lists) (Default) None cut set a time range with a low and high limit from the fits. (Default) None nothing happens The region will be removed during the fitting process (and will be missing in the fit-result plots)\n Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit]\n use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] self.error_matrix_amplification : (Default) 10 self.rel_wave : float or list (of floats) (Default) np.arange(300,1000,100)\n 'rel_wave' and 'width' (in the object called 'wavelength_bin' work together for the creation of kinetic plots. When plotting kinetic spectra one line will be plotted for each entrance in the list/vector rel_wave. During object generation the vector np.arange(300,1000,100) is set as standard. Another typical using style would be to define a list of interesting wavelength at which a kinetic development is to be plotted. At each selected wavelength the data between wavelength+ta.wavelength_bin and wavelength-ta.wavelength_bin is averaged for each timepoint returned self.rel_time : float or list/vector (of floats) (Default) [0.2,0.3,0.5,1,3,10,30,100,300,1000,3000,9000]\n For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If time_width_percent=0 (Default) the nearest measured timepoint is chosen. For other values see 'time_width_percent' self.time_width_percent : float (Default) 0 "rel_time" and "time_width_percent" work together for creating spectral plots at specific timepoints. For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If however e.g. time_width_percent=10 the region between the timepoint closest to the 1.1 x timepoint and 0.9 x timepoint is averaged and shown (and the legend adjusted accordingly). This is particularly useful for the densly sampled region close to t=0. Typically for a logarithmic recorded kinetics, the timepoints at later times will be further appart than 10 percent of the value, but this allows to elegantly combine values around time=0 for better statistics. This averaging is only applied for the plotting function and not for the fits. self.baseunit : str (Default) 'ps'\n baseunit is a neat way to change the unit on the time axis of the plots. (Default) 'ps', but they can be frames or something similarly. This is changing only the label of the axis. During the import there is the option to divide the numbers by a factor. I have also used frames or fs as units. Important is that all time units will be labeled with this unit. self.mod : (Default) 'exponential'\n This is the default fitting function, in general this is discussed in the fitting section self.scattercut : None or iterable (of floats or other iterable, always pairs!) (Default) None\n intented to "cut" one or multiple scatter regions. (if (Default) None nothing happens) If it is set the spectral region between the limits is set to zero. Usage single region: [lower region limit,upper region limit], use for multiple regions:[[lower limit 1,upper limit 1],[lower limit 2,upper limit 2],...] self.bordercut : None or iterable (with two floats) (Default) None\n cut spectra at the low and high wavelength limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement self.time_bin : None or int (Default) None is dividing the points on the time-axis in even bins and averages the found values in between. This is a hard approach that also affects the fits. I do recommend to use this carefully, it is most useful for modulated data. A better choice for transient absorption that only affects the kinetics is 'time_width_percent' self.timelimits : None or list (of 2 floats) (Default) None\n cut times at the low and high time limit. (Default) None uses the limits of measurement Important: If either the background or the chirp is to be fit this must include the time before zero! Useful: It is useful to work on different regions, starting with the longest (then use the ta.Backgound function prior to fit) and expand from there data_type : str this is the datatype and effectively the unit put on the intensity axis (Default)'differential Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$ self.wave_nm_bin : None or float (Default) None\n rebins the original data into even intervals. If set to None the original data will be used. If set to a width (e.g. 2nm), the wavelength axis will be divided into steps of this size and the mean of all measurements in the interval is taken. The re-binning stops as soon as the measured stepsize is wider than given here, then the original bins are used. This function is particularly useful for spectrometer with non-linear dispersion, like a prism in the infrared. self.wavelength_bin : float, optional (Default) 10nm the width used in kinetics, see below self.intensity_range : None, float or list [of two floats] (Default) None - intensity_range is a general switch that governs what intensity range the plots show. For the 1d plots this is the y-axis for the 2d-plots this is the colour scale. This parameter recognizes three settings. If set to "None" (Default) this uses the minimum and maximum of the data. A single value like in the example below and the intended use is the symmetric scale while a list with two entries an assymmetric scale e.g. intensity_range=3e-3 is converted into intensity_range=[-3e-3,3e-3] : str, optional (Default) 'Wavelength in nm'\n This is the general energy axis. here we define it with the unit. Change this to energy for use in e.g x-ray science : str, optional Standard 'Time in %s' % self.baseunit self.data_type: str (optional) self.data_type='diff. Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$' self.fitcoeff : list (5 floats) chirp correction polynom self.chirp_file : str if there is a file withthe right name write it here, otherwise None self.figure_path : str Path for saving figures, if set self.save_figures_to_folder : bool if True all figures are automatically saved when any plotfunction is called Examples ----------- >>> ta.bordercut=[350,1200] #remove all data outside this limit >>> ta.scattercut=[522,605] #set data inside this limit to zero >>> ta.timelimits=[0.2,5000] #remove all data outside this limit >>> ta.wave_nm_bin=5 #rebin the data to this width >>> ta.intensity_range=3e-3 #equivalent to [-3e-3,3e-3] >>> ta.intensity_range=[-1e-3,3e-3] #intensity that is plotted in 2d plot and y-axis in 1d plots >>> #choose different colour map >>> ta.ignore_time_region=[-0.1,0.1] #ignore -0.1ps to 0.1ps ''' self.log_scale = False if not hasattr(self, 'log_scale') else self.log_scale self.cmap = standard_map if not hasattr(self, 'cmap') else self.cmap self.lintresh = 0.3 if not hasattr(self, 'lintresh') else self.lintresh self.log_fit = False if not hasattr(self, 'log_fit') else self.log_fit self.ignore_time_region = None if not hasattr(self, 'ignore_time_region') else self.ignore_time_region self.error_matrix_amplification = 10 if not hasattr(self, 'error_matrix_amplificatio') else self.error_matrix_amplification try: self.rel_wave = self.rel_wave except: self.rel_wave = np.arange(300,1000,100) if not hasattr(self, 'rel_wave') else self.rel_wave self.rel_time = [0.2,0.3,0.5,1,3,10,30,100,300,1000,3000,9000] if not hasattr(self, 'rel_time') else self.rel_time self.time_width_percent = 0 if not hasattr(self, 'time_width_percent') else self.time_width_percent self.baseunit = 'ps' if not hasattr(self, 'baseunit') else self.baseunit self.mod = 'exponential' if not hasattr(self, 'mod') else self.mod self.scattercut = None if not hasattr(self, 'scattercut') else self.scattercut self.bordercut = None if not hasattr(self, 'bordercut') else self.bordercut self.time_bin = None if not hasattr(self, 'time_bin') else self.time_bin self.timelimits = None if not hasattr(self, 'timelimits') else self.timelimits self.wave_nm_bin = None if not hasattr(self, 'wave_nm_bin') else self.wave_nm_bin self.wavelength_bin = 10 if not hasattr(self, 'wavelength_bin') else self.wavelength_bin self.save_figures_to_folder = False if not hasattr(self, 'save_figures_to_folder') else self.save_figures_to_folder self.intensity_range = None if not hasattr(self, 'intensity_range') else self.intensity_range = 'Time in %s' % self.baseunit if not hasattr(self, '') else self.equal_energy_bin = None if not hasattr(self, 'equal_energy_bin') else self.equal_energy_bin self.units='nm' if not hasattr(self, 'units') else self.units if self.units == 'nm': = 'Wavelength in %s'%self.units if not hasattr(self, '') else elif self.units == 'eV': = 'Energy in %s'%self.units if not hasattr(self, '') else elif self.units == 'keV': = 'Energy in %s'%self.units if not hasattr(self, '') else else: = 'Energy in %s'%self.units if not hasattr(self, '') else self.data_type= 'diff. Absorption in $\mathregular{\Delta OD}$' if not hasattr(self, 'data_type') else self.data_type try:#self.fitcoeff self.fitcoeff if len(list(self.fitcoeff))<5:raise except: self.fitcoeff=[0,0,0,0,0] #: test comment here try:#self.chirp_file self.chirp_file except: if os.path.isfile(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '_chirp.dat')): self.chirp_file=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '_chirp.dat' else: self.chirp_file=None try:#self.figure_path self.figure_path except: if self.save_figures_to_folder: self.figure_path=check_folder(path="result_figures",current_path=path) else: self.figure_path=None self.ds=self.ds_ori.copy()
[docs] def Filter_data(self, ds=None, cut_bad_times = False, replace_bad_values = 0, value = 20, uppervalue = None, lowervalue = None, upper_matrix = None, lower_matrix = None): '''Filteres the data by applying hard replacements. if both replace_bad_values and cut_bad_times are false or None, the times above "value" are replaced by zero Parameters ------------ ds : pandas Dataframe, optional if this is None (default) then the self.ds and self.ds_ori wil be filtered value : float, optional all values above this (absolute) value are considered to be corrupted. (Default 20) as classically the setup reports optical DEnsity, an OD of 20 would be far above the typically expected OD 1e-3. Pascher instrument software uses a value of 21 to indicate an error. uppervalue : float, optional all values above this number are considered to be corrupted. (Default 20) as classically the setup reports optical DEnsity, an OD of 20 would be far above the typically expected OD 1e-3. Pascher instrument software uses a value of 21 to indicate an error. lowervalue : float, optional all values below this number are considered to be corrupted. (Default -20) as classically the setup reports optical DEnsity, an OD of -20 would be far above the typically expected OD 1e-3. Pascher instrument software uses a value of 21 to indicate an error. replace_bad_values : None of float, optional values above the treshold are replaced with this value. Ignored of None (Default) cut_bad_times = bool, optional True (Default=False) removes the whole time where this is true upper_matrix : Pandas DataFrame, optional all values above this treshold will be put N/A or replace by the value in replace_bad_values lower_matrix Pandas DataFrame, optional all values below this treshold will be put N/A or replace by the value in replace_bad_values the value is the upper bound. everything above will be filtered. Standard is to drop the rows(=times) where something went wrong Examples --------- typical usage >>> import plotfunc as pf >>> ta=pf.TA('testfile.SIA') >>> ta.Filter_data() >>> ta.Filter_data(value=1) #to filter times with at least one point with OD 1 ''' if uppervalue is None: uppervalue = np.abs(value) if lowervalue is None: lowervalue = -np.abs(value) if replace_bad_values is not None: cut_bad_times=False if ds is None: filtering=[self.ds,self.ds_ori] else: filtering=[ds] for dataset in filtering: if any([self.ignore_time_region is not None, self.scattercut is not None, self.bordercut is not None, self.timelimits is not None]): dataset=sub_ds(dataset, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, timelimits = self.timelimits) if cut_bad_times: #timepoint filter, delete the timepoints where value is stupid matrix_size=len(dataset.index.values) if upper_matrix is None: damaged_times=dataset[np.any(dataset.values>uppervalue,axis=1)].index else: damaged_times=dataset[np.any(dataset.values>upper_matrix,axis=1)].index dataset.drop(damaged_times,inplace = True) if lower_matrix is None: damaged_times=dataset[np.any(dataset.values<lowervalue,axis=1)].index else: damaged_times=dataset[np.any(dataset.values<lower_matrix,axis=1)].index dataset.drop(damaged_times,inplace = True) if len(dataset.index.values)<matrix_size*0.8: print('attention, more than 20% of the data was removed by this filter.') print('Please check with if the spectal borders contain regions without light (and high noise)') print('Setting a bordercut and scattercut before the filtering might be useful') else: if replace_bad_values is None: #individual data filter replace_bad_values=np.nan if upper_matrix is None: dataset.values[dataset.values>uppervalue]=replace_bad_values else: dataset.values[dataset.values>upper_matrix]=replace_bad_values if lower_matrix is None: dataset.values[dataset.values<lowervalue]=replace_bad_values else: dataset.values[dataset.values<lower_matrix]=replace_bad_values if replace_bad_values == np.nan: if dataset.isna().sum().sum()>0.2 * dataset.notna().sum().sum(): print('attention, more than 20% of the data was removed by this filter.') print('Please check with if the spectal borders contain regions without light (and high noise)') print('Setting a bordercut and scattercut before the filtering might be useful') else: if dataset[dataset==replace_bad_values].notna().sum().sum()> 0.2* dataset[dataset!=replace_bad_values].notna().sum().sum(): print('attention, more than 20% of the data was removed by this filter.') print('Please check with if the spectal borders contain regions without light (and high noise)') print('Setting a bordercut and scattercut before the filtering might be useful') if ds is not None:return filtering[0]
[docs] def Background(self, lowlimit=None,uplimit=-1, use_median=False, ds=None, correction=None): '''This is the background correction. In general it for each measured wavelength averages the values from 'lowlimit' to 'uplimit' and subtracts it from the data. It rund on the object (global) or if given a specific ds local. The low and uplimit can be set anywhere to substract any background. It is important to note that many problems during measurements might be visible in the data before time zero. So I recommend to first plot without background correction and only after this inspection apply the background correction. The fit function has its own way to calculcate and apply a background That could be used instead (but making the fit less stable) Parameters ------------ lowlimit : None or float, optional this is the lower limit from which the average (or median) is taken (Default) is None, in which case the lower limit of the data is used. uplimit : None or float, optional this is the upper limit until which the average (or median) is taken (Default) is -1 (usually ps), in which case the lower limit of the data is used. use_median : bool, optional the Median is a more outlier resistant metric in comparision to the Mean (Average). However the values are not quite as close to the distribution center in case of very few values. False (Default) means the Mean is used ds : None or DataFrame, optional if None (Default) the internal Dataframe self.ds is used, otherwise the pandas DataFrame ds is corrected and returned correction : None or DataFrame, optional this is the correction applied. It must be a DataFrame with the same numbers of columns (spectral points) as the used ds Examples -------- if the object self has the name "ta" typical useage: >>> ta.Background() specify inegrated are to - inf (Default) up to -0.5ps and use the Median for computation >>> ta.Background(uplimit = -0.5, use_median = True) ''' if ds is None: run_global=True ds=self.ds else: run_global=False if correction is None:raise ValueError('We must have correction given, to slow otherhwise') if (lowlimit is None) and (correction is None): if use_median: correction=ds[:uplimit].median(axis=0) else: correction=ds[:uplimit].mean(axis=0) elif (lowlimit is not None) and (correction is None): if use_median: correction=ds[lowlimit:uplimit].median(axis=0) else: correction=ds[lowlimit:uplimit].mean(axis=0) if run_global: self.ds=ds-correction self.background_par=[lowlimit,uplimit,use_median,correction] else: return ds-correction
[docs] def Man_Chirp(self,shown_window=[-1,1],path=None,max_points=40,cmap=cm.prism,ds=None): '''Triggering of Manuel Fix_Chirp. usually used when Cor_Chirp has run already. Alternatively delete the chirp file. This Function opens a plot in which the user manually selects a number of points These points will then be interpolated with a 4th order polynomial The user can then select a new t=0 point. The first option allows to fine select an intensity setting for this chirp correction. However sometimes spikes are making this things difficult. In this case set a guessed intensity with self.intensity_range=1e-3 Parameters ------------- path : str or path object (optional) if path is a string without the operation system dependent separator, it is treated as a relative path, e.g. data will look from the working directory in the sub director data. Otherwise this has to be a full path in either strong or path object form. shown_window : list (with two floats), optional Defines the window that is shown during chirp correction. If the t=0 is not visible, adjust this parameter to suit the experiment. If problems arise, I recomment to use Plot_Raw to check where t=0 is located max_points : int, optional Default = 40 max numbers of points to use in Gui selection. Useful option in case no middle mouse button is available. (e.g. touchpad) cmap : matplotlib colourmap, optional Colourmap to be used for the chirp correction. While there is a large selection here I recommend to choose a different map than is used for the normal 2d plotting.\n cm.prism (Default) has proofen to be very usefull ds: pandas dataframe,optional this allows to hand in an external ds, if this is done then the on disk saved fitcoeff are the new ones only and the function returns the new fitcoeff and the combined fitcoeff, self also has a new variable called self.combined_fitcoeff the original file on dis and self.fitcoeff are NOT overwritten (are the old ones) the self.ds is the NEW one (with the correction applied) to reverse simply run Cor_Chirp() to permanently apply change self.fitcoeff with self.combined_fitcoeff and rename the file with 'filename_second_chirp' to filename_chirp ''' if ds is None: ds=self.ds_ori original=True else: original=False if original: temp_ds = Fix_Chirp(ds, cmap = cmap, save_file = None, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, wave_nm_bin = 10, shown_window = shown_window, filename = self.filename, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, path = check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path), max_points = max_points) else: temp_ds = Fix_Chirp(ds, cmap = cmap, save_file = None, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, wave_nm_bin = 10, shown_window = shown_window, filename = self.filename+'_second_chirp', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, path = check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path), max_points = max_points) if isinstance(temp_ds,pandas.DataFrame): self.ds=temp_ds self.chirp_file=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '_chirp.dat' if original:#we have run from scratch self.Cor_Chirp(path=path) else: print('you provided a separate ds file. returned are the new fitcoeff and the combined fitcoeff, ta also has a new variable called ta.combined_fitcoeff') save_file=check_folder(path=path,current_path = self.path, filename=self.filename+'_second_chirp') with open(save_file,'r') as f: new_fitcoeff=f.readline() new_fitcoeff=np.array(new_fitcoeff.split(','),dtype='float') self.combined_fitcoeff=self.fitcoeff+new_fitcoeff return new_fitcoeff,self.combined_fitcoeff else: raise Warning('Man Chirp interrupted')
def Check_Chirp(self, chirp_file = None, fitcoeff = None, cmap = cm.prism, path=None, ds=None, shown_window = [-1, 1]): '''*Check_Chirp* is a function to check a provided chirp correction. It is is intended as an option when Cor_Chirp fails due to lacking GUI. A 4th order polynomial is plotted over the data, printed and returned. The intended use is that the components of this polynomial can be adjusted and then handed to Cor_chirp. If neither a chirp_file not fitcoeff are provided a general purpose chrip correction is suggested as starting value. The function does not alter anything. use the internal intensity range to adjust for an optimum representation. ta.intensity_range=1e-3 Parameters ------------- chirp-file : None or str, optional If a raw file was read(e.g. "data.SIA") and the chirp correction was completed, a file with the attached word "chirp" is created and stored in the same location. ("data_chirp.dat") This file contains the 5 values of the chirp correction. By selecting such a file (e.g. from another raw data) a specific chirp is applied. If a specific name is given with **chirp_file** (and optional **path**) then this file is used.\n GUI\n The word *'gui'* can be used instead of a filename to open a gui that allows the selection of a chrip file path : str or path object (optional) if path is a string without the operation system dependent separator, it is treated as a relative path, e.g. data will look from the working directory in the sub director data. Otherwise this has to be a full path in either strong or path object form. shown_window : list (with two floats), optional Defines the window that is shown during chirp correction. If the t=0 is not visible, adjust this parameter to suit the experiment. If problems arise, I recomment to use Plot_Raw to check where t=0 is located fitcoeff : list or vector (5 floats), optional One can give a vector/list with 5 numbers representing the parameter of a 4th order polynomial (in the order :math:`(a4*x^4 + a3*x^3+a2*x^2+a1*x1+a0)`. cmap : matplotlib colourmap, optional Colourmap to be used for the chirp correction. While there is a large selection here I recommend to choose a different map than is used for the normal 2d plotting.\n cm.prism (Default) has proofen to be very usefull Examples ---------- In most cases: >>> import plot_func as pf >>> ta = pf.TA('test1.SIA') #open the original project, >>> fitcoeff=ta.Check_Chirp() # if no specific correction is found >>> fitcoeff[1]+=0.1e-8 >>> ta.Check_Chirp(fitcoeff=fitcoeff) ''' if ds is None:ds=self.ds if (chirp_file is None) and (fitcoeff is None): fitcoeff=[-3.384e-12,1.456e-08,-2.366e-05,0.0172,-4.306] elif chirp_file is not None: if 'gui' in chirp_file: root_window = tkinter.Tk() root_window.withdraw() root_window.attributes('-topmost',True) root_window.after(1000, lambda: root_window.focus_force()) complete_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd()) listen=os.path.split(complete_path) path=os.path.normpath(listen[0]) chirp_file=listen[1] path=check_folder(path,self.path) with open(check_folder(path=path,filename=chirp_file),'r') as f: fitcoeff=[float(a) for a in f.readline().split(',')] fig,ax=plt.subplots() ax = plot2d(ax = ax, ds = ds, cmap = cmap, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, timelimits = shown_window, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, title = 'This plot shows the set chirp', use_colorbar = False, plot_type = "linear", log_scale = False) correcttimeval = np.polyval(fitcoeff, ds.columns.values.astype('float')) ax.plot(ds.columns.values.astype('float'),correcttimeval) print('used fitcoeff:') print(fitcoeff) return fitcoeff
[docs] def Cor_Chirp(self, chirp_file = None, path = None, shown_window = [-1, 1], fitcoeff = None, max_points = 40, cmap = cm.prism): '''*Cor_Chirp* is a powerful Function to correct for a different arrival times of different wavelength (sometimes call chirp). In general if a file is opened for the first time this function is opening a plot and allows the user to select a number of points, which are then approximated with a 4th order polynomial and finally to select a point that is declared as time zero. The observed window as well as the intensities and the colour map can be chosen to enable a good correction. Here a fast iterating colour scheme such as "prism" is often a good choice. In all of the selections a left click selects, a right click removes the last point and a middle click (sometime appreviated by clicking left and right together) finishes the selection. If no middle click exists, the process automatically ends after max_points (40 preset). The first option allows to fine select an intensity setting for this chirp correction. However sometimes spikes are making this things difficult. In this case set a guessed intensity with self.intensity_range=1e-3\n Note that scattercut, bordercut and intensity_range can be used After the first run the polynom is stored in self.fitcoeff, a new matrix calculated from self.ds_ori that is stored as self.ds and a file stored in the same location as the original data. The second time the function *Cor_Chirp* is run the function will find the file and apply the chirp correction automatically. If one does want to re-run the chirp correction the function *Man_Chirp* does not look for this file, but creates after finishing a new file. Alternatively the polynom or a filename can be given that load a chirp correction (e.g. from a different run with the same sample). The function *Cor_Chirp* selects in the order: # "fitcoeff" # "other files" # "stored_file" # call Man_Chirp (clicking by hand) Parameters ------------- chirp-file : None or str, optional If a raw file was read(e.g. "data.SIA") and the chirp correction was completed, a file with the attached word "chirp" is created and stored in the same location. ("data_chirp.dat") This file contains the 5 values of the chirp correction. By selecting such a file (e.g. from another raw data) a specific chirp is applied. If a specific name is given with **chirp_file** (and optional **path**) then this file is used.\n GUI\n The word *'gui'* can be used instead of a filename to open a gui that allows the selection of a chrip file path : str or path object (optional) if path is a string without the operation system dependent separator, it is treated as a relative path, e.g. data will look from the working directory in the sub director data. Otherwise this has to be a full path in either strong or path object form. shown_window : list (with two floats), optional Defines the window that is shown during chirp correction. If the t=0 is not visible, adjust this parameter to suit the experiment. If problems arise, I recomment to use Plot_Raw to check where t=0 is located fitcoeff : list or vector (5 floats), optional One can give a vector/list with 5 numbers representing the parameter of a 4th order polynomial (in the order :math:`(a4*x^4 + a3*x^3+a2*x^2+a1*x1+a0)`. The chirp parameter are stored in ta.fitcoeff and can thus be used in other TA objects. This vector is also stored with the file and automatically applied during re-loading of a hdf5-object max_points : int, optional Default = 40 max numbers of points to use in Gui selection. Useful option in case no middle mouse button is available. (e.g. touchpad) cmap : matplotlib colourmap, optional Colourmap to be used for the chirp correction. While there is a large selection here I recommend to choose a different map than is used for the normal 2d plotting.\n cm.prism (Default) has proofen to be very usefull Examples ---------- In most cases: >>> import plot_func as pf >>> ta = pf.TA('test1.SIA') #open the original project, >>> ta.Cor_Chirp() Selecting a specific correction >>> ta.Cor_Chirp(‘gui’) >>> ta.Cor_Chirp(chirp_file = 'older_data_chirp.dat') >>> #use the coefficients from a different project >>> ta.Cor_Chirp(fitcoeff = ta_old.fitcoeff) #use the coefficients from a different project ''' if chirp_file is None: chirp_file=self.chirp_file elif 'gui' in chirp_file: root_window = tkinter.Tk() root_window.withdraw() root_window.attributes('-topmost',True) root_window.after(1000, lambda: root_window.focus_force()) complete_path = filedialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=os.getcwd()) listen=os.path.split(complete_path) path=os.path.normpath(listen[0]) chirp_file=listen[1] path=check_folder(path,self.path) if fitcoeff is not None:#we use a stored project try: if len(fitcoeff)==5 or len(fitcoeff)==6:#we provide a valid list/vector if all(elem == 0 for elem in fitcoeff): self.ds=self.ds_ori print('all chirp coefficients are zero so no chirp correction applied') else: self.ds=Fix_Chirp(self.ds_ori,fitcoeff=fitcoeff) self.fitcoeff=fitcoeff #we came to here so fitcoeff must be right else: raise except: self.ds=self.ds_ori print('something went wrong with the provided fitcoeff. This should be either a list/array with 5-6 parameter or the object should contain the parameter') print('fitcoeff is currently:' + fitcoeff) else: try: if chirp_file is None: save_file=None else: save_file=check_folder(path = path, filename = chirp_file) self.ds = Fix_Chirp(self.ds_ori, cmap = cmap, save_file = save_file, filename = self.filename, path = self.path, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, wave_nm_bin = 10, shown_window = shown_window, fitcoeff = fitcoeff, max_points = max_points) if save_file is None: if self.filename is None: chirp_file='chirp.dat' else: f=self.filename.split('.')[0] chirp_file=f+'_chirp' + '.dat' self.chirp_file=chirp_file with open(check_folder(path=path,filename=chirp_file),'r') as f: self.fitcoeff=[float(a) for a in f.readline().split(',')] except: print(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '_chirp.dat')) if os.path.isfile(check_folder(path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '_chirp.dat')): print('somehting is wrong, try deleting old chirp file') raise else: print('No old chirp file') self.Man_Chirp(path=path,cmap=cmap,shown_window=shown_window,max_points=max_points) chirp_file=self.chirp_file with open(check_folder(path=path,filename=chirp_file),'r') as f: self.fitcoeff=[float(a) for a in f.readline().split(',')]
def Plot_Interactive(self, fitted = False, ds = None, cmap = None, plot_on_move = False): '''interactive plotting function. it plots the matrix in the middle and two slices that are selected by the mouse (click) Parameters --------------- fitted : bool, optional this switch decides if the fitted or the RAW data is plotted with this widget to inspect the data data. If fitted is False (Default) then the raw data and an interpolation is used to plot. cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. ds : DataFrame, optional if None (Default), the program first tests self.ds and if this is not there then self.ds_ori. This option was introduced to allow plotting of other matrixes with the same parameter plot_on_move : bool, optional Default: False plots the slices after click, on True the plot constantly reslices and on click The current position is written down. ''' from matplotlib.widgets import Cursor if cmap is None:cmap=self.cmap if ds is None: if not fitted: if self.ds is None: ds=self.ds_ori.copy() else: ds=self.ds.copy() else:['A']['AC'] intensity_range=self.intensity_range if intensity_range is None: try: maxim=max([abs(ds.values.min()),abs(ds.values.max())]) intensity_range=[-maxim,maxim] except: intensity_range=[-1e-2,1e-2] else: if not hasattr(intensity_range,'__iter__'):#lets have an lazy option intensity_range=[-intensity_range,intensity_range] class MouseMove: # initialization def __init__(self, ds, cmap, intensity_range, log_scale, baseunit, timelimits, scattercut, bordercut, wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin, ignore_time_region, time_bin, lintresh, data_type, width, time_width_percent): fig = plt.figure(tight_layout=True,figsize=(14,8)) gs = GridSpec(5, 4) fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, :3]) self.ds=ds self.cmap=cmap self.intensity_range=intensity_range self.log_scale=log_scale self.baseunit=baseunit self.timelimits=timelimits self.scattercut=scattercut self.bordercut=bordercut self.wave_nm_bin=wave_nm_bin self.equal_energy_bin=equal_energy_bin self.ignore_time_region=ignore_time_region self.time_bin=time_bin self.data_type=data_type self.width=width self.lintresh=lintresh self.time_width_percent=time_width_percent = plot2d(ds=ds,, cmap=cmap, intensity_range=self.intensity_range, log_scale=self.log_scale, baseunit=self.baseunit, timelimits=self.timelimits, scattercut=self.scattercut, bordercut=self.bordercut, wave_nm_bin=self.wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin=self.equal_energy_bin, ignore_time_region=self.ignore_time_region, time_bin=self.time_bin, lintresh=self.lintresh, data_type = self.data_type, use_colorbar = False) self.ax_time= fig.add_subplot(gs[0, :3], self.ax_kinetic= fig.add_subplot(gs[1:, -1], plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0,hspace=0) if plot_on_move: fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.move) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', else: fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.move) def click(self, event): x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if self.equal_energy_bin is not None: x=scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(x*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) print('x=%g, y=%g\n'%(x,y)) def move(self, event): x, y = event.xdata, event.ydata if self.equal_energy_bin is not None: x=scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(x*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt) try: self.ax_time.cla() except: pass if not fitted: ds_temp1 = sub_ds(ds = Frame_golay(ds,5,3), times = y, time_width_percent = self.time_width_percent, scattercut = self.scattercut, drop_scatter=True, bordercut = self.bordercut, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin=self.equal_energy_bin, wavelength_bin = self.width) ds_temp1.plot(ax=self.ax_time,style='-',color='red') else: ds_temp1 = sub_ds(ds = modelled, times = y, time_width_percent = self.time_width_percent, scattercut = self.scattercut, drop_scatter=True, bordercut = self.bordercut, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin=self.equal_energy_bin, wavelength_bin = self.width) ds_temp1.plot(ax=self.ax_time,style='-',color='red') ds_temp = sub_ds(ds = ds, times = y, time_width_percent = self.time_width_percent, scattercut = self.scattercut, drop_scatter=True, bordercut = self.bordercut, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin=self.equal_energy_bin, wavelength_bin = self.width) ds_temp.plot(ax=self.ax_time,style='*',color='black') self.ax_time.plot(self.ax_time.get_xlim(),[0,0],'gray') if not fitted: self.ax_time.legend(['%.3g %s smoothed'%(y,self.baseunit)]) else: self.ax_time.legend(['%.3g %s fitted'%(y,self.baseunit)]) self.ax_time.set_yticks(self.ax_time.get_ylim()) self.ax_time.set_yticklabels(['%.1e'%f for f in self.ax_time.get_ylim()]) for i in range(3): try: self.ax_kinetic.lines.pop(0) except: pass if self.width is None: self.width = 10 if not fitted: ds_temp1 = sub_ds(ds = Frame_golay(ds), wavelength = x, scattercut = self.scattercut, drop_scatter=True, bordercut = self.bordercut, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin,wavelength_bin = self.width) self.ax_kinetic.plot(ds_temp1.values,ds_temp1.index.values,'-',label='%.0f smoothed'%x,color='red') else: ds_temp1 = sub_ds(ds = modelled, wavelength = x, scattercut = self.scattercut, drop_scatter=True, bordercut = self.bordercut, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, wavelength_bin = self.width) self.ax_kinetic.plot(ds_temp1.values,ds_temp1.index.values,'-',label='%.0f fitted'%x,color='red') ds_temp = sub_ds(ds = ds, wavelength = x, scattercut = self.scattercut, drop_scatter=True, bordercut = self.bordercut, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, wavelength_bin = self.width) self.ax_kinetic.set_xlim(min([0,min(ds_temp.values)]),max([max(ds_temp.values),0])) self.ax_kinetic.plot(ds_temp.values,ds_temp.index.values,'*',label='%.0f'%x, color='black') self.ax_kinetic.plot([0,0],self.ax_kinetic.get_ylim(),'gray') self.ax_kinetic.legend(['%.0f'%x]) self.ax_kinetic.set_xticks(self.ax_kinetic.get_xlim()) self.ax_kinetic.set_xticklabels(['%.1e'%f for f in self.ax_kinetic.get_xlim()]) self.ax_kinetic.set_yticklabels( plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0,hspace=0) eve=MouseMove(ds, cmap, self.intensity_range, self.log_scale, self.baseunit, self.timelimits, self.scattercut, self.bordercut, self.wave_nm_bin, self.equal_energy_bin, self.ignore_time_region, self.time_bin, self.lintresh, self.data_type, self.wavelength_bin, self.time_width_percent) cursor = Cursor(, useblit=True, color='red', linewidth=2) return eve,cursor
[docs] def Plot_RAW(self, plotting = range(4), title = None, scale_type = 'symlog', times = None, cmap = None, filename = None, path = "result_figures", savetype = 'png' , print_click_position = False, plot_second_as_energy = True, ds = None): '''This is a wrapper function that triggers the plotting of various RAW (non fitted) plots. The shaping parameter are taken from the object and should be defined before. The parameter in this plot call are to control the general look and features of the plot. Which plots are printed is defined byt the first command (plotting) The plots are generated on the fly using self.ds and all the shaping parameter In all plots the RAW data is plotted as dots and interpolated with lines (using Savitzky-Golay window=5, order=3 interpolation). As defined by the internal parameters at selected time-points and the kinetics for selected wavelength are shaped by the object parameter. The SVD is performed using the same shaping parameter and is commonly used as an orientation for the number of components in the data. Everything is handed over to 'plot_raw' function that can be used for extended RAW plotting. Parameters --------------- plotting : int or iterable (of integers), optional This parameter determines which figures are plotted the figures can be called separately with plotting = 1 or with a list of plots (Default) e.g. plotting=range(4) calls plots 0,1,2,3. The plots have the following numbers: 0. Matrix 1. Kinetics 2. Spectra 3. SVD The plotting takes all parameter from the "ta" object. title : None or str title to be used on top of each plot The (Default) None triggers self.filename to be used. Setting a specific title as string will. be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with this command title="" . Scale_type : None or str is a general setting that can influences what time axis will be used for the plots. "symlog" (linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) "lin" and "log" are valid options. times : int are the number of components to be used in the SVD (Default) is 6. cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. filename : str, optional offers to replace the base-name used for all plots (to e.g.~specify what sample was used). if (Default) None is used, the self.filename is used as a base name. The filename plays only a role during saving, as does the path and savetype. path : None or str or path object, optional This defines where the files are saved if the safe_figures_to_folder parameter is True, quite useful if a lot of data sets are to be printed fast. If a path is given, this is used. If a string like the (Default) "result_figures" is given, then a subfolder of this name will be used (an generated if necessary) relative to self.path. Use and empty string to use the self.path If set to None, the location of the plot_func will be used and a subfolder with title "result_figures" be generated here. savetype : str or iterable (of str), optional matplotlib allows the saving of figures in various formats. (Default) "png", typical and recommendable options are "svg" and "pdf". print_click_position : bool, optional if True then the click position is printed for the spectral plots ds : DataFrame, optional if None (Default), the program first tests self.ds and if this is not there then self.ds_ori. This option was introduced to allow plotting of other matrixes with the same parameter Examples ------------ Typically one would call this function empty for an overview. We name the object "ta" so with >>> ta=pf.TA('testfile.SIA') This would trigger the plotting of the 4 mayor plots for an overview. >>> ta.Plot_RAW() This would plot only the kinetics. >>> ta.Plot_RAW(1) >>> ta.Plot_RAW(plotting = 1) ''' path=check_folder(path=path,current_path=self.path) if self.save_figures_to_folder: self.figure_path=path if cmap is None:cmap=self.cmap if ds is None: if self.ds is None: ds=self.ds_ori.copy() else: ds=self.ds.copy() if filename is None: filename=self.filename if not hasattr(plotting,"__iter__"):plotting=[plotting] if title is None: if filename is None: title=self.filename else: title=filename plot_raw(ds=ds, plotting=plotting, cmap=cmap, title=title, path=path, filename=filename, intensity_range=self.intensity_range, log_scale=self.log_scale, baseunit=self.baseunit, timelimits=self.timelimits, scattercut=self.scattercut, bordercut=self.bordercut, wave_nm_bin=self.wave_nm_bin, rel_wave=self.rel_wave, width=self.wavelength_bin, time_width_percent=self.time_width_percent, ignore_time_region=self.ignore_time_region, time_bin=self.time_bin, rel_time=self.rel_time, save_figures_to_folder=self.save_figures_to_folder, savetype=savetype,plot_type=scale_type,lintresh=self.lintresh, times=times, print_click_position = print_click_position, data_type = self.data_type, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy, units=self.units, equal_energy_bin = self.equal_energy_bin)
[docs] def Save_Plots(self, path = 'result_figures', savetype = None, title = None, filename = None, scale_type = 'symlog', patches = False, cmap = None): '''Convenience function that sets save_plots_to_folder temporarily to true and replots everything Parameters ---------- path : None, str or path, optional (Default) None, if left on None, then a folder "result_figures" is created in the folder of the data (self.path) savetype : str or iterable (of str), optional matplotlib allows the saving of figures in various formats. (Default) "png", typical and recommendable options are "svg" and "pdf". title : None or str, optional (Default) None, Use this title on all plots. if None, use self.filename filename : str, optional (Default) None, Base name for all plots. If None, then self.filename will be used scale_type : str, optional "symlog" (Default), "linear", "log" time axis patches : bool, optional For true use white patches to label things in the 2d matrixes, to safe space for publication cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. Examples --------- >>> ta.Save_Plots() >>> ta.Save_Plots(patches = True) ''' if cmap is None:cmap=self.cmap if savetype is None: savetype=['png'] elif savetype in ['png','pdf','svg']:savetype=[savetype] elif hasattr(savetype,"__iter__"):savetype=list(savetype) else: print('Please specify a single filetype from \'png\',\'pdf\',\'svg\' or a list of those. Nothing was saved') return False if cmap is None:cmap=standard_map origin=self.save_figures_to_folder self.save_figures_to_folder=True try: for t in savetype: plt.close('all') self.Plot_RAW(savetype = t, path = path, cmap = cmap, title = title, scale_type = scale_type, filename = filename, units=self.units, equal_energy_bin = self.equal_energy_bin) plt.close('all') print('saved RAW plots type %s to %s'%(t,check_folder(path=path,current_path=self.path))) except: print('Saving of Raw plots for filetype %s failed'%t) try: for t in savetype: plt.close('all') self.Plot_fit_output(savetype=t,path=path,cmap=cmap,title=title,scale_type=scale_type,patches=patches,filename=filename) plt.close('all') print('Saved Fit plots of type %s to %s'%(t,check_folder(path=path,current_path=self.path))) except: print('Saving of Fit plots for filetype %s failed'%t) self.save_figures_to_folder=origin
def __Fit_Chirp_inner( self, opt_coeff, initial_fit_coeff = None, params = None, scattercut = None, bordercut = None, timelimits = None, wave_nm_bin = None, time_bin = None, mod = None, log_fit = None, ds_back_corr = None): ''' Function to calculate a new chirp corrected matrix and return an error value, The "cost function" for the chirp optimization ''' fitcoeff = np.array([opt_coeff['p4'].value, opt_coeff['p3'].value, opt_coeff['p2'].value, opt_coeff['p1'].value, opt_coeff['p0'].value]) #fitcoeff = __shift_polynom(fitcoeff, -500) #this was an arbitrary shift of the data by 500 to make the chirp parameter time = ds_back_corr.index.values.astype('float')#extract the time ds_new = ds_back_corr.apply(lambda x:np.interp(x = time+np.polyval(fitcoeff,, xp = time, fp = x), axis = 0, raw = False) re = err_func(paras = params, ds = ds_new, mod = mod, final = False, log_fit = log_fit) return re def __Fit_Chirp_outer(self, pardf, results, fit_ds, fit_chirp_iterations, mod, deep_iteration = False): '''Broken out Chirp optimization, takes the fitted parameters and performs 'fit_chirp_iterations' times the loop, (optimise chirp + optimize global) after each global iteration the error is compared to the previous. It continues until no improvement is made or until the 'fit_chirp_iterations' is reached. If the error is reduced by more than a factor of 100 in a single step, it is assumed that something fishy is going on and we restart the fit, but with a 10x smaller simplex stepsize and deep_iteraction FAlse Parameters ----------- pardf # deep_iteration uses the previous kinetic optimized parameter as the input into the next fit. #Can be great but can also run away, in general not needed and can be triggered by feeding the #results back into the global fit''' if pardf.vary.any(): initial_error = [results.residual[0]] par_into_chirpfit = results.params else: initial_error = [err_func(paras = self.par_fit, ds = fit_ds, mod = self.mod, final = False, log_fit = self.log_fit)] par_into_chirpfit = self.par par_into_chirpfit['t0'].vary = False initial_fit_coeff = self.fitcoeff if len(initial_fit_coeff) == 6: initial_fit_coeff[4] = self.fitcoeff[4]+self.fitcoeff[5] initial_fit_coeff = initial_fit_coeff[:5] chirp_par = lmfit.Parameters() for i in range(5): chirp_par.add('p%i'%(4-i), value = initial_fit_coeff[i]) chirp_par['p4'].set(min = chirp_par['p4']-0.5, max = chirp_par['p4']+0.5) try:#lets send in the background corrected matrix fails if no prior background was done correction = self.background_par[3] ds_back_corr = self.ds_ori-correction except: ds_back_corr = self.ds_ori ds_back_corr = sub_ds(ds = ds_back_corr, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, timelimits = self.timelimits, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, time_bin = self.time_bin, equal_energy_bin = self.equal_energy_bin) print('Before chirpfit the error is:{:.6e}'.format(initial_error[-1])) ################################################################################################################# #----Chirp fit loop--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################################################# for loop in range(fit_chirp_iterations): chirpmini = lmfit.Minimizer(self.__Fit_Chirp_inner, chirp_par, fcn_kws = {'ds_back_corr':ds_back_corr.copy(), 'initial_fit_coeff':initial_fit_coeff, 'params':par_into_chirpfit, 'mod':self.mod, 'log_fit':self.log_fit, 'scattercut':self.scattercut, 'bordercut':self.bordercut, 'timelimits':self.timelimits, 'wave_nm_bin':self.wave_nm_bin, 'time_bin':self.time_bin}) step_size = 5e-2 try: start = tm.time() simp = np.array([chirp_par['p4'].value, chirp_par['p3'].value, chirp_par['p2'].value, chirp_par['p1'].value, chirp_par['p0'].value]) simp = np.tile(simp.reshape(5, 1), 6).T for i in range(5): if simp[i+1, i] != 0: if i<4: simp[i+1, i] = simp[i+1, i]*(step_size) else: simp[i+1, i] = simp[i+1, i]+0.1 else: simp[i+1, i] = 1e-4 #we start by optimizing the chirp with fixed Global fit chirp_results = chirpmini.minimize('nelder', options = {'maxfev':1e4, 'fatol':initial_error[-1]*1e-6, 'initial_simplex':simp}) end = tm.time() opt_coeff = chirp_results.params temp = np.array([opt_coeff['p4'].value, opt_coeff['p3'].value, opt_coeff['p2'].value, opt_coeff['p1'].value, opt_coeff['p0'].value]) #Create the new chirp corrected data time = ds_back_corr.index.values.astype('float')#extract the time new_ds = ds_back_corr.copy().apply(lambda x:np.interp(x = time+np.polyval(temp, float(, xp = time, fp = x), axis = 0, raw = False) #New Global Fit fit_ds_loop = sub_ds(ds = new_ds, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, timelimits = self.timelimits, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin = self.equal_energy_bin, time_bin = self.time_bin) if pardf.vary.any(): mini = lmfit.Minimizer(err_func, par_into_chirpfit, fcn_kws = {'ds':fit_ds_loop, 'mod':mod, 'log_fit':self.log_fit, 'final':False}) results_in_chirp = mini.minimize('nelder', options = {'maxiter':1e5}) initial_error.append(results_in_chirp.residual[0]) else: initial_error.append(err_func(paras = par_into_chirpfit, ds = fit_ds_loop, mod = mod, final = False, log_fit = self.log_fit)) if initial_error[-1]<initial_error[-2]: if initial_error[-2]/initial_error[-1]>100:#something fishy going on. lets try again print('Chirp_loop {:02d} strange decrease step size'.format(loop+1)) initial_error[-1] = initial_error[-2] step_size = step_size/100 if len(initial_error)>4: if initial_error[-4] == initial_error[-1]:#we have run this trick now three times, time to break raise StopIteration deep_iteration=False else: print('Chirp_loop {:02d} resulted in :{:.8e}'.format(loop+1, initial_error[-1])) if deep_iteration: #This results in a very deep iteration of the starting parameter if pardf.vary.any(): par_into_chirpfit = results_in_chirp.params chirp_par = chirp_results.params else: raise StopIteration except StopIteration: print('iteration is not smaller finished chirp looping') break except: print('failure in chirp optimisation in iteration %i'%(loop+1)) import sys print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) initial_error.append(initial_error[0])#to avoid that numbers are written break ################################################################################################################# #-----------------------------------------end chrip fit loop------------------------------------------------- ################################################################################################################# if initial_error[-1]<initial_error[0]:#lets check if we improved anything print('chirp fit improved error by %.2g percent'%(100*(1-initial_error[-1]/initial_error[0]))) if isinstance(temp, list) or isinstance(temp, type(np.arange(1))): self.fitcoeff = temp else: raise time = ds_back_corr.index.values.astype('float')#extract the time self.ds = ds_back_corr.apply(lambda x:np.interp(x = time+np.polyval(temp, float(, xp = time, fp = x), axis = 0, raw = False) fit_ds = sub_ds(ds = self.ds, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, timelimits = self.timelimits, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin = self.equal_energy_bin, time_bin = self.time_bin) if pardf.vary.any(): results.params = results_in_chirp.params return results, fit_ds
[docs] def Fit_Global(self, par = None, mod = None, confidence_level = None, use_ampgo = False, fit_chirp = False, fit_chirp_iterations = 10, multi_project = None, unique_parameter = None, weights = None, same_DAS = False, dump_paras = False, dump_shapes = False, filename = None, ext_spectra = None, write_paras=False, tol = 1e-5, sub_sample=None,pulse_sample=None): """This function is performing a global fit of the data. As embedded object it uses the parameter control options of the lmfit project as an essential tool. (my thanks to Matthew Newville and colleagues for creating this phantastic tool) [M. Newville, T. Stensitzki, D. B. Allen, A. Ingargiola, 2014. DOI: 10.5281/ZENODO.11813.]. The what type of fitting is performed is controlled by setting of the parameter here. The general fitting follows this routine: 1. create a copy of the Data-Matrix self.ds is created with the shaping parameters 2. Then a Matrix is created that represents the fractional population of each species (or processes in case of the paral model). This Matrix contains one entry for each timepoint and represents the kinetic model based upon the starting parameter. (see below for a description of the models). This model formation can by done by using a build in or a user supplied function. (handled in the function "pf.build_c") -> If an ext_spectra is provided this its intensity is substacted from the matrix (only for external models) 3. Then the process/species associated spectra for each of the species is calculated using the linalg.lstsq algorithm from numpy ( 4. From the convoluted calculated species concentrations and spectra a calculated matrix is formed (handled in the function "pf.fill_int") 5. The difference between calculated and measured spectra is calculated, point-wise squared and summed together. (function "err_func" or "err_func_multi" if multiple datasets are fitted) 6. This difference is minimized by iterating 2-4 with changing parameters using an optimization algorithm (generally nelder-mead simplex) 7. Finally in a last run of 2-5 the final spectra are calculated (using the "final" flag) and the optimized parameter, the matrixes ("A"-measured, "AC" - calculated, "AE" - linear error), spectra (always called "DAS") the concentrations (called "c") are written in the dictionary "" together with a few result representations and other fit outputs. The optimized parameter are also written into ta.par_fit (as an parameter object) that can be re-used as input into further optimization steps. 8. Under Windows we load the keyboard library and the Fit can be interrupted by pressing the "q" key. Consider using the parameter write_paras or dump_paras to observe details during the fit. All mandatory parameters are in general taken from the internal oject (self) The optional parameter control the behaviour of the fitting function Parameters ------------------ par : lmfit parameter oject, optional Here another parameter object could be given,overwriting the (Default is self.par) mod : str or function, optional Give a extra model selection (Default uses self.mod) internal modells: 'paral','exponential','consecutive','full_consecutive' see also :meth:`plot_func.build_c` and :meth:`plot_func.err_func` confidence_level: None or float (0.5-1), optional If this is changed from None (Default) to a value between 0.5 and 1 the code will try to calculate the error of the parameter for the fit. For each parameter that can vary a separate optimization is performed, that attempts to find the upper and lower bound at which the total error of the re-optimized globally fitted results reaches the by F-statistics defined confidence bound. See :meth:`plot_func.s2_vs_smin2` for details on how this level is determined. Careful, this option might run for very long time. Meaning that it typically takes 50 optimization per variable parameter (hard coded limit 200) The confidence level is to be understood that it defines the e.g. 0.65 * 100\% area that the parameter with this set of values is within this bounds. Normal behaviour for this is to re-optimise the parameter during the optimization. if the parameter par['error_param_fix'] is present, this will be suppressed. use_ampgo : bool, optional (Default) is False Changes the optimizer from a pure Nelder mead to Ampgo with a local Nelder Mead. For using this powerfull tool all parameter need to have a "min" and a "max" set. Typically takes 10-40x longer than a standard optimization, but can due to its tunneling algorithm more reliably find global minima. see: for further details fit_chirp : bool, optional (Default) is False a powerful optimization of the chirp parameter. For this to work the data needs to include timepoints before and after t=0 and one should have reached a decent fit of most features in the spectrum. We perform an Nelder-Mead optimisation of the parameter followed by a Nelder-Mead optimization of the chirp parameter as one iteration. After each consecutive optimization it is checked if the total error improved. If not the fit is ended, if yes the maximum number of iterations 'fit_chirp_iterations' is performed. Warning, this goes well in many cases, but can lead to very strange results in others, always carefully check the results. I recommend to make a copy of the object before runnning a chirp optimization. fit_chirp_iterations : int, optional maximum number of times the global - chirp loop is repeated. Typically this iterations run 2-5 times, (Default) is 10 dump_paras : bool, optional (Default) is False, If True creates two files in the working folder, one with the currently used parameter created at the end of each optimisation step, and one with the set of parameter that up to now gave the lowest error. Intented to store the optimisation results if the fit needs to be interrupted (if e.g. Ampgo simply needs to long to optimize.) useful option if things are slow this parameter also triggers the writing of fitout to a textfile on disc dump_shapes : bool, optional this option dumps the concentratoin matrix and the DAS onto disk for each round of optimization, mostly useful for multi-project fitting that wants to use the spectral or temporal intensity write_paras : bool, optional if True(Default) writes the currently varried values to screen filename : None or str, optional Only used in conjunction with 'dump_paras'. The program uses this filename to dump the parameter to disk multi_project : None or list (of TA projects), optional This switch is triggering the simultaneous optimisation of multiple datasets. multi_project is as (Default) None. it expects an iterable (typically list) with other TA projects (like ta) that are then optimised with the same parameter. This means that all projects get the same parameter object for each iteration of the fit and return their individual error, which is summed linearly. The "weights" option allows to give each multi_project a specific weight (number) that is multiplied to the error. If the weight object has the same number of items as the multi_project it is assumed that the triggering object (the embedded project) has the weight of 1, otherwise the first weight is for the embedded project. The option 'unique_parameter' takes (a list) of parameter that are not to be shared between the projects (and that are not optimized either) The intended use of this is to give e.g. the pump power for multiple experiments to study non linear behaviour. Returned will be only the parameter set for the optimium combination of all parameter. Internally, we iterate through the projects and calculate for each project the error for each iteration. Important to note is that currently this means that each DAS/SAS is calculated independently! For performing the same calculation with a single DAS, the Matrixes need to be concatenated before the run and an external function used to create a combined model. As this is very difficult to implement reliably For general use (think e.g. different pump wavelength) this has to be done manually. unique_parameter : None or str or list (of strings), optional only used in conjunction with 'multi_project', it takes (a list) of parameter that are not to be shared between the projects (and that are not optimized either) The intended use of this is to give e.g. the pump power for multiple experiments to study non linear behaviour. (Default) None same_DAS : bool,optional changes the fit behavior and uses the same DAS for the optimization. This means that the ds are stacked before the fill_int rounds. This option is only used in multi-project fitting weights : list of floats, optional only used in conjunction with 'multi_project'. The "weights" option allows to give each multi\_project a specific weight (number) that is multiplied to the error. If the weight object has the same number of items as the 'multi_project' it is assumed that ta (the embedded project) has the weight of 1, otherwise the first weight is for the embedded object ext_spectra : DataFrame, optional (Default) is None, if given substract this spectra from the DataMatrix using the intensity given in "C(t)" this function will only work for external models. The name of the spectral column must be same as the name of the column used. If not the spectrum will be ignored. The spectrum will be interpolated to the spectral points of the model ds before the substraction. a number of parameters can be defined to aid this process. These parameter are defined as normal parameters. "ext_spectra_scale" multiplies all spectra by this value (e.g. -1 to put the steady state absorption spectra in) "ext_spectra_shift" shifts all spectra by this value to compensate for calibration differences "ext_spectra_guide" (from version 7.1.0) This is a switch, if this keyword is present, then the spectra are used as guides and not exclusively. This means the code will assume that these spectra are correct and substract them, then calulate the difference and return as DAS the provided spectra plus the difference spectra tol : float, optional the tolerance value that is handed to the optimizer (absolute) for nelder-mead the moment this means: df < tol (corresponds to fatol) number_of_function_evaluations < maxfev (default 200 * n variables) number_of_iterations < maxiter (default 200 * n variables) Returns ------------------ re : dict the dictionary "re" attached to the object containing all the matrixes and parameter. The usual keys are: "A" Shaped measured Matrix "AC" Shaped calculated Matrix "AE" Difference between A and AC = linear error "DAS" DAS or SAS, labeled after the names given in the function (the columns of c) Care must be taken that this mesured intensity is C * DAS, the product. For exponential model the concentrations are normalized "c" The Concentrations (meaning the evolution of the concentrations over time. Care must be taken that this mesured intensity is C * DAS, the product. For exponential model the concentrations are normalized "fit_results_rates" DataFrame with the fitted rates (and the confidence intervals if calculated) "fit_results_times" DataFrame with the fitted decay times (and the confidence intervals if calculated) "fit_output" The Fit object as returned from lmfit. (This is not saved with the project!) "error" is the S2, meaning AE**2.sum().sum() "r2"=1-"error"/(('A'-'A'.mean())**2).sum(), so the residuals scaled with the signal size par_fit : lmfit parameter object is written into the object as a lmfit parameter object with the optimized results (that can be use further) fitcoeff : list, if chirpfit is done The chirp parameter are updated ds : DataFrame, if chirpfit is done A new ds is calculated form ds_ori if ChripFit is done The rest is mainly printed on screen. Examples -------------------- Non optional: >>> ta=pf.TA('testfile.SIA') #load data >>> ta.mod='exponential' #define model >>> ta.par=lmfit.Parameters() #create empty parameter object >>> ta.par.add('k0',value=1/0.1,vary=True) #add at least one parameter to optimize Trigger simple fit: >>> ta.Fit_Global() Trigger fit with Chrip Fit: >>> ta.Fit_Global(fit_chirp=True) Trigger iterative Chirp fitting with fresh refinement of the Global kinetic parametersfor i in range(5): >>> for i in range(5): >>>['error'] >>> ta.par=ta.par_fit >>> ta.Fit_Global(fit_chirp=True) >>> if not['error'] < start_error:break Trigger fit fit error calculations >>> ta.Fit_Global(confidence_level=0.66) Trigger fit of multiple projects #use the GUI_open function to open a list of objects (leave empty for using the GUI) >>> other_projects=pf.GUI_open(['sample_1.hdf5','sample_2.hdf5'],path='Data') >>> ta.Fit_Global(multi_project=other_projects) For more examples please see the complete documentation under :ref:`Fitting, Parameter optimization and Error estimation` or :ref:`Fitting multiple measured files at once` """ if par is None:par=self.par if mod is None:mod=self.mod try: t0=par['t0'] except: try: par.add('t0',value=0,min=-0.5,max=0.5,vary=False) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) try: resolution=par['resolution'] except: try: par.add('resolution',value=0.086,min=0.04,max=0.5,vary=False) except: print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) try: par['infinite'].value=1 par['infinite'].vary=False except: pass try: par['background'].value=1 par['background'].vary=False except: pass try: par['explicit_GS'].value=1 par['explicit_GS'].vary=False except: pass try: # this is either freezing or enabling the re-optimization of all other parameter during confidence interval calculation par['error_param_fix'].value=1 par['error_param_fix'].vary=False vary_error_parameter=False except: vary_error_parameter=True pardf=par_to_pardf(par) pardf.loc[np.logical_and(pardf.loc[:,'min'].values<0,pardf.is_rate),'min']=0 pardf.loc[np.logical_and(pardf.loc[:,'max'].values<0,pardf.is_rate),'max']=0 pardf['init_value']=pardf['value'] if dump_paras: pardf_temp=pardf.copy() pardf_temp.loc['error','value']=1000 pardf_temp.to_csv('minimal_dump_paras.par') if self.log_fit: for key in ['value','min','max']: pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key]=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key].apply(lambda x: np.log10(x)) #create-shape the data to be fitted fit_ds = sub_ds(ds = self.ds.copy(), scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, timelimits = self.timelimits, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, equal_energy_bin = self.equal_energy_bin, time_bin = self.time_bin, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, drop_scatter = True, drop_ignore = True) if pulse_sample is None: if self.ignore_time_region is not None: pulse_sample=True if self.timelimits is not None: if min(self.timelimits)>0: pulse_sample=True ############################################################################ #----Global optimisation------------------------------------------------------ ############################################################################ try: keyboard.__package__ def iter_cb(params, iterative, resid, ds=None,mod=None,log_fit=None,final=None,dump_paras=None,filename=None,ext_spectra=None,dump_shapes=None, write_paras=None,multi_project=None,unique_parameter=None, weights=None,same_DAS=None,sub_sample=None,pulse_sample=None): if keyboard.is_pressed("q"): print('---------------------------------------------') print('--------- Interupted by user ------') print('---------------------------------------------') print('----------- Last fitted parameter ------') print(par_to_pardf(params)) return True else: return None except: def iter_cb(params, iterative, resid, ds=None,mod=None,log_fit=None,final=None,dump_paras=None,filename=None,ext_spectra=None,dump_shapes=None, write_paras=None,multi_project=None,unique_parameter=None, weights=None,same_DAS=None,sub_sample=None,pulse_sample=None): return None if multi_project is None: #check if there is any concentration to optimise if (filename is None) and dump_shapes: filename = self.filename if pardf.vary.any():#ok we have something to optimize mini = lmfit.Minimizer(err_func,pardf_to_par(pardf),iter_cb=iter_cb, fcn_kws={'ds':fit_ds,'mod':mod,'log_fit':self.log_fit,'final':False, 'dump_paras':dump_paras,'filename':filename,'ext_spectra':ext_spectra, 'dump_shapes':dump_shapes, 'write_paras':write_paras,'sub_sample':sub_sample,'pulse_sample':pulse_sample}) if not use_ampgo: if len(pardf[pardf.vary].index)>3: print('we use adaptive mode for nelder') #results = mini.minimize('nelder',options={'adaptive':True,'fatol':tol}) results = mini.minimize('nelder',tol=tol,options={'adaptive':True}) else: results = mini.minimize('nelder',tol=tol) #results = mini.minimize('nelder',options={'fatol':tol}) else: results = mini.minimize('ampgo',**{'local':'Nelder-Mead'}) ############################################################################ #----Multi project Global optimisation---------------------------------------- ########################################################################## else: fit_chirp=False #chirp fitting currently only works for single problems if pardf.vary.any():#ok we have something to optimize lets return the spectra multi_project.insert(0,self) mini = lmfit.Minimizer(err_func_multi,pardf_to_par(pardf),iter_cb=iter_cb, fcn_kws={'multi_project':multi_project,'unique_parameter':unique_parameter, 'weights':weights,'mod':mod,'log_fit':self.log_fit,'final':False, 'dump_paras':dump_paras,'filename':filename,'ext_spectra':ext_spectra, 'dump_shapes':dump_shapes,'same_DAS':same_DAS,'sub_sample':sub_sample,'pulse_sample':pulse_sample}) if len(pardf[pardf.vary].index)>3: print('we use adaptive mode for nelder') results = mini.minimize('nelder',options={'adaptive':True,'fatol':tol}) else: results = mini.minimize('nelder',options={'fatol':tol}) ####################################################################### #----Fit chirp---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #################################################################### if self.ignore_time_region is not None: if fit_chirp: print('sorry but currently you can not both ignore a time region and fit the chirp (assuming that you ignore the time-zero region)') fit_chirp=False if fit_chirp: print('Done initial fitting now chirpfit') results,fit_ds=self.__Fit_Chirp_outer(pardf,results,fit_ds,fit_chirp_iterations,mod) #################################################################### #------Write results to parameter------------------------ ############################################################ if pardf.vary.any():#we actually have optimised something pardf['value']=par_to_pardf(results.params)['value'] if self.log_fit: for key in ['value','min','max']: pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key]=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key].apply(lambda x: 10**x) self.par_fit=pardf_to_par(pardf) else: print('ATTENTION: we have not optimized anything but just returned the parameters') self.par_fit=self.par if multi_project is None: re=err_func(paras=self.par_fit,ds=fit_ds,mod=self.mod,final=True,log_fit=self.log_fit,ext_spectra=ext_spectra,sub_sample=sub_sample,pulse_sample=pulse_sample) else: if same_DAS: re_listen = err_func_multi(paras = self.par_fit, mod = mod, final = True, log_fit = self.log_fit, multi_project = multi_project, unique_parameter = unique_parameter, same_DAS = same_DAS, weights = weights, ext_spectra = ext_spectra,sub_sample=sub_sample,pulse_sample=pulse_sample) re=re_listen[0] else: re = err_func_multi(paras = self.par_fit, mod = mod, final = True, log_fit = self.log_fit, multi_project = multi_project, unique_parameter = unique_parameter, same_DAS = same_DAS, weights = weights, ext_spectra = ext_spectra,sub_sample=sub_sample,pulse_sample=pulse_sample) ############################################################################ #----Estimate errors--------------------------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################ if confidence_level is not None:#ok we calculate errors to the level of the confidence_level if self.log_fit: for key in ['value','min','max']: pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key]=pardf.loc[pardf.is_rate,key].apply(lambda x: np.log10(x)) if pardf.vary.any():#we actually have optimised something if (0.6 < confidence_level < 1) or (1 < confidence_level < 0.6): if multi_project is None: target=s2_vs_smin2(Spectral_points=len(re['A'].columns),Time_points=len(re['A'].index),number_of_species=len(re['DAC'].columns),fitted_kinetic_pars=len(pardf[pardf.vary].index),target_quality=confidence_level) else: multi_project.insert(0,self) # we assume that we have the same number of spectal points but are stacking the times total_time_points=np.array([len(['A'].index) for t in multi_project]).sum() target=s2_vs_smin2(Spectral_points=len(re['A'].columns),Time_points=total_time_points,number_of_species=len(re['DAC'].columns),fitted_kinetic_pars=len(pardf[pardf.vary].index),target_quality=confidence_level) #print(target) target_s2=re['error']*target list_of_variable_parameter=pardf[pardf.vary].index.values conf_limits={} iterative_calls=0 for fixed_par in list_of_variable_parameter: conf_limits[fixed_par]={'upper':None,'lower':None} for i in ['lower','upper']: print('Trying to find %s, %s confidence limit'%(fixed_par,i)) pardf_local=self.par_fit.copy() pardf_local[fixed_par].vary=False par_local=lmfit.Parameters() if 'lower' in i:#go below min if par_to_pardf(pardf_local).loc[fixed_par,'is_rate']: par_local.add(fixed_par,value=pardf_local[fixed_par].value*0.95,min=0,max=pardf_local[fixed_par].value,vary=vary_error_parameter) else: par_local.add(fixed_par,value=pardf_local[fixed_par].value*0.95,max=pardf_local[fixed_par].value,vary=vary_error_parameter) else: #go above min par_local.add(fixed_par,value=pardf_local[fixed_par].value*1.05,min=pardf_local[fixed_par].value,vary=vary_error_parameter) def sub_problem(par_local,varied_par,pardf_local,fit_ds=None,mod=None,log_fit=None,multi_project=None,unique_parameter=None,weights=None,target_s2=None,ext_spectra=None,same_DAS=False ): pardf_local[varied_par].value=par_local[varied_par].value if par_to_pardf(pardf_local).vary.any(): if multi_project is None: mini_sub = lmfit.Minimizer(err_func,pardf_local,fcn_kws={'ds':fit_ds,'mod':mod,'log_fit':log_fit,'ext_spectra':ext_spectra}) else: mini_sub = lmfit.Minimizer(err_func_multi,pardf_local,fcn_kws={'multi_project':multi_project,'unique_parameter':unique_parameter,'weights':weights, 'same_DAS':same_DAS,'mod':mod,'log_fit':log_fit,'ext_spectra':ext_spectra,'sub_sample':sub_sample,'pulse_sample':pulse_sample}) if len(pardf[pardf.vary].index)>3: results_sub = mini_sub.minimize('Nelder',options={'xatol':0.01,'adaptive':True}) else: results_sub = mini_sub.minimize('Nelder',options={'xatol':0.01}) local_error=(results_sub.residual[0]-target_s2)**2 return local_error else: if multi_project is None: return err_func(pardf_local,ds=fit_ds,mod=mod,log_fit=log_fit,ext_spectra=ext_spectra) else: return err_func_multi(pardf_local,multi_project=multi_project,unique_parameter=unique_parameter,weights=weights,mod=mod,log_fit=log_fit,ext_spectra=ext_spectra) try: mini_local = lmfit.Minimizer(sub_problem,par_local,fcn_kws={'varied_par':fixed_par,'pardf_local':pardf_local,'fit_ds':fit_ds, 'multi_project':multi_project, 'unique_parameter':unique_parameter,'same_DAS':same_DAS,'weights':weights, 'mod':mod,'log_fit':self.log_fit,'target_s2':target_s2,'ext_spectra':ext_spectra,'sub_sample':sub_sample,'pulse_sample':pulse_sample}) one_percent_precission=(target-1)*0.01*re['error'] #results_local = mini_local.minimize('least_squares',ftol=one_percent_precission) results_local = mini_local.minimize(method='nelder',options={'maxiter':100,'fatol':one_percent_precission}) iterative_calls+=results_local.nfev if results_local.success: conf_limits[fixed_par][i]=results_local.params[fixed_par].value else: print("tried to optimise %i times achieved residual %g with targeted %g"%(results_local.nfev,(np.sqrt(results_local.residual[0])+target_s2),target_s2)) except: #print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0]) print("error in %s at %s limit"%(fixed_par,i)) continue else: print("please use a confidence level between 0.6 and 1") return False print("it took %i optimisations to get the confidence"%iterative_calls) ############################################################################ #-----prepare frames for storage without confidence and store them------------------------ ############################################################################ if pardf.vary.any(): re['fit_output']=results#let's store the fit results in the re_object for now. if confidence_level is not None: re['confidence']=conf_limits pardf.insert(len(pardf.columns),'lower_limit',None) pardf.insert(len(pardf.columns),'upper_limit',None) for key in conf_limits.keys(): pardf.loc[key,'lower_limit']=conf_limits[key]['lower'] pardf.loc[key,'upper_limit']=conf_limits[key]['upper'] if self.log_fit: for key in ['value','min','max','lower_limit','upper_limit']: for row in pardf[pardf.is_rate].index.values: try: pardf.loc[row,key]=10**pardf.loc[row,key] except: if pardf.loc[row,key] is None: continue elif pardf.loc[row,key].isnan(): continue else: print('%s,%s has could not be converted and has value'%(row,key)) print(pardf.loc[row,key]) continue re['confidence']['target-level']='%.1f\n'%((confidence_level)*100) re['fit_results_rates']=pardf timedf=pardf_to_timedf(pardf) re['fit_results_times']=timedf if same_DAS: for i,re_local in enumerate(re_listen): for name in ['fit_output','fit_results_rates','fit_results_times']: try: re_listen[i][name]=re[name] except: print(name + 'not found') ############################################### ##convert energy back to wavelength############# ################################################ if 1: if self.equal_energy_bin is not None: if same_DAS: for i,re_local in enumerate(re_listen): for name in ['A','AC','AE']: re_local[name].columns=(scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(re_local[name].columns.values*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt)) re_local[name]'wavelength in nm' re_local[name].sort_index(inplace=True,axis=1,ascending=True) re_local['DAC'].index=(scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(re_local['DAC'].index.values*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt)) re_local['DAC']'wavelength in nm' re_local['DAC'].sort_index(inplace=True,axis=0,ascending=True) re_listen[i]=re_local else: for name in ['A','AC','AE']: re[name].columns=(scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(re[name].columns.values*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt)) re[name]'wavelength in nm' re[name].sort_index(inplace=True,axis=1,ascending=True) re['DAC'].index=(scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(re['DAC'].index.values*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt)) re['DAC']'wavelength in nm' re['DAC'].sort_index(inplace=True,axis=0,ascending=True) ############################################################################ #---print the output--------------------------------------------------- ############################################################################ if same_DAS: re_listen[0]=re self.multi_projects=re_listen Result_string='\nFit Results:\n' if isinstance(mod,type('hello')): Result_string+='Model Used: %s\n\n'%mod else: Result_string+='Model Used: External function\n\n' if self.ignore_time_region is not None: try: Result_string+='the time between %.3f %s and %.3f %s was excluded from the optimization\n\n'%(self.ignore_time_region[0],self.baseunit,self.ignore_time_region[1],self.baseunit) except:#we got a list for entry in self.ignore_time_region: Result_string+='the time between %.3f %s and %.3f %s was excluded from the optimization\n\n'%(entry[0],self.baseunit,entry[1],self.baseunit) Result_string+='The minimum error is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['error']) try: Result_string+='The minimum R2-value is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['r2']) except: pass if same_DAS: Result_string+='The minimum global error is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['error_total']) Result_string+='The minimum global R2-value is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['r2_total']) if confidence_level is not None: Result_string+='\nIn Rates with confidence interval to level of %.1f\n\n'%((confidence_level)*100) Result_string+=pardf.loc[:,['value','lower_limit','upper_limit','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") Result_string+='\n\nThe rates converted to times with unit %s with confidence interval to level of %.1f\n\n'%(self.baseunit,(confidence_level)*100) Result_string+=timedf.loc[:,['value','lower_limit','upper_limit','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") else: Result_string+='\nIn Rates\n\n' Result_string+=pardf.loc[:,['value','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") Result_string+='\n\nThe rates converted to times with unit %s\n\n'%self.baseunit Result_string+=timedf.loc[:,['value','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") if same_DAS: Result_string+='\n\nthe other objects were layed into self.multi_projects as list with the local re on position 0.\n By replacing assuming that self = ta write: \n = ta.multi_projects[1] and then ta.Plot_fit_output to look on the other fits\n ' try: if not results.aborted: print(Result_string) except: print(Result_string) if same_DAS: for i,re_local in enumerate(re_listen): re_listen[i]['Result_string']=Result_string else: re['Result_string']=Result_string if dump_paras: with open("Fit_results_print.par", "w") as text_file: text_file.write(Result_string)
[docs] def Plot_fit_output(self, plotting = range(6), path = 'result_figures', savetype = 'png', evaluation_style = False, title = None, scale_type = 'symlog', patches = False, filename = None, cmap = None , print_click_position = False, plot_second_as_energy = True): '''plots all the fit output figures. The figures can be called separately or with a list of plots. e.g. range(6) call plots 0-5 Manual plotting of certain type: This is a wrapper function that triggers the plotting of all the fitted plots. The parameter in this plot call are to control the general look and features of the plot. Which plots are printed is defined by the first command (plotting) The plots are generated from the fitted Matrixes and as such only will work after a fit was actually completed (and the "re" dictionary attached to the object.) In all plots the RAW data is plotted as dots and the fit with lines Contents of the plots 0. DAC contains the assigned spectra for each component of the fit. For a modelling with independent exponential decays this corresponds to the "Decay Associated Spectra" (DAS). For all other models this contains the "Species Associated Spectra" (SAS). According to the model the separate spectra are labeled by time (process) or name, if a name is associated in the fitting model. The spectra are shown in the extracted strength in the right pane and normalized in the left. Extracted strength means that the measured spectral strength is the intensity (concentration matrix) times this spectral strength. As the concentration maxima for all DAS are 1 this corresponds to the spectral strength for the DAS. (please see the documentation for the fitting algorithm for further details). 1. summed intensity. All wavelength of the spectral axis are summed for data and fit. The data is plotted in a number of ways vs linear and logarithmic axis. This plot is not ment for publication but very useful to evaluate the quality of a fit. 2. plot kinetics for selected wavelength (see corresponding RAW plot). 3. plot spectra at selected times (see corresponding RAW plot). 4. plots matrix (measured, modelled and error Matrix). The parameter are the same as used for the corresponding RAW plot with the addition of "error_matrix_amplification" which is a scaling factor multiplied onto the error matrix. I recommend to play with different "cmap", "log_scale" and "intensity_scale" to create a pleasing plot. 5. concentrations. In the progress of the modelling/fitting a matrix is generated that contains the relative concentrations of the species modelled. This plot is showing the temporal development of these species. Further details on how this matrix is generated can be found in the documentation of the fitting function. The modeled spectra are the convolution of these vectors (giving the time-development) and the DAS/SAS (giving the spectral development). Parameters --------------- plotting : int or iterable (of integers), optional This parameter determines which figures are plotted the figures can be called separately with plotting = 1 or with a list of plots (Default) e.g. plotting=range(6) calls plots 0,1,2,3,4,5 The plots have the following numbers: 0. DAS or SAS 1. summed intensity 2. Kinetics 3. Spectra 4. Matrixes 5. Concentrations (the c-object) The plotting takes all parameter from the "ta" object unless otherwise specified path : None, str or path object, optional This defines where the files are saved if the safe_figures_to_folder parameter is True, quite useful if a lot of data sets are to be printed fast. If a path is given, this is used. If a string like the (Default) "result_figures" is given, then a subfolder of this name will be used (an generated if necessary) relative to self.path. Use and empty string to use the self.path If set to None, the location of the plot_func will be used and a subfolder with title "result_figures" be generated here savetype : str or iterable (of str), optional matplotlib allows the saving of figures in various formats. (Default) "png", typical and recommendable options are "svg" and "pdf". evaluation_style : bool, optional True (Default = False) adds a lot of extra information in the plot title : None or str, optional "title=None" is in general the filename that was loaded. Setting a specific title will be used in all plots. To remove the title all together set an empty string with title="" scale_type : str, optional refers to the time-axis and takes, "symlog" (Default)(linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) and "lin" for linear and "log" for logarithmic, switching all the time axis to this type patches : bool, optional If False (Default) the names "measured" "fitted" "difference" will be placed above the images. If True, then they will be included into the image (denser) filename : str, optional offers to replace the base-name used for all plots (to e.g.specify what sample was used). if (Default) None is used, the self.filename is used as a base name. The filename plays only a role during saving, as does the path and savetype cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. print_click_position : bool, optional if True then the click position is printed for the spectral plots Examples ------------ Typically one would call this function empty for an overview: After the minimum fit >>> ta=pf.TA('testfile.SIA') >>> ta.par=lmfit.Parameters() >>> ta.par.add('k0',value=1/0.1,vary=True) >>> ta.Fit_Global() One usually plots the an overview >>> ta.Plot_fit_output() >>> ta.Plot_fit_output(plotting=range(6)) #is the same as before >>> ta.Plot_fit_output(2) #would plot only the kinetics >>> ta.Plot_fit_output(plotting = 2) #would plot only the kinetics ''' try: except: print('We need to have fitted something so that we can plot') return False path=check_folder(path=path,current_path=self.path) if self.save_figures_to_folder: self.figure_path=path if cmap is None:cmap=self.cmap if filename is None:filename=self.filename if title is None: if filename is None: title=self.filename else: title=filename if not hasattr(plotting,"__iter__"):plotting=[plotting] plot_fit_output(, self.ds, cmap = cmap, plotting = plotting, title = title, path = path, f = filename, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, log_scale = self.log_scale, baseunit = self.baseunit, timelimits = self.timelimits, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, error_matrix_amplification = self.error_matrix_amplification, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, rel_wave = self.rel_wave, width = self.wavelength_bin, rel_time = self.rel_time, save_figures_to_folder = self.save_figures_to_folder, log_fit = self.log_fit,mod = self.mod, savetype = savetype, time_width_percent = self.time_width_percent, evaluation_style = evaluation_style, filename = self.filename, scale_type = scale_type, patches = patches, lintresh = self.lintresh, print_click_position = print_click_position, ignore_time_region = self.ignore_time_region, data_type = self.data_type, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy, units= self.units, equal_energy_bin = self.equal_energy_bin)
[docs] def Save_data(self, save_RAW = True, save_Fit = True, save_slices = True, save_binned = False, filename = None, save_fit_results = True, path = 'Data_export', sep = str('\t')): '''handy function to save the data on disk as dat files. The RAW labeled files contain the chirp corrected values (self.ds) the save_slices switch turns on the dump of the separate sliced figures (time and spectral) Parameters ---------- save_binned : bool, optional is also the re-binned matrix to be saved. save_slices : bool, optional save the kinetics and spectra from the fitted data (with the fits) sep : str, optional what symbol is used to separate different number. (typical either 'tab' or comma save_RAW : bool, optional (Default) True then the first slide with the RAW data is created save_Fit : bool, optional (Default) True then the second slide with the Fitted data is created path : None, str or path, optional (Default) None, if left on None, then a folder "result_figures" is created in the folder of the data (self.path) save_fit_results : bool, optional if True (Default) a neatly formated file with the fit results is created and stored with the data filename : str, optional (Default) None, Base name for all plots. If None, then self.filename will be used Examples --------- >>> ta.Save_Data ''' if filename is None:filename = self.filename.split('.')[0] if save_RAW: self.ds.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_chirp_corrected_raw_matrix.dat'), sep = sep) if save_binned: sub = sub_ds(self.ds, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, timelimits = self.timelimits, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, time_bin = self.time_bin) sub.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_chirp_corrected_rebinned_matrix.dat'), sep = sep) if save_slices: sub = sub_ds(ds = self.ds.copy(), wavelength_bin = self.wavelength_bin, wavelength = self.rel_wave) = 'wavelength [nm] in %.0f bins'%self.wavelength_bin sub.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_chirp_corrected_RAW_kinetics.dat'), sep = sep) sub = sub_ds(ds = self.ds.copy(), times = self.rel_time, time_width_percent = self.time_width_percent, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin) sub.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_chirp_corrected_RAW_Spectra.dat'), sep = sep) if save_Fit: try: except: print('no fit in data') save_Fit = False if save_Fit:['A'].to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_matrix used as fit input.dat'), sep = sep)['AC'].to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_matrix calculated during fit.dat'), sep = sep)['AE'].to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_error_matrix calculated during fit.dat'), sep = sep) if save_slices: sub = sub_ds(ds =['AC'].copy(), wavelength_bin = self.wavelength_bin, wavelength = self.rel_wave) = 'wavelenth [nm] in %.0f bins'%self.wavelength_bin sub.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_fitted_kinetics.dat'), sep = sep) sub = sub_ds(ds =['A'].copy(), wavelength_bin = self.wavelength_bin, wavelength = self.rel_wave) = 'wavelenth [nm] in %.0f bins'%self.wavelength_bin sub.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_measured_kinetics.dat'), sep = sep) sub = sub_ds(ds =['AC'].copy(), times = self.rel_time, time_width_percent = self.time_width_percent, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin) sub.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_fitted_spectra.dat'), sep = sep) sub = sub_ds(ds =['A'].copy(), times = self.rel_time, time_width_percent = self.time_width_percent, scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin) sub.to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_measured_spectra.dat'), sep = sep)['DAC'].to_csv(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_DAS-SAS.dat'), sep = sep) if save_fit_results: Result_string='\nFit Results:\n' if isinstance(self.mod,type('hello')): Result_string+='Model Used: %s\n\n'%self.mod else: Result_string+='Model Used: External function\n\n' if self.ignore_time_region is not None: Result_string+='the time between %.3f %s and %.3f %s was excluded from the optimization\n'%(self.ignore_time_region[0],self.baseunit,self.ignore_time_region[1],self.baseunit) Result_string+='The minimum error is:{:.8e}\n'.format(['error']) Result_string+='The minimum R2-value is:{:.8e}\n'.format(['r2']) if 'confidence' in Result_string+='\nIn Rates with confidence interval to level of %s\n'['confidence']['target-level']['fit_results_rates'].to_string(columns=['value','lower_limit','upper_limit','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']) Result_string+='\n\nThe rates converted to times with unit %s with confidence interval to level of %s\n'%(self.baseunit,['confidence']['target-level'])['fit_results_times'].to_string(columns=['value','lower_limit','upper_limit','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']) else: Result_string+='\nIn Rates\n'['fit_results_rates'].to_string(columns=['value','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']) Result_string+='\n\nThe rates converted to times with unit %s\n'%self.baseunit['fit_results_times'].to_string(columns=['value','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']) with open(check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename+'_fit_results_parameter.par'), "w") as text_file: text_file.write(Result_string)
[docs] def Save_Powerpoint(self, save_RAW = True, save_Fit = True, filename = None, path = 'result_figures', scale_type = 'symlog', title = None, patches = False, cmap=None , savetype = 'pptx'): '''This function creates two power point slides. On the first it summarizes the RAW plots and on the second (if existent) it summarizes the fitted results Parameters ---------- save_RAW : bool, optional (Default) True then the first slide with the RAW data is created save_Fit : bool, optional (Default) True then the second slide with the Fitted data is created path : None, str or path, optional (Default) None, if left on None, then a folder "result_figures" is created in the folder of the data (self.path) savetype : str or iterable (of str), optional triggers the additional creation of a composite file in this format. matplotlib allows the saving of figures in various formats. (Default) "png", typical and recommendable options are "svg" and "pdf". title : None or str, optional (Default) None, Use this title on all plots. if None, use self.filename filename : str, optional (Default) None, Base name for all plots. If None, then self.filename will be used scale_type : str, optional 'symlog' (Default), 'linear', 'log' time axis patches : bool, optional For true use white patches to label things in the 2d matrixes, to safe space for publication cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. Examples --------- >>> ta.Save_Powerpoint() >>> ta.Save_Powerpoint(patches = True) ''' if isinstance(savetype,type('hello')):savetype=[savetype] if not hasattr(savetype,"__iter__"):savetype=[savetype] raw_names=["MAT","SEL","SPEK","SVD"] raw_names=[check_folder(current_path=self.path, path=path, filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + "_RAW_"+str(a) +".png") for a in raw_names] fit_names=["FIG_MAT","SPEC","SEL","SUM","DAC"] fit_names=[check_folder(current_path=self.path, path=path, filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + "_" +str(a) +".png") for a in fit_names] plt.close('all') origin=self.save_figures_to_folder if filename is None: filename=self.filename filename=filename.split('.')[0] if save_RAW: self.save_figures_to_folder=True self.Plot_RAW(savetype = 'png', scale_type = scale_type, title = title, cmap = cmap, path = path) plt.close('all') if save_Fit: try: self.save_figures_to_folder=True self.Plot_fit_output(savetype = 'png', scale_type = scale_type, title = title, patches = patches, cmap = cmap , path = path) plt.close('all') except: save_Fit = False print('run into problems with adding the fit results. Have you fitted something?') try: if 'Result_string' in['Result_string'] else:# to allow the use of old saved results. Will be deprecated in a few versions Result_string='\nFit Results:\n' if isinstance(mod,type('hello')): Result_string+='Model Used: %s\n\n'%mod else: Result_string+='Model Used: External function\n\n' if self.ignore_time_region is not None: try: Result_string+='the time between %.3f %s and %.3f %s was excluded from the optimization\n\n'%(self.ignore_time_region[0],self.baseunit,self.ignore_time_region[1],self.baseunit) except:#we got a list for entry in self.ignore_time_region: Result_string+='the time between %.3f %s and %.3f %s was excluded from the optimization\n\n'%(entry[0],self.baseunit,entry[1],self.baseunit) Result_string+='The minimum error is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['error']) try: Result_string+='The minimum R2-value is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['r2']) except: pass if same_DAS: Result_string+='The minimum global error is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['error_total']) Result_string+='The minimum global R2-value is:{:.8e}\n'.format(re['r2_total']) if confidence_level is not None: Result_string+='\nIn Rates with confidence interval to level of %.1f\n\n'%((confidence_level)*100) Result_string+=pardf.loc[:,['value','lower_limit','upper_limit','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") Result_string+='\n\nThe rates converted to times with unit %s with confidence interval to level of %.1f\n\n'%(self.baseunit,(confidence_level)*100) Result_string+=timedf.loc[:,['value','lower_limit','upper_limit','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") else: Result_string+='\nIn Rates\n\n' Result_string+=pardf.loc[:,['value','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") Result_string+='\n\nThe rates converted to times with unit %s\n\n'%self.baseunit Result_string+=timedf.loc[:,['value','init_value','vary','min','max','expr']].to_markdown(tablefmt="grid") if same_DAS: Result_string+='\n\nthe other objects were layed into self.multi_projects as list with the local re on position 0.\n By replacing assuming that self = ta write: \n = ta.multi_projects[1] and then ta.Plot_fit_output to look on the other fits\n ' Result_string=Result_string.replace('lower_limit','low_lim') Result_string=Result_string.replace('upper_limit','up_lim') Result_string.replace('===','=') except Exception as e: print(e) if ('pptx' in savetype) or ('ppt' in savetype): try: left=Inches(0.2) top=Inches(0.2) prs = Presentation() blank_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[6] if save_RAW: slide = prs.slides.add_slide(blank_slide_layout) left = top = Inches(0.5) pic = slide.shapes.add_picture(str(raw_names[0].resolve()), left=left+Inches(4.5), top=top, width=Inches(4.5)) pic = slide.shapes.add_picture(str(raw_names[1].resolve()), left=left, top=top, width=Inches(4.5)) pic = slide.shapes.add_picture(str(raw_names[2].resolve()), left=left, top=top+Inches(3), width=Inches(4.5)) try: pic = slide.shapes.add_picture(str(raw_names[3].resolve()), left=left+Inches(4.5), top=top+Inches(3), height=Inches(3.4)) except: pass if save_Fit: try: slide2 = prs.slides.add_slide(blank_slide_layout) left = top = Inches(0.1) pic = slide2.shapes.add_picture(str(fit_names[0].resolve()), left=left+Inches(7.0), top=top, height=Inches(3.4))#Matrix pic = slide2.shapes.add_picture(str(fit_names[1].resolve()), left=left, top=top, height=Inches(2)) pic = slide2.shapes.add_picture(str(fit_names[2].resolve()), left=left, top=top+Inches(2), height=Inches(2)) pic = slide2.shapes.add_picture(str(fit_names[3].resolve()), left=left, top=top+Inches(3.9), height=Inches(1.4)) pic = slide2.shapes.add_picture(str(fit_names[4].resolve()), left=left, top=top+Inches(5.4), height=Inches(2)) text1 = slide2.shapes.add_textbox(left=left+Inches(5.2), top=top+Inches(2.5), width=Inches(4.5), height=Inches(4.5)) text1.text = '{}'.format(Result_string.replace('===','=')) try: text1.text_frame.fit_text(font_family='Garamond', max_size=6, bold=True, italic=False) #text1.text_frame.fit_text(font_family='Haettenschweiler', max_size=6, bold=False, italic=False) except: text1.text_frame.fit_text(font_family='Arial', max_size=5.0, bold=False, italic=False) except Exception as e: print('exited when saving the fit plots') print(e) plt.close('all') self.save_figures_to_folder=origin,current_path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '.pptx')) print('The images and a powerpoint was saved to %s'%check_folder(path=path,current_path=self.path)) except Exception as e: print('Error in powerpoint generation. Most likely a module is missing.') print('We need python-pptx to create a powerpoint file. Either use "pip install python-pptx" or "conda install -c conda-forge python-pptx" ') print('We will save the results as pdf format for now. Check th error if somehting else went wrong') print(e) savetype.append('pdf') if ('pdf' in savetype) or ('png' in savetype) or ('svg' in savetype): if save_RAW: fig,ax=plt.subplots(nrows=2,ncols=2,figsize=(10,7.5)) ax[0,1].imshow(mpimg.imread(str(raw_names[0]))) ax[0,0].imshow(mpimg.imread(str(raw_names[1]))) ax[1,0].imshow(mpimg.imread(str(raw_names[2]))) ax[1,1].imshow(mpimg.imread(str(raw_names[3]))) ax[0,0].axis('off');ax[1,0].axis('off');ax[0,1].axis('off');ax[1,1].axis('off') for entry in savetype: if entry == "pptx":continue try: fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(check_folder(path=path,current_path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '_RAW-summary.%s'%entry),dpi=600) except: print("saving in" + entry +"failed") if save_Fit: G = GridSpec(4, 8) fig1=plt.figure(figsize=(8,10)) ax1=fig1.add_subplot(G[0,:5]) ax2=fig1.add_subplot(G[1,:5]) ax3=fig1.add_subplot(G[2,:6]) ax4=fig1.add_subplot(G[3,:6]) ax5=fig1.add_subplot(G[0:2,5:]) ax6=fig1.add_subplot(G[1:,6:]) ax1.imshow(mpimg.imread(str(fit_names[1]))) ax2.imshow(mpimg.imread(str(fit_names[2]))) ax3.imshow(mpimg.imread(str(fit_names[3]))) ax4.imshow(mpimg.imread(str(fit_names[4]))) ax5.imshow(mpimg.imread(str(fit_names[0]))) ax6.text(0,0,Result_string.replace('===','='),font='Garamond',fontsize=6,fontweight='bold') ax1.axis('off');ax2.axis('off');ax3.axis('off');ax4.axis('off');ax5.axis('off');ax6.axis('off') for entry in savetype: if entry == "pptx": continue try: fig1.tight_layout() fig1.savefig(check_folder(path=path,current_path=self.path,filename=self.filename.split('.')[0] + '_Fit-summary.%s'%entry),dpi=600) except: print("saving in" + entry +"failed")
def Print_Results(self,to_file=False): if 're' in self.__dict__: try: print('{}'.format(['Result_string'].decode('utf-8'))) except: try: print('{}'.format(['Result_string'])) except: print('printing of results failed.') if to_file: with open(self.filename+'_fitting_results','w') as f: f.write('{}'.format(['Result_string']))
[docs] def Save_project(self, filename=None,path=None): '''function to dump all the parameter of an analysis into an hdf5 file. This file contains the ds_ori and all the parameter, including fitting parameter and results. One limitation is the fitting model. If the model is build in, so the model is 'exponential' or 'parallel' then the safing works. If an external model is used then the dostring of the external function is stored, but not the function itself. Parameters ---------- path : None, str or path, optional (Default) None, if left on None, then a folder "Data" is created in the folder of the project (self.path) filename : str, optional (Default) None, Base name for all plots. If None, then self.filename will be used Examples -------- >>> ta.Save_project() ''' if filename is None: filename = self.filename hdf5_name =check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path, filename = filename.split('.')[0]+'.hdf5') if os.path.exists(hdf5_name): try: os.remove(hdf5_name) except: try: hdf5_name.close() os.remove(hdf5_name) except: print('File exists but can not be deleted') re_switch = False with h5py.File(hdf5_name, 'w') as f: for key in self.__dict__.keys(): if key == 'mod': if self.__dict__[key] in ['paral','exponential','consecutive','full_consecutive']: f.create_dataset(name=key, data=self.__dict__[key]) else: try: docstring=self.__dict__[key].__doc__ if isinstance(docstring,type('hello')): f.create_dataset(name=key, data=docstring) except: f.create_dataset(name=key, data='external_function_without_docstring') elif key in ['rel_wave','rel_time']:#need extra, as it is bypassed by the re-switch f.create_dataset(name=key, data=self.__dict__[key]) elif key[:2] == 're' : re_switch = True for key2 in self.__dict__['re']: if key2 == 'fit_output':continue if key2 == 'error': data = self.__dict__['re'][key2] try: f.create_dataset(name='re_error', data=data) except: print('saving of ' + key2 + ' failed' ) elif key2 == 'confidence': for key3 in self.__dict__['re']['confidence'].keys(): try: f.create_dataset(name='re_confidence_%s_upper'%key3, data=self.__dict__['re'][key2][key3]['upper']) f.create_dataset(name='re_confidence_%s_lower'%key3, data=self.__dict__['re'][key2][key3]['lower']) except: try: f.create_dataset(name='re_confidence_%s'%key3, data=self.__dict__['re'][key2][key3]) except: print('saving of' + key3 + 'in confidence failed') elif isinstance(self.__dict__['re'][key2], pandas.DataFrame): pass else: try: f.create_dataset(name='re_' + key2, data=self.__dict__['re'][key2]) except: print('saving of ' + key2 + ' failed' ) elif key == 'cmap': pass elif key == 'intensity_range': data=self.__dict__['intensity_range'] if isinstance(data, type(1e-3)): data=[-data,data] if data is None: f.create_dataset(name='intensity_range', data='None') else: f.create_dataset(name='intensity_range', data=data) elif key == 'background_par': f.create_dataset(name='back', data=self.__dict__['background_par'][3]) elif key in ['par','par_fit']: df=par_to_pardf(self.__dict__[key])#pandas has a bug and problems handling mixed type columns when saving. So we clean up. for sub_key in ['min','max','value']: try: df[sub_key]=df[sub_key].astype(float) except: pass df['is_rate']=df['is_rate'].astype(bool) df['vary']=df['vary'].astype(bool) df['expr']=df['expr'].apply(lambda x:'%s'%x) df.to_hdf(str(hdf5_name.resolve()), key=key, append=True, mode='r+', format='t') else: data = self.__dict__[key] if data is None: f.create_dataset(name=key, data='None') else: if isinstance(data, pandas.DataFrame): pass else: try: f.create_dataset(name=key, data=data) except: if key == 'path': pass elif key == 'figure_path': pass else: print('the saving of %s failed'%key) if not 'fitcoeff' in f: try: f.create_dataset(name='fitcoeff', data=self.fitcoeff) except: try: with open(self.chirp_file,'r') as f2: fitcoeff=f2.readline() f.create_dataset(name='fitcoeff', data=fitcoeff) except: pass self.ds_ori.to_hdf(str(hdf5_name.resolve()), key='ds_ori', append=True, mode='r+', format='t')#save_raw_data if re_switch: #print('re-switched') for key in ['A', 'AC', 'AE', 'DAC', 'c']:[key].to_hdf(str(hdf5_name.resolve()), key='re_' + key, append=True, mode='r+', format='t') try: f.close() except: pass print('The project was saved to %s'%check_folder(path = path, current_path = self.path))
def __read_project(self, saved_project=None,current_path=None): '''function to re-read all the parameter of a previous analysis into an hdf5 file, current path is the path that the file should assume is its "home directory" after successful loading. If not set we take the filepath at which the file is currently stored as path''' if saved_project is None: raise ImportError('We do need a project to import') if current_path is None:current_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(saved_project)) try: import h5py except: print('could not import hdf5, current version requires that this is installed. IF running Anaconda open Conda promt and type: conda install h5py') data_frame_list=[] # we hav to handle the old and new type of saving with h5py.File(saved_project, 'r') as f: if 're_final_setup_par' in f.keys():old_switch=True else:old_switch=False if old_switch:print('we read an old style data_file and directly update it into the new file_type after loading') with h5py.File(saved_project, 'r') as f: for key in f.keys(): try: if "re_" in key[:3]: if not 're' in self.__dict__.keys(): self.__dict__['re']={} if 're_confidence_' in key:#_upper, _lower if not 'confidence' in self.__dict__['re']: self.__dict__['re']['confidence']={} if '_upper' in key[-6:]: if not key[14:-6] in self.__dict__['re']['confidence']: self.__dict__['re']['confidence'][key[14:-6]]={} self.__dict__['re']['confidence'][key[14:-6]]['upper']=f[key][()] elif '_lower' in key[-6:]: if not key[14:-6] in self.__dict__['re']['confidence']: self.__dict__['re']['confidence'][key[14:-6]]={} self.__dict__['re']['confidence'][key[14:-6]]['lower']=f[key][()] else: self.__dict__['re']['confidence'][key[14:]]=f[key][()] else: self.__dict__['re'][key[3:]]=f[key][()] elif "back" in key[:4]: rea=f[key][()] self.__dict__['background_par']=[None,-1,False] self.__dict__['background_par'].append(rea) elif "par" in key[:3]: if old_switch:#old type of saved data try: os.remove('temp_file.json') except: pass with open('temp_file.json','w') as g: g.write(f[key][()]) with open('temp_file.json','r') as g: self.par=lmfit.Parameters() self.par.load(g) try: os.remove('temp_file.json') except: pass else:#new type of data raise else: read=f[key][()] if isinstance(read,bytes): read=f[key].asstr()[()] if isinstance(read,str): if (read=='None') or (read=='none'): read=None elif key in ['bordercut','timelimits','fitcoeff','scattercut']: read=[float(a) for a in read] elif key =='intensity_range': read=[float(a) for a in read] elif key in ['rel_time','rel_wave']: read=np.array(read,dtype=np.float64) elif key in ['scattercut']: try: read=[float(a) for a in read] except:#maybe we have a list of scattercuts try: out_listen=[] for listen in read: outlisten.append([float(a) for a in listen]) except:#no idea lets see what happens pass self.__dict__[key]=read except:#we'll get an exception every time there is an dataframe #print('Frame:'+key) data_frame_list.append(key) try: f.close() except: pass for key in data_frame_list: try: if "re_" in key[:3]: #print('re in list') self.__dict__['re'][key[3:]]=pandas.read_hdf(saved_project,key=key,mode='r',data_columns=True) elif key in ['ds_ori','par_fit','par']: self.__dict__[key]=pandas.read_hdf(saved_project,key=key,mode='r',data_columns=True) else: print("missing key:" + key) except Exception as e: if key == 'par' and old_switch:pass # we have read it before already and the error is ok else: print("error in key:" + key) print(e) try: self.__dict__['re']['fit_results_rates']=self.__dict__['par_fit'] self.__dict__['re']['fit_results_times']=pardf_to_timedf(self.__dict__['re']['fit_results_rates']) except: pass #the par conversion function failed, quickfix for over_key in ['par_fit','par']: try: par_df=self.__dict__[over_key].loc[:,['value','min','max','vary','expr']] par=lmfit.Parameters() for key in par_df.index.values: par.add(key, value=par_df.loc[key,'value'], vary=par_df.loc[key,'vary'], min=par_df.loc[key,'min'], max=par_df.loc[key,'max']) self.__dict__[over_key]=par except: pass if old_switch: try: self.__dict__['re']['fit_results_rates']=par_to_pardf(self.par) self.__dict__['re']['fit_results_times']=pardf_to_timedf(par_to_pardf(self.par)) self.__dict__['par_fit']=self.par except: pass self.save_figures_to_folder=False self.path=current_path if old_switch:#convert project into new type #clean old files that were read wrong for key in ['re_final_int_par','re_final_setup_par','re_final_time_par','re_int_error']: try: del self.__dict__[key] except KeyError: print(f'Key {key} is not in the dictionary') for key in ['final_int_par','final_setup_par','final_time_par','int_error']: try: del self.__dict__['re'][key] except KeyError: print(f'Key {key} is not in the dictionary') try: self.save_project() print("project converted into new data type and saved again") except: print("project converted ibut could not be saved") self.path=current_path for key in ['time_bin','rel_wave','rel_time','scattercut','bordercut','timelimits','intensity_range','wave_nm_bin','wavelength_bin','ignore_time_region']: try: if isinstance(self.__dict__[key],bytes): #print(key + ' set to None') self.__dict__[key]=None elif isinstance(self.__dict__[key],str): if self.__dict__[key]=='None': self.__dict__[key]=None except: continue try: self.figure_path=str(self.figure_path) if 'None' in self.figure_path: self.figure_path=None except: pass try:['Result_string']['Result_string'].decode('utf-8') except: pass
[docs] def Copy(self): '''returns a deep copy of the object. Examples -------- >>>ta=plot_func.TA('testfile.hdf5') #open a project >>>ta1=ta.Copy() #make a copy for some tests or a differnet fit ''' import copy return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def Compare_at_time(self, rel_time = None, other = None, fitted = False, norm_window = None, time_width_percent = None, spectra = None, data_and_fit = False, cmap = None , print_click_position = False, linewidth = 1, title='', plot_second_as_energy = True): '''This function plots multiple spectra into the same figure at a given rel_time (timepoints) and allows for normalization. Very useful to compare the spectra for different solvents or quenchers, or e.g. different fits. The ta.time_width_percent parameter defines if this is a single time (if time_width_percent = 0) or an integrated window. Only "rel_time" is a mandatory, the rest can be taken from the original project (ta). The normalization is realized by giving a norm_window at which the intensity in the triggering object is integrated (in ta.Compare_at_time(other..) "ta" is the triggering object. The in each of the other curves the same window is integrated and the curve scaled by this value. Important to note is that this window does not need to be in the plot. e.g. the normalization can be done at a different time. Very often one would like to compare the measured spectra at a certain time to an external spectrum (e.g. spectro-electro-chemistry or steady state absorption). This can be done by loading a specific spectrum into a DataFrame and handing this data Frame to the comparision function. The function can also be used to plot e.g. the measured spectra vs. an external spectrum without giving any "other" Projects. (very useful for comparisions). Parameters ------------- rel_time : float or list/vector (of floats) Specify the times where to plot, single value or list/vector of values. For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If time_width_percent=0 (Default) the nearest measured timepoint is chosen. For other values see parameter "time_width_percent". other : TA object or list of those, optional should be ta.plot_func objects (loaded or copied) and is what is plotted against the data use a list [ta1,ta2,... ] or generate this list using the Gui function. See section :ref:`Opening multiple files` in the documentation fitted : bool, optional True/False (Default) - use fitted data instead of raw data. If True, the fitted datapoints (without interpolation) are used. This is intended for comparing e.g. different fits norm_window : None or list/vector (with 4 floats), optional norm_window Give a list/tupel/vector with 4 entries in the order [Start - time, End - time, Start - wavelength, End - Wavelength], see section :ref:`Normalization and Scaling` in the documentation. If None (Default) no normalization is done. linewidth : float, optional linewidth to be used for plotting time_width_percent : None or float, optional "rel_time" and "time_width_percent" work together for creating spectral plots at specific timepoints. For each entry in rel_time a spectrum is plotted. If however e.g. time_width_percent=10 the region between the timepoint closest to :math:`timepoint+0.1xtimepoint´ and :math:`timepoint-0.1xtimepoint` is averaged and shown (and the legend adjusted accordingly). If None (Default) is given, the value is taken from the triggering object (self.time_width_percent) This is particularly useful for the densly sampled region close to t=0. Typically for a logarithmic recorded kinetics, the timepoints at later times will be further appart than 10 percent of the value, but this allows to elegantly combine values around time=0 for better statistics. This averaging is only applied for the plotting function and not for the fits. spectra : None or DataFrame, optional If an DataFrame with the wavelength as index is provided, Then the spectra of each column is plotted into the differential spectra 1-1 and the column names are used in the legend Prior scaling is highly suggested. These spectra are not (in general) scaled with the norm window. (see examples). data_and_fit : bool, optional True or False (Default), choose if for the Fitted plot the raw data of the other projects is to be plotting in addition to the fitted line. For False (Default) Only the fit is plotted. cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. plot_second_as_energy : bool, optional For (Default) True a second x-axis is plotted with "eV" as unit print_click_position : bool, optional if True then the click position is printed for the spectral plots Examples ---------- >>> import plot_func as pf >>> ta = pf.TA("test1.hdf5") #open the original project Now open a bunch of other porjects to comare against >>> other_projects = pf.GUI_open(project_list = ["file1.SIA", "file2.SIA"]) Typical use is compare the raw data without normalization at 1ps and 6ps. >>> ta.Compare_at_time(rel_time = [1,6], others = other_project) Compare the fit withput normalization at 1ps and 6ps. >>> ta.Compare_at_time(rel_time = [1,6], others = other_project, fitted = True) Compare with normalization window between 1ps and 2ps and 400nm and 450nm. >>> norm_window=[1,2,400,450] >>> ta.Compare_at_time(rel_time = [1,6], others = other_project, norm_window = norm_window) Compare the spectrum at 1ps and 6ps with an external spectrum. >>> ext_spec = pd.read_csv("Ascii_spectrum.dat", sep = ",") >>> ta.Compare_at_time(rel_time = [1,6], spectra = ext_spec) Use example - Often there are a lot of different measurements to compare at multiple time. The normlization is performed at the ground state bleach 460 nm and early in time. Then it is better to make a new plot for each timepoint. The normalization window stays fixed. >>> plt.close("all") #make some space >>> norm_window=[0.3,0.5,450,470] #define window in ground state bleach >>> for t in [0.3,0.5,1,3,10,30]: #iterate over the wavelength >>> ta.Compare_at_time(rel_time = t, others = other_project, norm_window = norm_window) ''' if self.save_figures_to_folder:self.figure_path=check_folder(path='result_figures',current_path=self.path) if time_width_percent is None:time_width_percent=self.time_width_percent if rel_time is None:rel_time=self.rel_time if other is not None: if not hasattr(other,'__iter__'):other=[other] if rel_time is not None: if not hasattr(rel_time,'__iter__'):rel_time=[rel_time] else: rel_time=[1] if cmap is None:cmap=self.cmap if fitted: try: except: print("No fitted results present") return False if norm_window is not None: ref_scale=re['A'].loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1],norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6),dpi=100) objects=len(rel_time)*(1+len(other)) colors=colm(cmap=cmap,k=range(objects)) _=plot_time(re['A'], ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, baseunit = self.baseunit, lines_are = 'data', cmap = colors[:len(rel_time)], title = '', linewidth = linewidth, subplot= True, scattercut = self.scattercut, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) _=plot_time(re['AC'], ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, baseunit = self.baseunit, lines_are = 'fitted', cmap = colors[:len(rel_time)], title = '', subplot = False, linewidth = linewidth, scattercut = self.scattercut, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() lab=['%g %s'%(ent,self.baseunit) + '_' + str(self.filename) for ent in rel_time] han=handles[:len(rel_time)*2] for ent in rel_time: lab.append('%g %s fit'%(ent,self.baseunit) + '_' + str(self.filename)) if other is not None: for i,o in enumerate(other): try: except: print('%s has no fitted results'%o.filename) continue if norm_window is not None: rel_scale=re['A'].loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1],norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() try: scaling=(rel_scale/ref_scale) ax=plot_time(re['AC']/scaling, cmap = colors, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = '', lines_are = 'fitted', subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), linewidth = linewidth, scattercut = o.scattercut,plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ent in rel_time: lab.append('%g %s fit'%(ent,o.baseunit) + '_' + str(o.filename)) for a in handles[-len(rel_time):]: han.append(a) if data_and_fit: ax=plot_time(re['A']/scaling, cmap = self.cmap, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, lines_are = 'data', subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), linewidth = linewidth, scattercut = o.scattercut,plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ent in rel_time: lab.append('%g %s'%(ent,o.baseunit) + '_' + str(o.filename)) for a in handles[-len(rel_time):]: han.append(a) norm_failed = False except: print('scaling Failed!') norm_failed = True else: norm_failed=True if norm_failed: ax=plot_time(re['AC'], cmap = colors, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = '', lines_are = 'fitted', subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), linewidth = linewidth, scattercut = o.scattercut, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ent in rel_time: lab.append('%g %s fit'%(ent,o.baseunit) + '_' + str(o.filename)) for a in handles[-len(rel_time):]: han.append(a) if data_and_fit: ax=plot_time(re['A'], cmap = self.cmap, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, lines_are = 'data', subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), linewidth = linewidth, scattercut = o.scattercut, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ent in rel_time: lab.append('%g %s'%(ent,o.baseunit) + '_' + str(o.filename)) for a in handles[-len(rel_time):]: han.append(a) if not norm_failed: ax.set_title('compare measured and fitted data at given times\n scaled to t=%g ps : %g ps , wl= %g nm: %g nm'%(norm_window[0],norm_window[1],norm_window[2],norm_window[3])) else: ax.set_title('compare measured and fitted data at given times') ax.set_xlim(re['A'].columns.values[0],re['A'].columns.values[-1]) ax.legend(han, lab ,labelspacing = 0, ncol = 2, columnspacing = 1, handlelength = 1, frameon = False) else: if norm_window is not None: ref_scale=self.ds.loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1],norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() objects=len(rel_time)*(1+len(other)) colors=colm(cmap=cmap,k=range(objects)) fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(10,6),dpi=100) _=plot_time(self.ds, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, lines_are = 'data', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, cmap = colors, subplot = True, linewidth = linewidth, baseunit=self.baseunit, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) if 1: _=plot_time(self.ds, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut,wave_nm_bin = self.wave_nm_bin, cmap = colors, subplot = False, linewidth = linewidth, baseunit = self.baseunit, plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() lab=['%g %s'%(ent,self.baseunit) + '_' + str(self.filename) for ent in rel_time] han=handles[:len(rel_time)] if other is not None: for i,o in enumerate(other): if norm_window is not None: rel_scale=o.ds.loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1],norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() try: scaling = (rel_scale/ref_scale) ax=plot_time(o.ds/scaling, cmap = colors, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, lines_are = 'data', scattercut = o.scattercut, bordercut = o.bordercut, linewidth = linewidth, wave_nm_bin = o.wave_nm_bin, subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ent in rel_time: lab.append('%g %s'%(ent,o.baseunit) + '_' + str(o.filename)) for a in handles[-len(rel_time):]: han.append(a) if data_and_fit: ax=plot_time(o.ds/scaling, cmap = colors, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = o.scattercut, bordercut = o.bordercut, linewidth = linewidth, wave_nm_bin = o.wave_nm_bin, subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) scaling_failed=False except: print('scaling Failed!') scaling_failed=True else: scaling_failed=True if scaling_failed: ax=plot_time(o.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, lines_are = 'data', scattercut = o.scattercut, bordercut = o.bordercut, linewidth = linewidth, wave_nm_bin = o.wave_nm_bin, subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ent in rel_time: lab.append('%g %s'%(ent,o.baseunit) + '_' + str(o.filename)) for a in handles[-len(rel_time):]: han.append(a) if data_and_fit: ax=plot_time(o.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, rel_time = rel_time, time_width_percent = time_width_percent, title = title, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = o.scattercut, bordercut = o.bordercut, linewidth = linewidth, wave_nm_bin = o.wave_nm_bin, subplot = True, color_offset = len(rel_time)*(i+1), plot_second_as_energy = plot_second_as_energy) if not scaling_failed: ax.set_title('compare measured and smoothed data at given times\n scaled to t=%g ps : %g ps , wl= %g nm: %g nm'%(norm_window[0],norm_window[1],norm_window[2],norm_window[3])) else: ax.set_title('compare measured and smoothed data at given times') ax.legend(han, lab, labelspacing = 0, ncol = 2, columnspacing = 1, handlelength = 1, frameon = False) if self.bordercut is None: ax.set_xlim(self.ds.columns.values[0],self.ds.columns.values[-1]) else: ax.set_xlim(self.bordercut) if spectra is not None: spectra.plot(ax=ax,legend=False) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() han.append(handles[-1]) lab.append(labels[-1]) ax.legend(han, lab ,labelspacing = 0, ncol = 2, columnspacing = 1, handlelength = 1, frameon = False) if plot_second_as_energy: ax2=ax.twiny() ax2.set_xlim(ax.get_xlim()) ax2.set_xticks(ax.get_xticks()) labels=['%.2f'%(scipy.constants.h*scipy.constants.c/(a*1e-9*scipy.constants.electron_volt)) for a in ax2.get_xticks()] _=ax2.set_xticklabels(labels) _=ax2.set_xlabel('Energy in eV') ax.set_zorder(ax2.get_zorder()+1) fig=plt.gcf() fig.tight_layout() if self.save_figures_to_folder: fig.savefig(check_folder(path=self.figure_path,filename='compare_at_time_%s.png'%'_'.join(['%g'%a for a in rel_time])),bbox_inches='tight')
[docs] def Compare_at_wave(self, rel_wave = None, other = None, fitted = False, norm_window = None, width = None, cmap = None, data_and_fit = False, scale_type = 'symlog', linewidth = 1): '''This function plots multiple kinetics into the same figure at one or multiple given wavelength (rel_wave) and allows for :ref:`Normalization and Scaling` Very useful to compare the kinetics for different quencher concentrations or pump powers, or e.g. different fits. The parameter width or the general self.wavelength_bin which is used if width is None (Default) defines the width of the spectral window that is integrated and shown. A normalization window can be given at which all the plotted curves are normalized to. This window does not have to be in the plotted region. See :ref:`Normalization and Scaling` Parameters -------------- rel_wave : float or list/vector (of floats) Specify the wavelength where to plot the kinetics, single value or list/vector of values (only mandatory entry) For each entry in rel_wave a kinetic is plotted. 'rel_wave' and 'width' (in the object called 'wavelength_bin' work together for the creation of kinetic plots. At each selected wavelength the data between wavelength+width/2 and wavelength-width/2 is averaged for each timepoint other : TA object or list of those, optional should be ta.plot_func objects (loaded or copied) and is what is plotted against the data use a list [ta1,ta2,... ] or generate this list using the Gui function. See section :ref:`Opening multiple files` in the documentation fitted : bool, optional True/False (Default) - use fitted data instead of raw data. If True, the fitted datapoints (without interpolation) are used. This is intended for comparing e.g. different fits norm_window : None or list/vector (with 4 floats), optional norm_window Give a list/tupel/vector with 4 entries in the order [Start - time, End - time, Start - wavelength, End - Wavelength], see section :ref:`Normalization and Scaling` in the documentation. If None (Default) no normalization is done. width Specify the width above and below the given wavelength that is integrated as window. If left to (Default) "None" the value from ta is used. data_and_fit : bool, optional True or False (Default), choose if for the Fitted plot the raw data of the other projects is to be plotting in addition to the fitted line. For False (Default) Only the fit is plotted. linewidth : float, optional linewidth to be used for plotting cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. Scale_type : None or str is a general setting that can influences what time axis will be used for the plots. "symlog" (linear around zero and logarithmic otherwise) "lin" and "log" are valid options. Examples -------- >>> import plot_func as pf >>> ta = pf.TA('test1.hdf5') #open the original project Now open a bunch of other projects to compare against >>> other_projects = pf.GUI_open(project_list = ['file1.SIA', 'file2.SIA']) Typical use: Compare the raw data without normalization at 400 nm and 500 nm >>> ta.Compare_at_wave(rel_wave = [400, 500], others = other_project) Compare the quality of the fit data without normalization at 400 nm and 500 nm >>> ta.Compare_at_wave(rel_wave = [400, 500], others = other_project, fitted = True) Compare with normalization window between 1ps and 2ps and 400nm and 450nm >>> norm_window=[1,2,400,450] >>> ta.Compare_at_wave(rel_wave = [400, 500], others = other_project, norm_window = norm_window) Use example: Often there are a lot of different measurements to compare at multiple wavelength. The normlization is performed at the ground state bleach 460 nm and early in time. Then it is better to make a new plot for each wavelength. The normalization window stays fixed. >>> plt.close('all') #make some space >>> norm_window=[0.3,0.5,450,470] #define window in ground state bleach >>> for wave in [300,400,500,600,700]: #iterate over the wavelength >>> ta.Compare_at_wave(rel_wave = wave, others = other_project, norm_window = norm_window) ''' if self.save_figures_to_folder:self.figure_path=check_folder(path='result_figures',current_path=self.path) if width is None:width=self.wavelength_bin if rel_wave is None: rel_wave=self.rel_wave if other is not None: if not hasattr(other,'__iter__'):other=[other] if not hasattr(rel_wave,'__iter__'): rel_wave=[rel_wave] if cmap is None:cmap=self.cmap if fitted: try: except: print("No fitted results present") return False if norm_window is not None: ref_scale = re['A'].loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1], norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 6), dpi = 100) colors = colm(cmap = cmap, k = range(len(rel_wave)*(2+len(other)))) ax = plot1d(re['A'], ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, lines_are = 'data', cmap = colors, title = '', plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(re['AC'], ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, lines_are = 'fitted', cmap = colors, title = '', subplot = True, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) #ax = plot1d(re['AC'], ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, lines_are = 'fitted', # cmap = colors, color_offset = len(rel_wave), title = '', subplot = True, plot_type = scale_type) hand, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() lab=['%g nm'%a + '_' + str(self.filename) for a in rel_wave] for ent in rel_wave: lab.append('%g nm'%ent + '_' + str(self.filename)) if other is not None: for i,o in enumerate(other): i+=1 color_offset=(i+1)*len(rel_wave) try: except: print('%s has no fitted results'%o.filename) continue if norm_window is not None: rel_scale=re['A'].loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1],norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() try: scaling=(rel_scale / ref_scale) if data_and_fit: ax = plot1d(re['A']/scaling, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = '', lines_are = 'data', subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(re['AC']/scaling, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = '', lines_are = 'fitted', subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) except: print('scaling Failed!') if data_and_fit: ax = plot1d(re['A'], cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = '', lines_are = 'data', subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(re['AC'], cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = '', lines_are = 'fitted', subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) else: if data_and_fit: ax = plot1d(re['A'], cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = '', lines_are = 'data', subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(re['AC'], cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = '', lines_are = 'fitted', subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) for ent in rel_wave: if data_and_fit: lab.append('%g nm'%ent + '_' + str(o.filename)) lab.append('%g nm'%ent + '_' + str(o.filename)) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() if data_and_fit: for a in handles[-2*len(rel_wave):]: hand.append(a) else: for a in handles[-len(rel_wave):]: hand.append(a) if norm_window is not None: ax.set_title('compare measured and fitted data at given wavelength \n scaled to t=%g ps : %g ps , wl= %g nm: %g nm'%(norm_window[0],norm_window[1],norm_window[2],norm_window[3])) else: ax.set_title('compare measured and fitted data at given wavelength') ax.set_xlim(re['A'].index.values[0],re['A'].index.values[-1]) ax.legend(hand,lab) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (10, 6), dpi = 100) colors = colm(cmap = cmap, k = range(len(rel_wave)*(2+len(other)))) if norm_window is not None: ref_scale = self.ds.loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1], norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() ax = plot1d(self.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = self.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, lines_are = 'data', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = False, color_offset = 0, timelimits = self.timelimits, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(self.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = self.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = False, color_offset = 0, timelimits = self.timelimits, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) if 1: handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() lab=['%g nm'%a + '_' + str(self.filename) for a in rel_wave] hand=handles[len(rel_wave):] if other is not None: for i,o in enumerate(other): i+=1 color_offset=(i+1)*len(rel_wave) if norm_window is not None: rel_scale=o.ds.loc[norm_window[0]:norm_window[1],norm_window[2]:norm_window[3]].mean().mean() try: scaling=(rel_scale/ref_scale) ax = plot1d(o.ds/scaling, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, timelimits = self.timelimits, lines_are = 'data', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(o.ds/scaling, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, timelimits = self.timelimits, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) except: print('scaling failed') ax = plot1d(o.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, timelimits = self.timelimits, lines_are = 'data', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(o.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, timelimits = self.timelimits, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) else: ax = plot1d(o.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, timelimits = self.timelimits, lines_are = 'data', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) ax = plot1d(o.ds, cmap = colors, ax = ax, wavelength = rel_wave, width = width, title = o.filename, baseunit = self.baseunit, timelimits = self.timelimits, lines_are = 'smoothed', scattercut = self.scattercut, bordercut = self.bordercut, subplot = True, color_offset = color_offset, intensity_range = self.intensity_range, plot_type = scale_type, linewidth = linewidth) for ent in ['%g nm'%a + '_' + str(o.filename) for a in rel_wave]: lab.append(ent) handles, labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() for ha in handles[-len(rel_wave):]: hand.append(ha) ax.set_title('compare measured and smoothed data at given wavelength') if norm_window is not None: ax.set_title('compare measured and smoothed data at given wavelength \n scaled to t=%g ps : %g ps , wl= %g nm: %g nm'%(norm_window[0],norm_window[1],norm_window[2],norm_window[3])) ax.legend(hand,lab) if self.save_figures_to_folder: fig.savefig(check_folder(path=self.figure_path,filename='compare_at_wave_%s.png'%'_'.join(['%g'%a for a in rel_wave])), bbox_inches='tight') return ax
[docs] def Compare_DAC(self, other = None, spectra = None, separate_plots = False, cmap = None): '''This is a convenience function to plot multiple extracted spectra (DAS or species associated) into the same figure or into a separate figure each. Other should be ta.plot_func objects (loaded or copied). By standard it plots all into the same window. If all project have the same number of components one can activate "separate_plots" and have each separated (in the order created in the projects). The "Spectra" parameter allows as before the inclusion of an external spectrum. Others is optional and I use this function often to compare species associated spectra with one or multiple steady state spectra. Parameters -------------- other : TA object or list of those, optional should be ta.plot_func objects (loaded or copied) and is what is plotted against the data use a list [ta1,ta2,... ] or generate this list using the Gui function. See section :ref:`Opening multiple files` in the documentation spectra : None or DataFrame, optional If an DataFrame with the wavelength as index is provided, Then the spectra of each column is plotted into the differential spectra 1:1 and the column names are used in the legend Prior scaling is highly suggested. These spectra are not (in general) scaled with the norm window. (see examples) separate_plots : bool, optional True or False (Default), separate plots is the switch that decides if a axis or multiple axis are used. This option will result in a crash unless all objects have the same number of DAS/SAS components cmap : None or matplotlib color map, optional is a powerfull variable that chooses the colour map applied for all plots. If set to None (Default) then the self.cmap is used. As standard I use the color map "jet" from matplotlib. There are a variety of colormaps available that are very usefull. Beside "jet", "viridis" is a good choice as it is well visible under red-green blindness. Other useful maps are "prism" for high fluctuations or diverging color maps like "seismic". See for a comprehensive selection. In the code the colormaps are imported so if plot_func is imported as pf then sets viridis as the map to use. Internally the colors are chosen with the "colm" function. The 2d plots require a continuous color map so if something else is give 2d plots are shown automatically with "jet". For all of the 1d plots however I first select a number of colors before each plot. If cmap is a continous map then these are sampled evenly over the colourmap. Manual iterables of colours cmap=[(1,0,0),(0,1,0),(0,0,1),...] are also accepted, as are vectors or dataframes that contain as rows the colors. There must be of course sufficient colors present for the numbers of lines that will be plotted. So I recommend to provide at least 10 colours (e.g.~your university colors). colours are always given as a, list or tuple with RGA or RGBA (with the last A beeing the Alpha=transparency. All numbers are between 0 and 1. If a list/vector/DataFrame is given for the colours they will be used in the order provided. Examples -------- >>> import plot_func as pf >>> ta = pf.TA('test1.hdf5') #open the original project, >>> this MUST contain a fit, otherwise this will raise an error Now open a bunch of other projects to compare against, >>> #compare in a single window >>> other_projects = pf.GUI_open(project_list = ['file1.hdf5', 'file2.hdf5']) >>> ta.Compare_DAC(others = other_project) >>> #comprare in separate windows, >>> #the other projects must have the same number of components >>> ta.Compare_DAC(others = other_project, separate_plots = True) Compare the DAC to an external spectrum >>> ext_spec = pd.read_csv('Ascii_spectrum.dat', sep = ',') >>> ta.Compare_DAC(spectra = ext_spec) #compare just the current solution >>> ta.Compare_DAC(spectra = ext_spec, others = other_project) #compare multiple ''' if self.save_figures_to_folder:self.figure_path = check_folder(path = 'result_figures', current_path = self.path) if other is not None: if not hasattr(other, '__iter__'):other = [other] try: re = except: print("No fitted results present") return False if cmap is None:cmap = self.cmap species=re['DAC'].columns.values if other is None: col = range(len(re['DAC'].columns.values)) colors = colm(cmap = cmap, k = col) else: re['DAC'].columns = [self.filename + '\n' + '%s'%a for a in re['DAC'].columns] if separate_plots: colors = colm(cmap = cmap, k = np.arange(len(other)+1)) else: colors = colm(cmap = cmap, k = np.arange((len(other)+1)*len(species))) DAC = re['DAC'] hand=[] if separate_plots: n_cols = int(np.ceil(len(re['DAC'].columns)/2)) col = [colors[0] for a in range(len(re['DAC'].columns))] if self.scattercut is None: ax = DAC.plot(subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (12, 10), layout = (n_cols, 2), legend = False, color = col, sharex = False) a=ax.ravel() handles,labels=a[0].get_legend_handles_labels() hand.append(handles[-1]) elif isinstance(self.scattercut[0], numbers.Number): ax = DAC.loc[:self.scattercut[0], :].plot(subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (12, 10), layout = (n_cols, 2), legend = False, color = col, sharex = False) a=ax.ravel() handles,labels=a[0].get_legend_handles_labels() hand.append(handles[-1]) DAC_cut=DAC.loc[self.scattercut[1]:, :] for i,am in enumerate(DAC_cut.columns): DAC_cut.iloc[:,i].plot(ax = a[i], legend = False, color = col) else: scattercut = flatten(self.scattercut) for i in range(len(scattercut)/2+1): if i == 0: ax = DAC.loc[:scattercut[0], :].plot(subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (12, 10), layout = (n_cols, 2), legend = False, color = col, sharex = False) a=ax.ravel() handles,labels=a[0].get_legend_handles_labels() hand.append(handles[-1]) elif i<(len(scattercut)/2): for j,am in enumerate(ax): DAC.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i], :].plot(ax = a[j], legend = False, color = col, label = '_nolegend_') else: for j,am in enumerate(ax): DAC.loc[scattercut[-1]:, :].plot(ax = a[j], legend = False, color = col, label = '_nolegend_') else: if self.scattercut is None: ax = DAC.plot(subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (16, 8), legend = False, color = colors[:len(species)], label = '_nolegend_') elif isinstance(self.scattercut[0], numbers.Number): ax = DAC.loc[:self.scattercut[0], :].plot(subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (16, 8), legend = False, color = colors[:len(species)], label = '_nolegend_') ax = DAC.loc[self.scattercut[1]:, :].plot(ax=ax, subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (16, 8), legend = False, color = colors[:len(species)], label = '_nolegend_') else: scattercut = flatten(self.scattercut) for i in range(len(scattercut)/2+1): if i == 0: ax = DAC.loc[:scattercut[0], :].plot(subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (16, 8), legend = False, color = colors[:len(species)], label = '_nolegend_') elif i<(len(scattercut)/2): ax = DAC.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i], :].plot(ax=ax, subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (16, 8), legend = False, color = colors[:len(species)], label = '_nolegend_') else: ax = DAC.loc[scattercut[-1]:, :].plot(ax=ax, subplots = separate_plots, figsize = (16, 8), legend = False, color = colors[:len(species)], label = '_nolegend_') if other is not None: for i,o in enumerate(other): try: except: print('%s has no fitted results'%o.filename) continue re['DAC'].columns=[o.filename + '\n' + '%s'%a for a in re['DAC'].columns] if separate_plots: col=[colors[i+1] for a in range(len(re['DAC'].columns))] for j,am in enumerate(re['DAC'].columns): if o.scattercut is None: re['DAC'].iloc[:,j].plot(subplots=False,ax=a[j],legend=False,color=col[i]) if j==0: handles,labels=a[0].get_legend_handles_labels() hand.append(handles[-1]) elif isinstance(o.scattercut[0], numbers.Number): re['DAC'].iloc[:,j].loc[:o.scattercut[0]].plot(subplots=False,ax=a[j],legend=False,color=col[i]) if j==0: handles,labels=a[0].get_legend_handles_labels() hand.append(handles[-1]) re['DAC'].iloc[:,j].loc[o.scattercut[1]:].plot(subplots=False,ax=a[j],legend=False,color=col[i],label = '_nolegend_') else: scattercut = flatten(o.scattercut) for m in range(len(scattercut)/2+1): if m == 0: re['DAC'].iloc[:,j].loc[:scattercut[0]].plot(subplots=False,ax=a[j],legend=False,color=col[i]) if j==0: handles,labels=a[j].get_legend_handles_labels() hand.append(handles[-1]) elif m<(len(scattercut)/2): re['DAC'].iloc[:,j].loc[scattercut[2*m-1]:scattercut[2*m]].plot(subplots=False,ax=a[j],legend=False,color=col[i],label = '_nolegend_') else: re['DAC'].iloc[:,j].loc[scattercut[-1]:].plot(subplots=False,ax=a[j],legend=False,color=col[i],label = '_nolegend_') a[j].set_xlabel('Wavelength in nm') a[j].set_ylabel('Spectral strength in arb. units') a[j].legend(fontsize=8,frameon=False) else: dacs=len(re['DAC'].columns) col=colors[(i+1)*dacs:(i+2)*dacs] DAC=re['DAC'] if o.scattercut is None: ax = DAC.plot(subplots=separate_plots,ax=ax,legend=False,color=colors[(i+1)*len(species):(i+2)*len(species)]) elif isinstance(o.scattercut[0], numbers.Number): ax = DAC.loc[:o.scattercut[0], :].plot(subplots=separate_plots,ax=ax,legend=False,color=colors[(i+1)*len(species):(i+2)*len(species)]) DAC.loc[o.scattercut[1]:, :].plot(subplots=separate_plots,ax=ax,legend=False,color=colors[(i+1)*len(species):(i+2)*len(species)]) else: scattercut = flatten(o.scattercut) for i in range(len(scattercut)/2+1): if i == 0: ax = DAC.loc[:scattercut[0], :].plot(subplots=separate_plots,ax=ax,legend=False,color=colors[(i+1)*len(species):(i+2)*len(species)]) elif i<(len(scattercut)/2): ax = DAC.loc[scattercut[2*i-1]:scattercut[2*i], :].plot(subplots=separate_plots,ax=ax,legend=False,color=colors[(i+1)*len(species):(i+2)*len(species)]) else: ax = DAC.loc[scattercut[-1]:, :].plot(subplots=separate_plots,ax=ax,legend=False,color=colors[(i+1)*len(species):(i+2)*len(species)]) ax.set_xlabel('Wavelength in nm') ax.set_ylabel('Spectral strength in arb. units') ax.legend(fontsize=8,frameon=False) if not hasattr(ax,'__iter__'):ax=np.array([ax]) if spectra is not None: for a in ax: spectra.plot(ax=a,subplots=separate_plots) fig=(ax.ravel())[0].figure if separate_plots: fig.set_size_inches(12,10) axes_number=fig.get_axes() names=[self.filename] if other is not None: for o in other: names.append(o.filename) for i,ax in enumerate(axes_number): try: nametemp=['%s'%species[i] + ' - ' + a for a in names] ax.legend(hand,nametemp) except: pass else: ax=fig.get_axes()[0] names=[self.filename] if other is not None: for o in other: names.append(o.filename) handles,labels=ax.get_legend_handles_labels() nametemp=[] try: for a in names: for b in species: nametemp.append('%s'%b + ' - ' + a) ax.legend(handles,nametemp) except: pass fig.set_size_inches(16,8) fig.tight_layout() if self.save_figures_to_folder: fig.savefig(check_folder(path=self.figure_path,filename='compare_DAC.png'),bbox_inches='tight')